Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 223 Three Topics (1/3)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 222

As the doctors walked out of the operating room one after another, their faces were filled with bright smiles.

To be honest, they are now very relaxed after leaving the rule of Valbo. They are even more relaxed after saving a colleague. First of all, they have determined that they are not at the bottom, and secondly they are about to obtain certain powers and positions. Finally they saved the individual.

No matter which thing happens, it is enough to make people happy, let alone appear to them all at once?

Dr. Shiruluk was soon sent to the ward, and the other doctors began their meetings again.

Leo finally sold his plan, making all the doctors even more surprised and amazed.

Doctors are divided into two categories. Senior doctors have only two tasks: exploring the human body with scientific research goals and teaching potential intermediate doctors.

Intermediate doctors also have two tasks: running schools and teaching junior doctors.

Try to build a community hospital similar to Cuba: Divide the grassroots doctors into areas, and each doctor is responsible for a person in the area. If there are any minor problems, they can be dealt with directly in the community hospital in the area. Once there are illnesses that the grassroots doctors cannot handle, immediately Send it to the middle-level doctor, and then be checked by the middle-level doctor, and finally come to the senior doctor as a rare case, and can even be treated by the senior doctor as a lesson for the middle-level doctor.

By then, the intermediate doctors will not only be able to learn the medical skills of the senior doctors, but even be able to directly deal with this kind of miscellaneous disease next time, thereby freeing up more scientific research time for the senior doctors.

Of course, Cuba is not as ideal as in the text, but it has also established a layered screening mechanism to solve ordinary patients, and the lower medical prices of socialism will allow many imperial people to come to Cuba in the name of tourism to solve their problems in their own country. The medical problems and expenses borne.

Since Leo wants to establish a medical country, he must first beat his reputation. Treating intractable diseases for the wealthy can indeed quickly beat his reputation. The next stage is to attract businessmen to bid for medical resources. Finally, let The world government repaired the sea train and completely turned it into a medical paradise.

At that time, the economy of the entire island will take off.

Leo only briefly described the blueprint for the future, and the doctors were already short of breath, and they were going to lose it just by imagining the future.

Is this man a genius?

They never thought that this plan was proposed by Dalton, because Dalton's image in this country has been deeply entrenched, and he is not such a talented person at all.

There is only one explanation for everything, and that is the plan to revitalize the Drum Country proposed by the young man who has become the new leftist.

The plan was organized and carried out step by step. There were almost no unexpected expenditures other than the previous salary. That is to say, if the drum country is difficult, he can even ask the doctors to do free work-as long as they can maintain their The ration is enough to survive.

For the bright future of this king, for their own bright future, they are willing to endure hardship.The only Chinese website

Why did the young people who supported the Northwestern China want to suffer for three lifetimes?Because they know that their suffering will eventually turn into sweet candy to feed back to their descendants in the future.

Whether it is the clothes you and I wear now, the cars that you drive, or the stable country, they are all the foundations of their hard work and hard work.

Doctors are not stupid, they naturally know what investment is.

Of course, the drum country that inherited all the "legacy" of Valbo is not so difficult, but when everyone sees the hope for the future, they are actually ready to endure hardships with this country.

It's not terrible to endure hardship. What's terrible is that you can't see hope, just like the bottom people in the empire.

So they are desperate, violent, and hysterical. Class contradictions are divided vertically into ethnic contradictions by their skin color. All their struggles are to quench their thirst by drinking poison. The small favors of the capitalists buy it out, so day after day, year after year, this cycle continues forever— -Until the collapse of the coinage.

Leo will not surrender his coinage—even though all the countries that are members of the world government have surrendered their coinage, Leo will slowly take it back.

"Senior medical therapists have three topics to study." Leo patted Chopper's head, who was closely following him because Dr. Siruk was hospitalized and no one could rely on: "First, study animals. For those with the Devil Fruit Ability, here are two ready-made examples. Our King has this little guy. It eats the fruits of everyone. I need you to teach it and help it develop its potential. Let me see Where is the potential of the animal demon fruit ability person, tap out its IQ limit!"

"Eh, me?!" Qiaoba asked, looking up in shock.

"Second, I ask you to start studying the composition of the devil fruit, or how to deprive the devil fruit of the devil fruit ability." This is a biological genetic thing, but in this world except for Bergapunk and Caesar No one should know biological genes better than these doctors.

"Third, the advanced fighting skills of the human body, the secret of domineering."

"These are the three topics I raised to the senior doctors." A calm smile appeared on his face, and Chopper's chin was exposed with one hand, which made it show an expression of enjoyment and couldn't help Leo. Leaning against him, while looking around the doctors in the room, he stayed on the bodies of Doctor Gu Leiwa and Du Q for two or three seconds, and then asked them: "Do you understand? ?"

"Ha..." The doctors looked at each other and didn't know how to answer his layman's words. These three topics were more difficult than the other, but they were related to each other. It made the doctors think it was impossible, but they were itchy inside. ——As the pinnacle talent of an industry, don’t they want to push their limits?

In the past, they could not do it and did not dare to do it, but with such an environment, such a government, and such financial support, don't they dare to attack the most mysterious existence in this world?

"My last request is: this is a top-secret subject. No one outside of the subject should know about it, and you must never disclose it to others, including your loved ones, do you know?"

"It's possible that the world government will slay us, or besiege, or kill us, so you must keep it secret, you know?"


PS: I said I went to bed last night, but I was in a stalemate until 2 o'clock. I got up and cooked some noodles. After eating the start code, I couldn't fall asleep. I wrote this chapter at 6 o'clock. The biological clock is really a terrible thing.

PS1: Today I planned to change 4 times. I got up at 1 o’clock. Then I went to buy a sofa. After shopping for an afternoon, I couldn’t make a decision. On the way, the editor also sent me a message and asked me if there were any parties in the article. I can't guarantee that I have avoided this as much as possible, but I still have to re-check the entire article, otherwise it will never be recommended in the future, and many things can only be mixed together 3 more.In case it is blocked, you know which official account the book is updated on, right?