Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 126 Captured (3/3)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 125

I have to say that Ainilu's attack power is definitely one of the best in the entire Pirate World.

In terms of output, he can stand in place to attack targets several kilometers away, or even dozens of kilometers away, which is already the distance of a short-range missile.

In the entire One Piece world, there has not yet been a person with such a long-range attack—if the tsunami earthquake caused by the shaking fruit of the white beard is included, there are only two people in total.

The problem is not how far their attack distance is. In fact, the red dog can also attack places dozens of miles away, and his big fire can form lava shells for long-range attacks.

But he couldn't see it a few kilometers away.

His target is what you see is what you get, which is a distance of several hundred meters to thousands of meters.

The same is true for the Yellow Ape. The Flash Fruit’s attack ability is farther. Although there is refraction and scattering in the air, it is laser light. It is not difficult to attack a target dozens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers away.

But during the war at the top, he attacked Luffy and the others who were running away. After a few kilometers, all the attacks were missed. Either he had a revolution in mind and was Dragon’s highest spy in the navy, or he had seen and heard. Sebaqi couldn't reach that far, and his eyesight couldn't find the Straw Hat Pirate Group and the Red Heart Pirate Group. They could only try their luck with a wide range of firepower saturation attacks.

Everyone was actually misled by the distance of Ainilu's horror heart network.

Most people’s domineering experience can cover a distance of about 20 meters, which is very good. For example, after Luffy came out of the mountain, the domineering range of seeing and hearing went straight to 50 meters. It's between one kilometer and two kilometers, and you can't hit it even if you can't see it.

However, the heart network of Aini Road covers at least half of Gaya Island. If calculated according to the Gaya Island in the Qinghai Sea, it has an area of ​​at least 50 kilometers.

Coupled with his thunder, his quasi and fierce attack made him occupy the top three position in the entire One Piece world.

The other two said that he couldn't fight, but so far, even if the aunt is still Kaido, he may be stronger in combat and have a thicker skin than him, but he is still not as accurate as he is, and he can fight far and hard.

And for such a person, it would be more troublesome to fight with Eagle Eyes and the three generals in close hands, but when facing a more level opponent, he shows absolute strength like crushing.

I saw that Smogg and Tina were scorched black at the same time, their bodies blooming with fleshy smell, and they lost the whites in their eyes and fell to the ground.

Just as Anilu said, since Smogg is holding the iron rod, there must be entities exposed. When it becomes white smoke, it is not to dodge the enemy's attack, but to speed up his actions. .

That would be easier.

A large amount of thunder and lightning ran directly at his hands holding the iron rod, and then spread from both hands to his body.

As for Tina whose body cannot be elementalized, it is even worse.

She and Smogg enjoyed the same treatment. In order to be afraid of their arrogance, Anilu increased the output of the current by a few points. The two of them lost their control of their muscles in a few seconds. , And then lost his consciousness after two seconds.

"Yehahahaha...Is this the elite of the navy headquarters?"

He opened his hands and laughed, his unique laughter resounded wildly on the deck.

The navy of the entire ship surged onto the deck, blocking the deck.

"Retreat to me, miscellaneous soldiers." Ainilu stopped smiling, playing with Smogg's ten hands, and found the mechanism of this thing at the top.

"Hailoushi," a disdainful expression appeared on his face: "It suits you well..." He put his ten hands on the chest of Smogg who wanted to get up, and Smogg suddenly sounded from the deck. The screams came.Girls Classmates Network

The current rushed to the strong Smogg along the ten hands instantly, twitching Smogg's body electrically like a loach.

The most terrifying part of the Nature Department is not the element words, but the ability to create these elements out of thin air.

It is precisely because of this that the Pika of Shishiguo is so powerful but not the natural type, and Kata Kuri is the only person with the special superhuman demon fruit ability that can make rice cakes.

This is probably the fruit awakening.

But all in all, the natural devil fruit can make these things out of thin air, such as Smogg's smoke-although he has never used this trick, such as the electric current produced by Anilu.

After leaving his body, these electric currents are no longer devil fruits, and will no longer be wiped out by Hailoushi.

So Smogg will naturally suffer some pain.

"Let go of Colonel!" A group of navies held guns nervously and "confronted" Ainilu, their own illusion made Ainilu very upset.

So after snapping his fingers, there was no one standing on the entire deck.

"This ship... shouldn't it sink him?" Ainilu thought.

Smogg's ten hands were like plasticine in his hands, slowly turning into the shape that Anilu liked-a thick and long metal stick.

"Or are there any secrets that I don't know?" Ainilu inserted the long stick on the deck, turned into lightning, and floated towards the cabin. He had long been accustomed to and liked the feeling of freedom. .

Smogg and Tina were wriggling hard on the deck, their purpose was the iron rod on the deck.

That should have been Smogg's ten hands, it was the only thing they could turn around now.

"It's all because of your fault, Small." The two of them took Ainilu's most powerful attack because of the difference in importance. Now they can still crawl and have a very strong physical fitness.

"Save some energy..." Smogg slowly got up and grabbed the iron rod, but his other hand also caught the iron rod in his sight.

"Do you like my new weapon? Yehahaha!"

Aniluo asked Small, winking.

Two minutes later, Smog and Tina were like two dead fishes, and they were placed sideways on Smog's car: Amphibious three-wheeled motorcycle Billunda, Aini Road, clasped in navy stone handcuffs. With a cheer, a car full of cargo walked towards the location of Leo's battleship.

When Leo at three o'clock in the afternoon, he took Dasqi and Ace back to his boat.

Seeing Smogg and Tina who were tied under the mast were stunned... they fell into doubts about life.

Who am I, where am I, and why are they on board.

PS: 15,000 recommended votes plus more.

PS1: Let me spare today, there is no drop left.

PS2: 4 more tomorrow.