Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 322 Meeting (2/2)

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 321

Leo took the live broadcast bug and handed it to Nicole Robin next to him. The continuous arm placed the phone bug in a higher and suitable position.

"Come with me." Leo turned around, the blood-red justice cloak behind him was very dazzling.

But after this time of contact and understanding, Kerby did not hate the revolutionary army so much, and the badge of the revolutionary army, the justice of the revolutionary army.

I'm afraid it's because of distance.

In the face of the revolutionary army, a behemoth who was beaten up by the navy, like the second-generation commander of the Warring States Marshal, Kerby said that he was not afraid to be fake, but Leo was obviously more graceful than the Warring States.

If Kerby asks himself, the navy is definitely not willing to arrange a live broadcast for the revolutionary army in its own Malin Vandor.

I also watched the live broadcast of Kebi that time, but the Warring States killed the news bird even before the live broadcast was over. The leaders on both sides are not at the same level in terms of strength.

When Kerby was comparing the bosses of both sides in his heart, they had already walked into the office mansion of the Revolutionary Army. In the meeting room, there were just a few simple sofas and chairs, except for some big and some long. There seems to be nothing magnificent.

Kerby, who was accustomed to the exaggerated decoration style of the generals in the navy headquarters, couldn't help but wonder why the revolutionary army is now a revolutionary army about the size of the navy, but there is no such exaggerated decoration-in appearance These buildings are obviously very new and beautiful.

A hand came out from the side and brought him a cup of hot tea.

Although he didn't know who it was, he nodded quietly and said, "Thank you."

"So, what's the situation with Marin Vando now? Is the navy ready for a war with Kaido?" Leo's words made Kerby look up in surprise. This kind of thing should have been absolutely confidential, although the whole The navy headquarters is already a busy scene, but to other ordinary people, they don't know this at all.

Organizations like the Revolutionary Army... Ah, yes, now the Revolutionary Army is the second force in the sea outside the navy.

Thinking of this, Kerby was a little relieved, and then a little frustrated:

"Everyone is very depressed now. The morale inside Malin Vando is very bad, but the Warring States Marshal still carried out a general mobilization of the whole army and evacuated all the old and weak women and children to Mariagioa. "

For a person in his position, he can only see the frustrated atmosphere and appearance inside the Navy.

But for Sabo and the others, it was enough to shock them.

"Now I finally know why the chief said it is not suitable to get involved in this muddy water now." Sabo said with a gentle smile next to him.

Both of them nodded and agreed with him.

"If every navy is fighting with this idea, even the two Four Emperor Groups will not be able to defeat them." Jinping is an old slipper. Whether it is the navy or the aunt, he is a related person. He understands the fighting power between the two sides better, so what he said can almost be regarded as the final judgment.

If one person is not afraid of death, and fights against another person who is at the same level as himself but who wants to make a fortune, who can win?

The former can press the latter on the ground and beat them to death.

Now the Navy is the former, and the Beast Pirates is the latter. Who can win?

Leo’s judgment is correct, and the Navy may even defeat the Beast Pirates with a very exaggerated damage ratio.

"So, I know, you go back." Leo thought for a while, and then showed a smile to Kerby: "Or do you want to hear the core ideas of our revolutionary army here?" Dream Literature Network www.

"I will go back now! I will go back now..."

Ke Lu jumped up as if he was shocked, he said.

"Do you need us to arrange a ship to send you?" Leo asked thoughtfully.

"No need, no need." Kerby, who came to the city of Magic Valley, the key base of the revolutionary army alone, was a bit like Han Yu of the Tang Dynasty who entered the enemy camp alone. He was quite courageous. He didn't even change the navy's clothes, so he came over with his death ambition-the Warring States period knew he would be fine, and Karp knew he would be fine, but he didn't know!

So after he goes back, I am afraid he will be promoted directly.

"Why don't you keep this kid? He can obviously be our comrade." Sabo actually didn't agree with Leo's approach, and asked after Kerby left.

Isn’t it about uniting all those who can be united?

"It's not the time yet, Saab." Leo shook his head without further explanation. Kebi, the young man, may have to go through naval training for several years before he can steadily improve. By that time, the red flag of the revolution may have been inserted. All over the world, by that time, even if the people in the navy didn't want to listen, they would have to listen to the thinking of the revolutionary army.

Kerby was uncomfortable with some internal affairs of the Navy, and waiting for him to win him over at that time might be a matter of course.

At this moment, live broadcast insects from the Navy suddenly lit up on the square.

On the main square, the figure of the Warring States Period looked very majestic, but his expression had a trace of vicissitudes. The whole person looked very tired, but he spoke to the live camera with his own spirit.

"Hello everyone, I'm the Admiral of the Navy, Sengoku."

The city of Magic Valley became quiet, and the revolutionary army gathered slowly, looking at the old man of the navy, the old man who had supported the navy for twenty years in the great pirate era.

They are respectful in their hearts.

But as Leo said, the direction is wrong, the harder you work, the more wrong.

Working in the wrong direction, working for the wrong reason, and working hard for the wrong target of allegiance, the Warring States Period is just adding bricks to this scarred world.

"As we all know, ten days ago, the navy was ambushed by the revolutionary army in the first half of the great route and returned in defeat."

In the four seas, in hundreds of naval bases, the navies, as well as the masses from the periphery of the base, all quieted down.

"Then, today, one of the four most powerful pirate groups in the new world, the pirate group of beasts among the four emperors, Kaido of beasts came to invade Malin Vando."

The camera shifted, and only a large black fleet on the sea was coming toward Malin Vando.

"The navy is alive and dead, in one move, I am here to give orders to all navies in the name of Marshal of the Navy and the Warring States Period!"

His look is solemn and holy.

"Fight against the Beast Pirate Group!"


PS: Recently, it's really reversed day and night, sleeping for 2-4 hours at night, getting up early, sleeping 6 hours in the afternoon, directly starting at 8 o'clock... It has been like this for several days.It is really uncomfortable to press 12 o'clock every day to update.