Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 273: The Defeated Sabo (2/2)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 272

When Sabo reacted, Doflamingo’s fist had already come to his face. He was blown up by this armed and domineering punch. Although it had been blocked by the armed domineering, it was very Obviously, I used my weakest place to touch the enemy's hardest place, even if he was domineering, it would not be uncomfortable. The bridge of the nose was all broken, and the nosebleed and the blood in the mouth were mixed and sprayed out.

Saab's first reaction was elementalization.

But when he was entangled by the armed and domineering silk thread, Elementalization could no longer keep his feet away.

The opponent can directly attack his legs to get him out of elementalization. Instead, it is better to expose a large area of ​​the body directly and allow the opponent to attack casually, which will cause fewer fatal injuries.

Sabo's mind was very clear. Although he had been beaten with nosebleeds and spitting blood, he still remained awake. After the upper body was covered with domineering armed color, he was suddenly like a sandbag, and he was hung up and beaten frantically by Doflamingo.

He was beating Sabo while laughing wildly.

Behind him, the Kingdom of Dressrosa is burning, his palace is burning, his men are losing, his foundation is collapsing, and his throne is collapsing.

But all this doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore!

He laughed wildly, as if he had found his own path, which was completely opposite to his previous path, but the ultimate goal was the same.

Since he wants to watch the world burn, why does he have to establish a foundation?

His ideals and his actions are full of logical contradictions, different words and deeds.

He wanted to watch this world burn, he didn't need to have his own power at all!

For a long time, Torrepol's four cadres have instilled the wrong idea in him: you are a dragon, you are a king, everything that hinders you will be crushed.

From another point of view, this sentence is: you, as a king, are born to inherit these inheritances, whether it is the Kingdom of Dresrosa from his ancestors, whether it is the seat of the Tianlong people, it is naturally his. .

He must take it.

But this is not Doflamingo's wish.

Doflamingo’s wish came from that day when his family was tied to a cross by a group of untouchables and threatened with death, from his father, as a noble dragon, begged the untouchables to let him go. Time is already doomed.

He wants this world to be destroyed.

He wants to ignite this world, he wants to watch the dragon people, the untouchables, this world, burns to the end together, he wants to laugh at his place to see the last~

When he discovered this, he hadn't heard his laugh, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

He was laughing at how stupid he was in the past. He has always been like a child who has not grown up being played and applauded by the four cadres. He is laughing at how foolish he is now. Since he is a pure spoiler, why is he still? Want to gather a group of "family" like a child's house?

He is laughing at how happy he is in the future. After the Revolutionary Army helped him clear these stumbling blocks today, he can take the road lightly and do anything happily by himself.

For example, killing the man in front of him, in fact, he didn't feel angry at all, he was just laughing, he was very happy.020 reading

This is why he is laughing.

It's not because of anger, or disadvantage, or the upper hand.

Just happiness, nothing more.

Is this guy crazy!Sabo blocked Doflamingo's fist with his arm and water pipe. He could completely tie Sabo slowly with silk thread, and then divide him into countless small pieces.

But he did not do so.

He just beat him with his fists and legs, he didn't want to kill him, he was just enjoying the joy of beating Sabo to death, nothing more.

Sabo gritted his teeth and tightened his muscles. The whole person was wrapped in a huge sense of crisis, and his hairs shrugged.

This was the first time he realized so clearly and clearly that if this goes on-he will die!

But he was like a butterfly wrapped in spider silk. He was completely unable to move. He was entangled by armed and domineering silk threads, and he could no longer struggle.

Damn... Damn... Damn... Damn...

If you are more cautious, if you are more powerful, if you go further...

Deep unwillingness and regret envelop Sabo, making him suffer tremendous pain and suffering both physically and mentally.

Suddenly, the blow stopped, as if the world had calmed down, and the transition from extreme movement to extreme silence was almost impossible to adapt.

When Sabo, with a blue nose and swollen face, barely opened his eyes to see the surrounding environment, he realized that he had come to the door opened by Dorag.

Because the blue ghost and the red ghost have not yet come, Dorag eats the fruit of the door in order not to waste his skills. As the person in charge of the audience, he clearly sees how Sabo was beaten, too After waiting for a while, Sabo was rescued. Presumably, he now has a very deep understanding of the saying that there are outsiders and there are outsiders.

As a pioneer of the revolutionary army, he is working hard to carry on the past and the future, and to carry forward the past and the future. Do a good job of a brick of the revolution, and move it wherever it is needed. It is best to make these impetuous and high-spirited before laying the foundation stone. The arrogant juniors know exactly where the gap between themselves and the top combat effectiveness of this world is.

Leo didn’t need him to worry about it, because he was weak, but he was the one who needed the least worry about safety: he would never leave his protection to fight against the four emperors, the three big generals, and other strong men. There is no need to be afraid that he will die in a battle in a factory.

As the previous generation leader, although he criticized Leo's lack of self-protection ability, it was precisely his point that guaranteed his stability in this regard. It can be said that there is a certain amount of drink and peck.

Moreover, Leo is different from these young people who don’t know the heights and arrogance of the sky. He has a very close heart, and he has his own inner yardstick for combat effectiveness. Although he has some inexperience in actual combat, see it in Dorag This time Saab's battle with the Flamingos should have been a loss, but Leo felt that Saab could barely win it.

However, the fact is that Saab was rescued by him, and there is still a certain experience gap between the two sides.

"Let's go, it's time to go home." When Dorag said these words to Sabo.

Sabo couldn't hold back his tears anymore, and slowly flowed out from the gap between his black nose and swollen face...


PS: In June, 158,000 updates were made. The cost of drafting has doubled from last month to 7,000 yuan. The tax is basically paid for full attendance. After paying the tax, it will be more than 6,000. You can add more chicken legs when you eat. Thank you for your support.