Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 315 Kaido's Change (1/2)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 314: Kaido's Change

When the Navy was defeated, the world was changing at an alarming rate.

It’s not just the Four Emperors, like Kaido, Auntie, and even Redhead. They learned about the current situation of the Navy through live broadcast. Except for the white beard who laughed loudly, like Auntie and Kaido all started A different mind.

This is not to blame for them, the pirates themselves are a group like sharks. Once they smell the bloody smell from the wounds on their prey, they will come in groups, wanting to rip off the fattest piece of meat from the prey. Come.

Everyone has a different understanding of pirates, like a gardener with red hair, a gatekeeper with a white beard, or a dictator with a black beard, or the most free man in a straw hat. They are all different.

But one of the essences will not change.

That is the challenge to power and the plunder and greed of benefits.

Except for the Straw Hat Pirate Group of adventurers under the banner of Pirates, other Pirate Groups are nothing but the same.

If the White Beard Pirates were unable to act rashly because of the health of Old White Beard, then the aunt and Kaido would have no worries in this regard.

But at this time, just when the aunt's appetite broke out, the entire BIGMOM group's actions were directly terminated, and the Group of Nations began to get busy for the aunt's sudden appetite.

But Kaido doesn’t have this problem anymore, and although Leo doesn’t think of the entire Beast Group very much, it’s actually very domineering: building walls (and the natural dangers of the country), and collecting food ( Caesardo Flamenco developed the artificial animal devil fruit), coupled with the weapon smelting technology of the country, and his daughter Yamato is the back hand to replace the black charcoal snake. It can be said that of the four emperors, there is only one Kaido is a serious child. He is preparing and doing one piece, ONEPIECE as a real ultimate goal.

Although his methods are not savvy, and even a little bit of work, there is a very clear distinction between the king, the overlord, and the emperor.

If the white beard is the overlord and Leo is the king, then Kaido’s can indeed belong to the emperor, similar to Liu Ji’s kind of people, you can bend to the Rocks Pirates to be a messenger, you can do it on the top. The founding monarch deterred the three plagues and the six sons of the sky. The entire group of beasts and pirates was extremely united, but Kaido was a little cautious. This kind of unity is not acceptable to anyone, and only he can order them. Unruly pirates.

But it doesn't matter, is this the emperor's mind.

Kaido took the measure of this to his heart, and was very proud of his wrist.

As for the future plan, it is not very important now.

If it can really win the title of defeating the world government, Kaido will become famous and overwhelm the other four emperors.

At that time, the pirates swarming at him from the sea alone will be able to lift him to the throne of the King of Pirates, let alone other more benefits.

For example, the navy’s legacy, the navy’s family, the navies that surrendered, the devil fruits collected by the navy, the navy’s funds, the blow to the reputation of the world government...

All in all, the benefits of killing the navy are too much, so much so that Kaido can suspend his future plans now, directly summon his crew and troops, and intend to directly attack the navy headquarters, Malin Fando.Wen Bi Zhai Novel

In fact, this time just outside the city of Magic Valley, when the revolutionary army and the navy were fighting, the entire beast and pirate group had already begun to operate intensively.

In the country of Hezhi, the banquet has been held for three full days, and the pirate group still under the banner of Beasts is slowly gathering. According to the truth, the day lily is cold for three days, and the Warring States and the generals should have been Back to Malin Vandor, now Malin Vandor is almost impossible to break.

But this is not the case from Kaido's point of view.

In Kaido's view, a few young people who have eaten the natural devil fruit ability can burn the navy to the ground. As the most special creature, he is confident that he can end a battle. The current navy It seems that it is not worth mentioning.

Warring States Karp is already old, and the three generals are nothing but rubbish run over by three young men.

Kaido, who is at the pinnacle and will continue, does not take advantage of his current age and strength to destroy the navy and gain the prestige. What are you waiting for?

He thought so, and he did so. With the assembly of the Three Plagues Volley and the Six Sons, the next pirates did not intend to wait for them.

I only saw him bring the short-sized General Black Charcoal Orochi to the building on the Ghost Island. The Black Charcoal Orochi is actually very embarrassed, especially after the death of his two retainers who have the ability to imitate the fruit and the ability to block the fruit. , He became even more humble in front of Kaido.

He is not a person with strong fighting power, so when he encounters this kind of thing, his heart is already happy. Since Kaido has left the country of Wano, then the country of Wano is his own words. Now he finally Is a veritable master of the country.

I only saw Kaido holding the big snake and loudly said to the people below: "Half of the samurai in Wano will go with me to attack the navy headquarters. We will uproot the navy and wipe them from this world, and then we , Replace it!"

To be honest, he has been ruling and ruling the country for more than ten years. Of course Kaido knows that the country of Hezhi has a strategic advantage, but this is not worth mentioning in the face of the big goal of taking the navy. As a hero, Of course he has a certain choice, but even so, it does not mean that he will give up the country of Wano, so he will take away half of the warriors of Wano country, all the top combat power, and then a certain number of beasts and pirate group The strong stay here, it's just that he has unified scheduling of such things, and it has nothing to do with the black charcoal snake.

The Black Charcoal Snake is a useless person. He doesn't care about foreign affairs at all. The most important thing is his own Jiuli and Jiye. Individuals can't see the foreign side of Hezhi at all.

Doing business with this kind of comprador is the most comfortable and happiest thing for outsiders. That’s why Bulun Kaido is so awesome. Facing the black charcoal snakes, he treats each other equally, holding him and following him, making him think that he can and The four emperors are equal.

Now when he heard Orochi's words, he smirked and didn't speak. He just figured out how much food and money he could accumulate during the period when Kaido was away. As for Kaido became the world government?

What does it matter to him?

Regardless of whether Kaido wins or loses, he is the lord of the country and need not be shaken!


PS: Recently, I sleep for 4 or 5 hours every night, which makes it very uncomfortable.

PS1: The pain is not near or below the ribs, but half of the fingers above the pelvis, which feels like clogging.