Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 183 Dinner (1/3)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 182

It is not surprising to encounter Hawkeye in this place.

It is not surprising what kind of situation is encountered in the great route.

You can meet people with natural thunder fruit ability like Aini Road on the sky island, and you can also meet the boss hidden behind the scenes: Moonlight Moria.

And sitting at home and being able to meet Mi Hawk, the world's first swordsman, came to his home as a guest. Obviously, luck can't be better-provided you are strong enough.

If your strength is like those of ordinary Baroque studio agents, then their mood will definitely not get better.

But if the strength is for people like Dragon, Anilu, and Ace, they are more likely to regard this encounter as a good luck.

They can finally enjoy a powerful battle for a while.


"Are you going?" Leo looked at Sauron next to him and asked.

"Of course!" The one with the most fighting spirit among all people is not Ani Luaisi and the others, but Sauron, who is standing next to Leo, exuding astonishing fighting spirit.

Even though he had just gone through a fierce battle, even though his body was all stab wounds intermittently, even though his current state is far from the best, but... he still has to go.

"The target is right in front of you. If I don't even fight, I would be a swordsman." Sauron's answer was extremely ambitious, making Da Siqi look at him with complicated eyes.

The more she understands Sauron, the more she admires him. He is a pure swordsman, and he will surely make great achievements in the future. He is indeed a powerful swordsman, even a great swordsman—— When he still had to challenge Hawkeye with a stubborn body, and apparently had already made the consciousness of fighting to death.

The person in front of him was already a great swordsman.

The brilliance on his body made her look sideways and made her shameless.

This is the respect of a pure swordsman when facing a purer swordsman.

"Let him come over!" Leo decided to complete Sauron. He shouted loudly. His voice penetrated the air. After hearing his voice, the three people with domineering experience suddenly reduced their momentum. The sky suddenly changed, slowly returning to a clear sky.

It was the first time that Nami next to her saw the full release of actions among those with natural devil fruit abilities. This was simply subverting her understanding of being a navigator.

Can human beings do this?

Nami was amazed, Big Bear was also amazed, and Feng Kelei was even more amazed.

The three natural demon fruit abilities, at such a time of fighting spirit, let go of their willfulness and chose to believe in Leo's choice, and did not take it casually...

Is this the revolutionary army?Is this the leader of the Revolutionary Army Leo?Is this the power his idol Ivankov serves?

It just made him get up all over!

The dragon itself does not want to fight very much. Leo is Ace’s great benefactor. He obeys Leo’s words. Ainilu used to take charge of the two hot potatoes of Smog and the others without authorization. I am a little sorry Leo, so they are all together. He closed his hand.

The strong guys here closed their hands together, and the eagle eyes facing the three natural devil fruit abilities were all a little surprised.

In this sea, those who can possess three natural devil fruit abilities, apart from the navy, even the four emperors cannot gather together. What kind of force is this, actually stationed in the first half of the great route?

He had just come here to spend a look, fix a little holiday, and change some necessities-after all, he was also a pirate hunter before becoming Qiwuhai, and the whiskey peaks where pirate hunters got together are actually quite familiar. But I didn't expect but I didn't expect to hit this kind of force.

He also slowly gathered his aura, and in the midst of pondering, a fierce sword intent came from the port, and the fighting spirit was surging like a flame, constantly inviting him.

A smile appeared on Hawkeye's stern face.

"That's it, it's interesting!" He sat on the round boat and gently moved the scimitar-like oar. The boat rides the wind and waves like a speedboat, coming here quickly.Please see the novel website

On the big ship parked in the harbor, several people with natural devil fruit ability looked at him like this.

Hawkeye only glanced at them, then set his gaze on the shore of the harbor.

There, the fighting spirit became more and more hot, surging, and surging, so that Hawkeye couldn't help the fighting spirit.

Before Qi Wuhai, he was a swordsman first. In this world, there are too few swordsman dying in fire.

The Four Emperors used a lot of weapons, but the swordsman only had the red hair, and in the Seven Martial Seas, there were many strong men, but he was the only swordsman, and it was natural for the two to become friends.

Among the eleven Supernovas that followed, many used swords, but Sauron was the only sword hero.

In the most vulgar words: the master is lonely, but the lonely seeks defeat.

What he asked for was a challenger in kendo.

Among the most of the pirates he killed, there are countless swords, but there is no one who can be regarded as a swordsman or a sword magnate...

Now that a new challenger has appeared besides the red hair, how can this not make him happy?

His boat slowly docked in the port, and he also took a Spanish hat and windbreaker onto the concrete pavement of the port.

"Let me go!" Da Siqi suddenly cried beside Sauron.

"Don't be kidding, I won't give this opportunity to anyone." Sauron tore his kerchief from the wound, wrapped it in a knot on his head.

His wounds began to bleed again, but he didn't bother to pay attention to that kind of thing, his eyes were extremely focused, only Hawkeye.

What he looked at was not Hawkeye, not Mihawk, but the world's No. 1 swordsman, and the throne of the world's No. 1 swordsman. It was his long-cherished wish and the promise of his life and Guina.

Even if he died, he would never back down.

Leo couldn't help but think of a Tianjin dialect in his mind.

"Huo Yuanjia, when are you first in Tianjin?"

"Today, just today!"

Sauron, when did you become the best swordsman in the world?

It's still a bit too early.

"Get out and give the venue to them."

Leo said to Big Bear, Feng Klei, Nami, and Da Siqi.

Mr.1 dragged his scarred body with his hand and slowly came to the port, watching Sauron pull out the three knives and walk towards Hawkeye in surprise.

"Is this Jianhao?" he muttered to himself.

"I completely lost." He smiled bitterly, at this moment, convinced.

Hawkeye pulled out his black knife silently, pointed at Sauron and said: "Boy, report your name."

PS: I worked hard for three shifts today, but it was a bit difficult, because my mom will go back to my hometown tomorrow, and there are a lot of things today.

PS1: Anyway, you don’t have to wait for the third shift. I want to make up tomorrow if I don’t write it out. The monthly ticket is 800, and the recommended ticket is 45,000. Two more shifts are required. The fourth shift is the same.

PS2: In addition, you should have discovered that the title of the book has been changed.