Reversed Parallel World‘s Messiah
1 Story Expansion
Back in the capital again, Mr. Suzette, who was gathering information, contacted me.
He's doing his best, in the midst of his work as a clerk.
He also got powerful information with the help of Mio's father, the ambassador.
The details came after we met, so we waited for her with anticipation and anxiety.
Powerful information can be a powerful weapon, but it should be just as dangerous.
That's why I care about her safety.
On the day of the appointment, Mr. Irene and I, the mayor of the town, went outside to welcome Mr. Suzette.
So much so that Mr. Suzette's carriage appeared safely in front of the mansion.
Me and Mr. Irene will pick you up as we rush over.
Same as last time, she comes right down from a slightly smaller carriage.
"Welcome back, Mr. Suzette. Safe and above all."
"Good day. Go inside."
"Oh, I'm home"
Mr. Suzette answered the two of us immediately, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Now let's go inside. We also have tea."
We all walked into the room.
In Mr. Irene's room, the maid makes me tea.
Waiting for her to leave the room, then Mr. Irene cut it out.
"This time, let me get down to business. What the hell kind of information did you get?
In Mr. Serious Irene's eyes, Mr. Suzette nods strangely, too.
"Oh. Apparently a mainstream minister promoting appearance discrimination told his wife about the separation. My wife... wasn't very good with her appearance."
and Mr. Irene snaps. He has also been persecuted for his appearance and is Mr. Irene, who created the city as a destination for similar women. After all, I guess I have something to think about.
I didn't actually get discriminated against. Even me, I think, is a terrible story.
"But I've just said divorce on the grounds of appearance in the midst of all this discrimination, and it's going to be hard to use that in itself."
I felt anger and more sadness floating in Mr. Irene's expression.
Mr. Suzette, who was asked, also gives a bitter look.
She is also the one who has managed to win her current position in it while being discriminated against in her appearance.
"Oh, I'm married and I broke up, so I guess I used her as a housewife and a power..."
Until then, naturally, I don't know. That's what's more, we need to get closer to those two surroundings......
"I hope it's some kind of secret that rocks ministers and mainstream people there"
"That there are secrets and yet another paragraph. If you don't know what type of weakness it is, it will be difficult to explore it."
You look difficult, and you two are worried.
"Nevertheless, I don't think I can get close to the minister"
I won't struggle if I can do that. Shortly after I broke up with my wife, I might get my hands on a new woman... seriously.
The minister is not the only one who broke up with his spouse.
"And if she doesn't have a public position,"
Mr. Irene speaks to me. I nodded small and saw them both. [M]
"What's going on?
Mr. Irene asks me when I speak up. [M]
"Well, if you're a broken up woman, what are you doing now?
"She - Annette seems to live in the mansion the minister gave her instead of the deposit. There are no human beings interested in her, only to the extent of rumors around the minister."
I knew it. She's not under that much strict protection.
"What's wrong with her?
I answer Mr. Suzette with my neck tilted, thinking.
"No, maybe that Mr. Annette knows something."
Mr. Suzette shrugged half-heartedly.
"The movement of the upper echelons, that's the minister's own secret"
"Sure, there might be a part of you that gets defenseless because you're home."
Mr. Irene nods at me.
"She's the same person we are, discriminated against for her appearance, so maybe she can help us"
"Let's meet Mr. Annette."
"It's the center, though. I can't really move to pee. There's no way I'm going anywhere to see her..."
"I'm coming."
Mr. Irene gave me a disturbing look when I nodded.
"But I can't believe we're going to the center. I don't really agree with that. Something I don't know what's there."
I guess for Mr Irene, who has been discriminated against for his appearance, there is no good image in the centre of the country. But that's why I think I should go.
"If it's a rare dark eyed brunette, Mr. Annette might be interested."
Mr. Irene, who shrugged, looked me straight in the eye and nodded.
"Right...... Even now, thanks to Tomo-kun, it's getting better."
"Mr. Irene."
He entrusted me with an important role, and I strained myself.
You have to meet Mr. Annette at all costs and get information from her.
"Right. Tomoaki would be easy to infiltrate. Of course, we need to figure out a way."
I bow my head forcefully with determination.
"Oh, oh..."
You've got too much momentum, though Mr. Suzette seems to have gotten a little in trouble.
"Well, let's think about how we can infiltrate."
Finish the discussion and divide up.
"Right. Let's keep it that way today."
Mr. Irene turns his attention to Mr. Suzette.
"You must be tired, right? I'll get you a bath, so take your time."
"Oh, that helps"
As soon as the bath was ready, the maid went to get it, so we broke it up once.
I tried to go back to my room, too, but I was curious about Mr. Irene's condition.
After we talked about me going to the center? [M] He seemed a little depressed.
Though I'm going to be back soon, it doesn't make a difference that I'm going away. Before heading to the center, I wanted to get rid of her worries.
I change my destination and head to Mr. Irene's room. [M] I knocked three times and called on her.
"Mr. Irene?
"What's wrong, Tomo-kun?"
When I visited the room, she invited me in with her neck tilted.
"I don't know, I feel a little cheerful."
Mr. Irene didn't think, he spoke out like that, blushing his cheeks.
"It's, uh..."
"Say anything. I can help you."
Try to stretch your back a little and strain your chest. so that she can talk to you safely.
"It's not a big deal. I'm just worried that Tomo-kun will go to the center, a little... yeah, I miss him a lot."
"Mr. Irene......"
I couldn't help but think of my love and embrace her.
As she leans over her body, her soft breasts are reshaped and pressed.
swelling feeling of motherhood and her sweet smell.
I should have hugged you from here, but it looks like you're wrapped up in her.
"Tomo-kun, be careful, okay?
"Yes. Be sure to grab some information and come back safely"
Mr. Irene nodded in his arms.
Love her so hard that she forgets her loneliness.
Until I get back from the center, let's carve it up so it won't disappear.
That's what I think, I direct Mr. Irene to bed.
She nodded her eyes and put her strength into the hand that would surely hold me. But behind those eyes, I still felt lonely.
More, I need to be excited enough to forget how lonely I am. Like I've never done before.
That's right.
"Mr. Irene, would you like to step outside for a moment?
Pushing softly on Mr. Irene's back, we went out of the mansion.