Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 166: The Foundation of Standing (2/3)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 165

Leo turned his head and looked at the cloaked people standing outside the crowd with a happy smile on his face.

You are finally here!

He replied sensibly: "Of course it is because of inadequate ideological education that some people have this kind of idea, right?"

"The revolutionary fighters we choose, shouldn't the first element have sufficient revolutionary consciousness?"

"If he wants to abandon the people, abandon the revolution, betray his own class, use the force of the revolution to rise to power and become an oppressor and exploiter again, then the people should choose other people with revolutionary consciousness to continue to overthrow him. Rule."

"[Our] will is not important." Leo stared at the other person who was surrounded in the center like a falcon, that is, the person who spoke just now said: "The important thing is them, it is the will of the people. "

"We did not emerge from the stone."

"We were born because of their selection, their support, their desire, their substitute, their will, their pinnacle of force."

Leo spread out his hand and listened carefully to the class around him, including Smogg and Tina, "It's just that they are unconscious, they are unprepared, they are unconscious, they are Blind, can only long for the savior who descended from the sky to help oneself."

"And after we have been ideologically armed, we must not only arm ourselves, but also arm them so that they understand that we are them, they are us!"

Leo’s words made the dragon, the big bear, and Ivankov’s goose bumps blow up.

The revolutionary army has never heard of such a systematic and sharp revolutionary thought. It seems that the two lines of the governor and the governor have been opened in an instant. They instantly understand their existence, understand why they want to fight the navy, and understand their existence. the value of.

This theory is far inferior in theory to the various representatives, thoughts, and theories in Leo’s original world, but it is simple and straightforward, and can be accepted by everyone, especially the revolutionaries. Our pioneers accepted Leo's theory very easily, and figured out many reasons that they couldn't figure out before.

Then I realized that their previous practices of raising orphans were actually wrong.

It's not that it's wrong to raise orphans, but that it's not right for them to just revolutionize themselves, and to ask for orders to the people is to use the subjective initiative of the oppressed.

If they themselves are not proactive in overthrowing those who oppress them, why should they take the initiative to help them overthrow this kind of regime?

What Long just asked is actually a problem that the revolutionary army has always had in the revolutionary army: many people they go to help are not very enthusiastic, and even use them as a tool to bargain with the king’s government. Once they reach their mentality After requesting them, they abandoned the revolutionary army, and even retaliated against it.

This has always been the biggest problem faced by the revolutionary army. After all, not every kingdom is as stupid as the Goya kingdom, and the lower-level supporters are torched and forced to board the ship.

Now Leo's words made them suddenly realize, and they suddenly started.Kiss novels

If the ideological education is not in place, even if a certain kingdom is successfully overturned, these guys will become new squeezers, and when they are strong enough, they will use the revolutionary army as a counterweight and easily betray them.

The thinking becomes clear at a glance.

Long he came out more and more, came to Leo, stretched out his hand, his face showed a grinning smile with the terrible tattoos: "Hello, get to know, I am a dragon, Monkey D dragon."

"Leo." Leo laughed, stretched out his palm, and held him tightly: "The revolutionary army on the great route, it's nice to meet you, Dragon."

Long grinned: "I can see it!"

"Boys, the banquet is on to welcome our new brother!"

Long turned his head and shouted loudly at the revolutionary army.

He deserves to be Luffy's father. Sometimes his style and Luffy's style are almost passed down in the same line. The revolutionary army raised their hands high and yelled: "Oh!!"

"Wow, it seems that I came here by a coincidence!" I only saw a fire man descending from the sky, holding a lean man with a figure tied into a firewood in his hand: it was a man with a red nose like a clown. Guys.

The revolutionary army showed excellent psychological quality and combat literacy. They were all on guard in an instant and pulled out muskets and knives, but the man fell directly behind Leo and threw the sturdy clown behind him. On the ground: "This guy is really difficult. As expected, he is the one who ate the fruit torn apart. If it wasn't the way you said, I'm afraid he would let him escape."

"Damn, do you know who I am? I'm Bucky the Clown! Don't give me a chance, or I will kill you!" Bucky the clown, who was thrown on the ground with messy limbs and unable to control himself, yelled frantically, he It’s not a joke. In the first journey of Straw Hat, this guy was the most murderous and wicked one. Anyone killed him on the spot. Someone dared to disobey him. He was shot immediately. The residents of the small town did nothing. , A whole row of houses were ruined by his mood.

It can be said that Bucky the Clown is the most realistic image of a pirate. Although he has insufficient combat effectiveness in the later stage, he is madly pretending to be crazy and active to gain space, but it is only because he can't do it, not because he doesn't want to do it. Not enough, he can only pull up Roger and the red-haired tiger skins to fool the pirates who don't enter the stream.

It's not that what he did can be forgiven.

Leo found him not for anything else, but for the formula of the bucky bomb. Once that thing is mass-produced, the Navy’s advantage over the sea will be wiped out, unless the Navy finds a way to develop and use bomb rocks. In naval battles, I am afraid it will not be able to match the revolutionary army.

This is the same as the natural devil fruit, which is a strategic weapon.

If it weren't for the dragons and their power to be more important, Leo would definitely get the basics of Pakistan.

Now Ainilu and Ace have searched for a whole month, and their domineering and heart-net fighting have improved a lot, and they finally caught Bucky on the same day they arrived.

A bright smile appeared on Leo's face.

"Today is really a double happiness. It won't work if you don't have a banquet!" Leo turned his head and exclaimed, "The party is here! Little ones!"

PS: The second one, now I’m going to write the third one. In fact, this book is quite cool to write, mainly because it has been written smoothly. Although theoretically I don’t dare to write too much for fear of harmony, the plot is still very smooth. It’s a bit smoother than the original, and the conditions were not very good when it was put on the shelves, but through hard work, you can barely reach the level of 3,000 a month. I will work hard to update, and after adjusting the timeline, I will save more.