Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 258 The Great Wisdom of Small Countries (2/3)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 257 The Great Wisdom of Small Countries

The current situation is completely different from Leo's rants when he was poor and white on the island of Hydra.

First, he is now recognized as the commander-in-chief of the second generation of the Revolutionary Army (although it has not been fully confirmed internally), and secondly, they have just led an attack on one of the three major naval towns: Judicial Island.

And not only did they easily break the Judicial Island, but they also already possessed two natural demon fruit abilities. If they don't get rid of the high-end combat power now, they will grow into a force alongside the navy in time.

With such strength behind him, Leo's words are second only to the Four Emperors and the world government.

The only thing that people in Pirate World don’t understand is Leo. Why don’t the Revolutionary Army establish a country of its own and monopolize a territory of its own to exercise political power?

We must know that many people's thinking is still very simple, but Leo has already jumped out of the Three Realms, not among the Five Elements.

The great prosperous shipping route cultivated by the world government has brought him enough support. As long as he wants to, businessmen and capital will always be his friends. They will continue to supply strategic materials-steel, food and Devil fruits, they will all be sent here, just for Pele in Leo's hand, and Leo's gold.

The world government never thought that the business logistics system they carefully cultivated would become Leo's help.

Unlike the old revolutionary army, Leo, who has his own full gold reserves, can be said to be spending money in this respect. There is no need to worry at all. Instead, he is consciously increasing his holdings of Pele and will fight financial wars in the future. What if there is no ammunition?

All in all, even if Leo doesn't have any sphere of influence, but with the habit of talking with his fists in the Pirate World, he stands there, and every word he says, Jinping and King Neptune need to be serious and serious. Consider what he said.

Leo’s words made the entire palace quiet. The three princes wanted to speak but they stopped talking, but there was obviously no place for them to speak on this field. Even Sabo and Ainilu stood quietly beside them. The others Even sitting in a chair slowly drinking tea, it seems that this kind of thing has nothing to do with them.

"Then what is your request?" Jinping asked calmly.

To be honest, the attitude of the Revolutionary Army is already terribly good. For a force like theirs, they basically send individuals to Fishman Island to treat them well. Honestly proceed, such as Dan Dan Baron and Pokham When Si came to the fisherman island together, the fisherman island must cautiously coax.

Like the navy call, Shiping took the initiative to respond.

How can it be said that the Four Emperors came to Murloc Island in person, or the three generals came to Murloc Island in person?

Leo's appearance here has expressed their greatest sincerity-after all, humans are not the same as murlocs.

Those with devil fruit ability come to the bottom of the sea, there is a great risk.

If you are not careful, the entire army may be annihilated here, and the Devil Fruit Ability in the sea is not even as good as the waste murloc like Hordy Jones.

It is really difficult for those with non-devil fruit ability to achieve a certain level of power.

How many people can reach the peak without using Devil Fruit?

One Piece Roger, one naval hero Cap, one red-haired Shanks, and another one...

and then?

The Hawkeyes are the second echelon, and then?Peerless Tangmen


Among the Supernova Eleven, there are very few who have not eaten devil fruit. The three navy officers and three of the four emperors are capable of devil fruits. Among the three emperors, most of the lower cadres are capable of devil fruits. Kaido even Also artificial devil fruit to enhance the combat effectiveness of mixed soldiers.

Among the next generation of the Navy, Tina Smogg and others are basically capable...

Calculating carefully, there is only one person in Qiwuhai who has never eaten devil fruit, and the contemporary strong men with names and surnames in the entire sea are all devil fruit capable people.

The risk of these Devil Fruit capable people coming to places like Murloc Island is many, many times greater than that of Shanks and Sauron.

Although Leo was surrounded by people with devil fruit abilities, he still came down directly, directly facing the murloc, and negotiated with Jinping and Neptune under the deep sea that was several hundred kilometers below.

With this alone, his tolerance is much greater than that of the world government and the Four Emperors.

After thinking about this, Jinping's anger towards Leo was not so great.

"I need you murlocs to form a force organization other than the Sun Pirates, for example, similar to the new murlocs and Pirates. You will be directly led by you to become one of the revolutionary army and stand up to help us at critical times. "

Leo finally said his purpose, causing King Neptune and Jinping to stare, and the three princes opened their mouths.

This is almost to involve the murlocs in the war between humans, and this new pirate group must also be directly under the guard of the murloc royal family, so this pirate group will directly represent it as long as it participates in the war. Will of Murloc Island.

But the combat effectiveness of their participation in the battle is of course also amazing-as long as they penetrate at a critical time and then pierce the opponent's battleship, the opponent's large number of demon fruit abilities will be affected-in the battle, you must also consider the problem of the water under your feet. , Which makes people anxious and unable to exert combat effectiveness.

Such a surprise soldier that can appear suddenly, of course, is the target of all major forces.

They won’t hand themselves over to anyone so easily—the New Pirates of the Sun group, first under the command of White Beard, then became a detachment under the aunt’s aunt. Qi Wuhai joined the team of Fifth Emperor Lufei as the backbone after being removed.

King Neptune has never broken away from the franchise system of the world government, and even gradually moved towards the core position in front of the stage.

What is an old politician?

What is political power?

What is the wisdom of a small country?

If you look at the choice of Fishman Island aside from the plot, you will find that the fishman's choice is really excellent, and every speculation is just right.

It's all coincidences, but if you put together so many coincidences and say that they are coincidences, it is an insult to our IQ.

They won’t be fully embraced by a certain force, so King Neptune opened his mouth and wanted to reject Leo’s proposal. It’s too early to say that these things are just the same as Leo said. Not arrived.

But Leo stretched out his hand and stopped King Neptune’s words: "Before you refuse, don't you want to listen to the terms we give to the murloc?"


PS: Chapters 79 and 100 are still being blocked, I guess they will be rewritten...