Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 191 Revolutionary Army Assembly (2/2)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 190 Revolutionary Army Assembly (22)

"You said Mr. Long, they found someone with the same idea as ours? There is another person who claims to be my brother?" A young boy with short blond hair showed a burn on the right side of his face and showed an incomprehensible expression: "Long That’s how Mr. believes it? Didn’t Mr. Big Bear and Mr. Iwan stop Mr. Long?"

The revolutionary army who came back to the base area of ​​the Great Air Route wore a bitter smile on their faces and shook their heads helplessly: "Sabo, if you could see the man's performance at that time, you would not be surprised by his infectious power."

"The people in the whole village would rather give up their lives and follow us out to sea. They are soldiers with revolutionary consciousness. They have not undergone any training, but they have very good potential." His words showed Sabo's face. With a surprised expression.

"Is it so outrageous?" As someone who grew up in the Revolutionary Army since childhood, Sabo knows how difficult it is to mobilize ordinary people. Even in the Revolutionary Army, there are many people who are small and wealthy. They have the revolution. After the base area and certain achievements, many people relax and feel that the next step is to slowly come to the art of art.

But obviously they were wrong. The entire revolutionary army was fatally hit five years later. Their proud bases and bases were destroyed by the navy after they were discovered.

In the original work, it is not clear whether they voluntarily abandon the base or passively abandon the base, but seeing that the revolutionary army was desperately gathering the cadres of the Four Seas Revolutionary Army to break into the Holy Land Mary Gioia, I knew how the revolutionary army was hit hard.

Perhaps the revolutionary army has plans, but real wars and struggles are by no means such desperate gambling and speculation.

From here, we can guess how embarrassing the situation of the revolutionary army was.

Sabo also thinks they are a bit problematic, but he has no way to criticize those small and wealthy guys. They are revolutionary army, comrades-in-arms, family members and partners. It is natural that normal people do not have the consciousness to criticize internal struggles.

In fact, when they became a family, they changed from a revolutionary organization to a family with a warm and affectionate line. But the revolution is not a dinner party, no making a fuss, not painting and embroidering. It can't be so elegant, so leisurely, gentle, gentle and courteous. .

The essence of a revolution is a riot, a violent action by one class to overthrow another class.

Therefore, to win in the competition, you must pounce on the target like a cheetah, mobilize all your strength, and use speed, agility and coldness to win the competition.

The nature of this riot was cruel and cruel to the outside, but it was the same inside.

If someone in your own people thinks that revolution is just a treat for dinner, then you should invite them out and ask them to leave. They will no longer be our comrades and our companions.

If people cannot clearly recognize this, they will eventually fall behind on the road of revolution and lose out in the competition.

Now the path of the dragon is too warm, and the dragon’s revolutionary army has cultivated children not only innocent but also like a family since childhood, and their ideological consciousness cannot keep up. The relationship with the dragon and them is more like that of feudalism: military Treat me as a scholar, and I serve as a scholar.

It's not that this is bad, but that they are actually soldiers who lack ideological awareness. In terms of ideological awareness, they are not even as good as the villagers of Cocoyashi Village.

"It's really interesting. Suddenly I really want to see him. This time I will go and have a look with you."

As if remembering something, Sabo asked the man, "By the way, what is the name of the guy who claims to be my brother."

"He said his name is Ace, and you are the brother of Baiba." The revolutionary army said with a smile.

Hearing this familiar name, Sabo just felt a sharp pain in his head, as if something exploded in his mind.Fate Novel

He has always lost his memory, but he hates his parents, the world government, and the world aristocracy. He even thinks he has no family members other than his parents.

Such a name that suddenly appeared in front of him and said that they were brothers instantly caused him to remember.

He finally remembered that the more intimate relationship with other than the blood relationship is the guys named brothers.

His two brothers, Luffy and Ace...

"Hey, Sabo! What's wrong with you! Don't scare me!"

Seeing tears suddenly and slowly flowing down Sabo's face, the revolutionary army panicked, grabbing Sabo's shoulders and shaking: "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Sabo wiped his eyes with his sleeve, then smiled brightly at him.

"I remembered, I remembered everything, thank you." Sabo grabbed his shoulder, very hard, and it hurt him: "I do have a brother named Ace!"

In the original book, he just had a headache after hearing Ace, and did not study it carefully, but when Leo made it clear and told you "Your brother is Ace", if he can't remember it again, he will never remember it. Ace is.

"Let's go now, I can't wait to see them!" Sabo's face had a happy expression, but his eyes were calm.

Obviously this thing is weird from beginning to end, how did the other party know that they are brothers?At that time, only a few people in the local area knew about this. Even if he got the news from some accidental channel, how did he find and conquer Ace to make him believe this information?

Taking a step back, the above conditions are all met and established. How likely is it that such a person happens to be a revolutionary army?

Sabo would rather believe that he is a senior CP0 of the world government, dedicated to the cadres of the revolutionary army.

He turned his head and began to contact the cadres scattered all over the world, and this is his demeanor as the chief of the general staff of the revolutionary army.

"So there is such a thing in it? Very good, Sabo, don't worry, we will definitely be ready." She was wearing a miniskirt, black silk suspenders on her slender thighs, and there was even a vacuum in the waistcoat of the upper body. The beautiful woman wearing a tie and a clown hat took the cigarette from her mouth and let out a breath of mist, and said with a smile.

"Fuhahaha~ Morrie must let these navy people walk around this time." A giant sissy smiled and said to the little phone bug in his hand.

"Hehe, I can just experiment with my new baby!" I don't know if it was the cat who ate the cat fruit or the cat who ate the fruit of everyone, with a lot of equipment on his body. Hehe, he opposed the phone that was transformed into a metal shell. Speaking of insects.

"Understood." The delicate bald man with the crow's mouth mask just said coldly to the phone bug and hung up.

They are the commanders-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army's Four Seas Base: Belo Beatty, Morrie, Lindbergh, and Crow.

At this point, all the forces of the Revolutionary Army began to gather towards the Whiskey Peak of the Great Route...

PS: Second, good night.