Reversed Parallel World‘s Messiah
6 Stories Negotiations with the Queen
One step ago, Mr. Irene took off his mask, so I took it for granted.
She speaks in a voice that passes.
"My name is Irene Barr Button. I'm the mayor of a city called Blossom."
Mr. Irene took a small breath and said in a clear voice.
"It's a sudden favor, but I want you to recognize our city, Blossom."
Beyond the curtain, I can see the queen's voice has changed slightly.
Silhouette stopped moving and seemed to be trying to peek this one in.
From here, I don't see Queen Isabel. What about from the other side?
Maybe I can see something with special fabrics and magic. Or did you get interested and try to snoop in?
"Blossom is a city where people who have lost their homes and places because of appearance discrimination live. However, it has not yet been properly recognized as a city by the country because it was recently made."
"Oh, I've heard it too. Well, your lord is the mayor there."
The queen nodded as she understood.
"Our city will never be recognized in today's government, which promotes appearance discrimination. And I don't know when they'll kick me out again as it is. It's the only place for us."
Mr. Irene cut the words there and now breathed heavily in.
"So please, I'd like to help Her Majesty. To defeat the mainstream today, to abolish appearance discrimination and to make you recognize our city"
Mr. Irene bowed his head deeply. I immediately imitate and bow my head. [M]
"So, is there? I see, I understand your Lord's plea."
The silhouette moves slightly. The words that followed felt like Mr. Isabel's feelings were on board, not just those of being a queen.
"I'm going to figure out a little bit about the struggle with appearance discrimination, too. I also know how the Lord feels."
I accidentally hold my fist like a gutspaw at her words like she showed me understanding.
Yes, Isabelle is also Edith's mother.
Then you can help us, too.
Isabelle's voice, which was uttered shortly afterwards, had no more temperature.
That's a cold, position statement.
"The government today has a very great deal of power. It is not for me to defeat the Lord. If we do that, what happens to the people? If we lose our current government, this country could be confused. It doesn't necessarily mean that a minority trying to get rid of appearance discrimination has the ability to put the country together and run it properly."
The shadow of the queen shakes her head to the side.
"As queen, I can't easily ride a bet like that. I can understand the Lord's feelings, but working with empathy there -"
"Oh, you're so gloomy already!
Karan, and throw down the mask, and Mr. Edith, who came forward, rips off the curtain.
"Don't hide there, come out properly"
"Hey, what are you doing!? I'm - Edith?
"Long time no see, Mother."
That is an unnatural call from Mr. Edith's wording and behavior. But for that matter, I felt like I was just a mother and daughter, not a queen and a daughter.
"Oh, is that Edith... I am"
Mr. Isabel notices us behind him and hurries to hide his face. And I tried to say something.
"You don't have to. Your sister and Tomo are both residents of Blossom, right? You don't have to fake your mother, either."
"So, is there..."
Nod and get out of the way that Mr. Isabel was hiding his face.
I was surprised earlier, but once again, I was surprised.
Isabelle's hair is the same golden color as Edith's. That's convincing.
The face is also somewhat similar, although there is a difference between Edith's cuteness and Isabelle's beauty. I know that well, too.
What surprised me was Isabelle's youth.
She doesn't look very good to her mother. Wouldn't it be closer to my sister in one way or another?
A distant sister about ten years old, I can best be convinced to be told.
Mr. Isabel's clothes are also highly exposed, as are all the women in this country.
From there, the peeking skin seemed firm, and the large breasts highlighted by the valley also emitted a luscious appeal.
I was seen by Isabelle, and I rushed back to her face. Then she looked at me and looked at me. Mr. Isabel rushes away from me. [M]
But by the way, Mr. Isabel seemed to be looking all over me. Even from the queen's girlfriend, are dark eyed brunettes unusual?
No, it may have been unusual for her to see it as it was and to have a man up under her nose. Hey, maybe I bumped my gaze too hard.
To Mr. Edith's voice, everyone's gaze moves to her.
"Your sister's city - Blossom is the last place for us. So please, just admit it to the city? Anything else that's lost its place can get away with it..."
"Ugh, um..."
A stray arises in Mr. Isabel's voice. Mr. Edith, who is stared at, had taken that gaze with perseverance.
"Edith, you're doing fine."
The squeaking voice belonged to Mr. Isabel as his mother, not in the position of queen.
Called in, Mr. Irene leaves forward.
"I thank you as my mother for Edith. - Thank you so much."
Seeing Mr. Irene nodding and Mr. Isabel bowing his head, Mr. Edith turned around tickling.
"I want to admit it to the city, too. However, it is difficult in a government as it is now because it is made up of thorough appearance discrimination"
Mr. Isabel's lost eyes were mixed with his thoughts as an individual and his position as a queen.
And including about Mr. Edith, Isabelle is the one who has ever tried to be right as a queen by killing herself. So...
Mr. Irene called on me and nodded.
Shortly after I made the promise to marry her, I remember what I was told.
"I want you to love a woman other than me."
'The children in this city do not know love... Tomo-kun loved me yesterday, and I found out how wonderful love is.'
Mr. Isabel is not in Blossom. But I thought it was the same.
Even if I could hide my unfavourable appearance, I didn't like it. If you're royal, marriage is naturally something that involves family and politics. That's not necessarily happiness.
But in Mr. Isabel's case, it must have been a fake relationship.
I wanted Isabelle, who has been hiding what she really is and pushing herself to death, to get it back the way it was.
And there's only one thing I can do.
"Mr. Isabel, have sex with me."
"Mm?... thank you. Again, can you say it?
"Have sex with me."
Staring straight at Mr. Isabel, I said.
"Master Tomo has been saving the blossom women with sex. Love us and set us free."
"So, is there? Uhm."
Mr. Isabel seemed half-hearted, but he saw me and was spitting.
In this world, women are more sexually active. The man says he's not very aggressive, and I guess she's not happy with her sex life either.
Mr. Edith approached Mr. Isabel and whispered.
"Besides, Master Tomo is stunning with giant roots. Unlike other men. Very..."
"I see... thank you"
Mr. Isabel spit on Mr. Edith, who clouded his words. That gaze leads to my groin.
Her cheeks are red, and her breath is a little rough. When I think of a beautiful woman looking at her groin that way, I react a little bit, too.
Mr. Isabel coughs and speaks out to remain dignified.
"Fine. Allow me to have sex with you. That way, I might know how the Blossoms feel."
Though the words were firm, Mr. Isabelle had a slight thick crotch. When I look at her like that, I want to live up to my expectations. Makes me want her to feel a cup better.
"That's settled. So long, sister. Shall we go outside for a little while?"
"Yeah. Right. Your Majesty, I beg your pardon."
To Ms Irene's greeting, Mr Isabel replies.
As they left the room, Mr. Isabel stared straight at me.
"Well, then, Mr. Isabel. Shall we go to bed?"
"Oh, yeah"
I took her hand like an escort.