Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 195 Let's open the test paper (1/2)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 194

"Are they?" Leo turned his head to look at Smogg and Tina. Their faces were pale, and they were obviously extremely dissatisfied and uneasy with the combat effectiveness of the revolutionary army. They had never expected the revolutionary army to be as powerful as it is now. After all, neither of them are too high-level, and there is no way to access these real secrets between the navy and the revolutionary army.

They don't even know whose son Long is.

In addition to the dragon’s excellent secrecy measures, the senior navy is also consciously or unconsciously covering up this question, otherwise once everyone starts to ask: why the son of a naval hero is not a navy, and even the grandson of a naval hero is not a navy, they can hardly answer this problem.

Since you can't answer, don't let them ask questions.

So the revolutionary army is actually a top-secret matter. Most people in this world, most of the pirates know that there is such an organization that specializes in opposing the world government, but they never know how many people there are in this organization, how many strong people there are, They don't know how many troops are.

Ordinary people don’t know.

For example, Smogg and Tina are already the backbone of the Navy, and they don't know it. This is very outrageous.

"They are our captives, Colonel Smogg, the Natural Smoke Fruit Ability, and the Superhuman Thrall Fruit Ability Major General Tina. I haven't convinced them to join us yet, but they have accepted half of our views, I Let's take them as our representatives in the navy to attend our meeting."

"After all, the real representatives don't have time to come for the time being." His words were so meaningful that Sabo, Smogtina and others could taste them.

In other words, does Leo have a force lurking in the navy?

They discovered that this might be a very good way, especially when they were in a disadvantage, or even desperate, the entire revolutionary army was broken into pieces, and the leaders fled for their lives. Among them, the subordinates scattered into the navy sequence. After the middle, it can slowly erode the Navy.

This is why there is that joke-a military command intelligence department meets: "I suspect that our intelligence department has a military command."

The thinking of the revolutionary army is too westernized. They don't understand that revolution is not only a way to expose and confront.

Leo gave them an aura just now, but now the layout is the same. The whole church is inhaling, everyone is shocked by Leo's plan.

Hearing his tone, he even drove the nail into the navy, so are Smogg and Tina in front of him really half-identifiers of the revolutionary army?

Some people opened their mouths and felt that it was not good for these two people who did not belong to them to attend their conference.

But to be honest, they didn't even know what the meeting was going to do, so they suppressed it and closed their mouths.

"Then, do a questionnaire a little bit." Leo nodded to Sabo, motioned for him to sit down, and then spoke to everyone.

"To be honest, it's not just me, Mr. Long is also very curious about everyone's views on the current revolutionary army, the future revolutionary army, and how we should continue to go forward, so before the start of this meeting, Mr. Long and I specially Made this test paper."

As his words just fell silent, an arm appeared in front of everyone. These forest-like arms were creepy, but the backbone of the revolutionary army who had done a good job in intelligence soon reacted, Nicole Robin's flowers and fruits!

Unexpectedly, she is actually doing this kind of work?

It's unbelievable. She is a girl with a bounty of 79 million. Is her fighting power used to do this kind of thing?

You must know that there are many armed and domineering people here, but their actual combat power is not necessarily higher than that of Nicole Robin. Many devil fruits are unreasonable. For example, flowers and fruits directly attack joints and are slippery. Fruit, dodge almost all attacks. When they stand up, either they can only be beaten, or they can only watch their attacks slip away.

If armed and domineering are useful, what do you need to do with natural and domineering?315 Chinese Network

And the test paper about this time passed Nicole Robin's arms and slowly passed them to everyone, as well as pencils.

"This time, the voting is by secret ballot. Her eyes will only look at the test paper on your pen, and she doesn't know who you are. This is to facilitate real-time statistics of your choices."

"And all your choices will also be shown on this board." Leo pointed behind him, and everyone realized that behind him, the church hall full of idols was gone, only a huge piece of it was left. Blackboard.

And Nicole Robin stood behind him, folded his hands and closed his eyes, obviously watching their every move.

Many of the revolutionary army looked at the dragon, and saw that the dragon picked up the paper and looked at the question on the test paper carefully. Without a word, everyone already knew what the dragon was thinking.

He acquiesced in this matter, and they stopped talking, lowered his head and looked at the paper.

Sabo had already started watching. He realized that Mr. Long’s attitude was much earlier than the others, so he no longer thought about the messy things, but wanted to get a deeper understanding of what Leo understood. .

The only thing that comes into view is the first question: [What do you think is a revolution?

This question is too general, but fortunately Leo has given them a choice:

A. Execution of justice

B. A method of transferring rights

C.A way to vent dissatisfaction and change the status quo

D.The purely violent act of one class overthrowing another.

Sabo frowned.

What is this?

He almost subconsciously wanted to draw circles on A, but then he stopped writing.

He glanced through the crowd and came to his brother Ace, and their new revolutionaries also had this stuff, and Ace was frowning and biting the pen, trying to answer this question.

That is to say, the answer to this question is not based on the answer they thought of at the first time?

Sabo was smart, and almost immediately thought of the reason.

This is a temptation. In fact, the correct answer does not matter at all. What is really important is to get the inner thoughts of the revolutionary army through this question. This is what the other party wants to do.

But even so, he still wants to answer the correct answer!

He rubbed his nose, held his chest and started thinking about it...


PS: My back is very painful. I don't know if I can watch three shifts. Let's wait according to the two shift standards.