Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 169 Set Sail to Fight (2/2)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 168

This is the purpose of the revolutionary army who came here to carry food.

The number of Revolutionary Army Leo is not clear, but it is clear that they consume more food every month.

But the biggest difference between the revolutionary army and the pirates is that the revolutionary army has its own revolutionary base area, its own rear area, its own base area, and a place to settle down.

They can grow slowly, or in a safer way.

For example, Sabo, he is almost a genius who stands out.

The benefits of such a safe place are beyond doubt.

In other words, the revolutionary army can maintain the battle with the navy, and the new blood provided by this security is the reason.

This is the same as the Navy’s general training organization. Each level of the navy will conduct advanced studies and training. For example, Dasqi learned domineering after becoming a general officer under Smogg. Although most G5 officers will practice domineering, but There are still very few really proficient users.

It can be said that the generals and the domineering are complementary-you will naturally get a rapid promotion when you reach a certain level of combat power, and after you reach a certain position, you will naturally be trained.

The navy has a complete system.

The opposite is also true of the revolutionary army.

Whether it is the four commanders of the east, west, north, south, or the chief of the general staff, they are almost all new cadres who have been promoted in the last ten years. They are completely different from the founders of Long, Xiong, and Ivan.

This system is why the revolutionary army has sprung up in just a dozen years.

And to support this system, of course, more food is needed.

The revolutionary army does not have the conditions of the navy, but it has its own unique methods.

For example, the ability to develop Devil Fruit, such as practicing domineering.

Although their strength is far inferior to the Four Emperors, they are above the Seven Martial Seas, and they are a great late-stage force comparable to Amazon Lily.

In addition to ships, this force only needs food to maintain its population, or a certain sword to protect its own force.

Guns are for ordinary soldiers, but the backbone cadres have no weapons on their bodies.

After careful observation, Leo came to a conclusion. Behind him, Lafayette leaned on his crutch and sword and looked at the revolutionary army in Leo's mouth with interest, but he couldn't see anything for the time being.

"What about the dragon." Leo asked Ivankov on his own initiative.

"Long Jiang went to explore the surroundings. His ability has always been the fastest among us, so all the investigations are left to him. Unexpectedly, as our leader, he is actually a scout."

Ivankov is 4 meters forty-nine meters tall, and his head is close to 2 meters. Standing beside Leo like a giant, he looked at Leo with a condescending smile and said, if Leo knew his character, he knew him. People, I'm afraid he will be scared to death when he meets.Qiyan Reading

Another taller figure next to him came over unknowingly and blocked the sun. He had a book in his hand and a serious expression on his face. He was 6.89 meters tall and he was even better than Ivankov. More than two heads high, the huge body is full of oppression just standing there, directly blocking all the sunlight like a wall.

Leo stood at a height of one and eighty-five meters by his side, but he was only close to his thigh. He dropped his body and bowed gently to Leo: "Thank you."

Thank him for saving his life, thank him for not letting him go to death.

"Don't be so polite, aren't we companions?" Leo smiled heartily: "But I felt real after seeing you. As meat eaters, you are really willing to give up your privileged position for the people. Come to this hopeless gamble."

"It's really admirable." Leo didn't lie, because if he had just crossed over, after he became a feudal emperor, he even had the strength of Qiwuhai such as Xiong and Ivankov. It is absolutely impossible to abandon all the thoughts of devoting to revolution.

The so-called weakness and compromise of Bourgeois is one such thing.

Only after he was truly at the bottom and stepped into the soil by the Tianlongren could he understand how precious and bizarre the comfort and disease-free groan that was supposed to be in his previous life.

Only the drowning person knows the solidity of the land, only the prisoner knows the preciousness of freedom, and only the deep down can understand the hard-won fruits of the revolution.

In this regard, Leo is inferior to Ivankov and Xiong in revolutionary consciousness.

The two were moved by Leo's sincerity, and they were abandoned for a while. No one had affirmed them with such a high evaluation, and even people within the revolutionary army could not understand their choice.

Now that an outsider agrees with them so much, how can they not be moved?

When the three of them were speechless for a while, a storm suddenly rose out of thin air, and the figure of the dragon appeared in the storm out of thin air.

He blew a sharp whistle and awakened everyone: "Giving up food and preparing to evacuate, my father... Lieutenant General Karp and a general are coming here, our whereabouts are exposed. "

For a while, everyone looked at Leo and them very vigilantly. For them, this incident was too coincidental. It was like a time difference between inside and outside, which could almost confirm Leo's notice to the navy.

"It's not them, don't think too much, go!" Long whispered, his prestige was extremely high, and in just a few words, everyone dropped the sacks in their hands and rushed towards his boat. .

The people of Frost Moon Village hid in their homes one after another, watching this scene with fear. They would eventually encounter ghosts after they walked too long at night. After they supported the revolutionary army, they finally let the navy come to the door.

"Wait, bear." Leo suddenly grabbed the bear's clothes.

The Bassoromi bear was very gentle. He didn't break free, but slowly stopped, turned his head, and showed a questioning expression.

"Wait no matter how you fight, don't show up. I have a plan for you to participate." Now Leo can't say so much for the time being, so he can only tell Xiong first.

If it is an enemy, his two words can make the revolutionary army go to the right arm, but the two Basoromi bear and Ivankov heard are not at all confused, just nodded, expressing that they know, and they are Aboard the boat.

"Inform Nami and them, prepare to set sail and welcome the arrival of the navy heroes."

Leo laughed and spoke to Lafayette behind him.

PS: Huh... there may be a third update.But don't wait.