Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 395 Goya Kingdom

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Windmill Village.

The young people were filling ammunition intensively, and there was a clicking sound from the magazine.

They gathered here all the young people in Fengche Village, about fifteen people, ranging from fifteen to twenty years old, and the leader was the grandson of the village chief, an eighteen-year-old boy.

All of them are holding red turbans on their heads, obviously this is the already agreed mark for distinguishing the enemy from us.

Most of the people in Fengche Village were surrounded nearby, watching these "children" worriedly. It was obvious that they couldn't understand the benefits they would have if they spared their lives to do this kind of thing.

Anyway, if a king is overthrown, the revolutionary army will not be any different from the king. Does it make sense?

Especially the village head Wup’s face showed an angry expression: "You are going to die! Diwa! You are as weak as a chicken, and you can’t beat the guards of the King’s Army at all. Go die!!"

He reiterated.

He is not someone who has never seen the world before, and he understands how the super combat power of this world works.

Therefore, he has never had any thoughts of rebelling against the king in his life. In his opinion, the geographical conditions of Windmill Village are very good, and it also has the name of the hometown of the naval hero Kapu. The king cannot collect their heads from taxes. Come up, they only need to stay here to reap simple and easy peace.

Why go out to fight, why fight for others, why use your own life to fight for others?

This is something that the old man couldn't understand.

"Grandpa, you don't understand." The brown-haired boy, no, even though the fur on the corners of his mouth has not receded, he is already a mature man, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "This world We are one, we are not different from others, we are all brothers and sisters."

"Why don't anyone say people who watch their brothers and sisters suffer while they enjoy themselves?"

"What's more, if they have suffered and been exploited, it will not make it cheaper to buy outside cigarettes in Windmill Village. On the contrary, those kings have to collect taxes on these tobacco, and the merchants are not willing to bear the loss, so instead To increase prices."

"So the profits are made by those merchants and kings, but our brothers and sisters have been suppressed and treated more difficultly."

"We are brothers and sisters, we cannot just ignore this matter."

"And grandpa, what is even more wrong for you is that those guards who guard the king's gates are not the ones who have been sacrificed for their interests?"

"Aren't they the bottom of this society, don't they need to buy those goods at high prices?"

"We have persuaded them, Grandpa, the next job is to open the door and attack directly into the palace."

"Even so, the palace is not a place you can attack!" The village chief Wup moved his lips. He was obviously moved, but this was not enough for him to admit that his grandson Diwa and their actions were correct.Just go to listen to

"Don't worry, grandpa, in addition to us, there are more than 300 revolutionary soldiers from dozens of villages around the Kingdom of Goya. All of them will participate together, as well as the comrades in [Junkyard]. The total strength of more than 600 men is more than 1,000 men, and there are our comrades in the escort. If it works well, we can abolish the king without fighting."

He comforted.

Wup opened his mouth wide in surprise. They are actually very closed in Windmill Village. Apart from serving their own food and brewing some wine, they only learn about some outsiders when the merchant ships come here. information.

They are not as fond of communicating with other villages as the revolutionary army.

Even the previous behavior of visiting each other between them seemed to the adults to be unsuccessful and the children to play together.

But in such an organization, they have quietly connected the villages and towns of the Goa Kingdom together, allowing young people to organize and train them.

For example, the village of Windmills can indeed only produce fifteen people.

However, in some villages there are more young people, so there are 20 or 30 people, and in some villages, there are few young people, so it is the same if there are ten or five people.

After they saw the ideas and teachings from Leo in the newspaper, they very much agreed with the revolutionary army's ideas, and then with this identification in other villages, they saw the young people who had joined the revolutionary army and immediately seemed to find Organizations generally start to join in.

When they are big enough, after the wind is revealed, businessmen will come to the door and ask them if they are willing to establish a channel with the Revolutionary Army headquarters and become a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Then naturally there are instructors and officials from the revolutionary army headquarters to help them establish a training system and organizational structure.

The entire organization was established in one year in such an orderly manner, and organized them to conduct weapon training in their weekly leisure or vacations. Of course, their exercise time could not evolve into physical masters, so the Revolutionary Army Naturally, adapt to local conditions and directly train their weapon operations.

They don’t take practice classes like shooting. They do target shooting during training. With the support of the revolutionary army’s logistics system, they only hit the dislocated shoulders, not the bullets they shot.

However, even with this amount of training, their struggle program is still to win over everyone who can win.

They will be trained to rotate, but even the young revolutionary army who has been rotated in this way does not rest, but enters the city every day to inquire about the news, while other people directly enter the garbage mountain to explore the problem of the garbage mountain.

Under the premise that the soldiers were divided into two groups, each of them completed their tasks perfectly.

For the time being, they have no spare energy to provide for the "abandoners" of the garbage hill, but the abandoners are very willing to join the revolutionary army to beg for a way to survive.

When the two sides hit it off, coupled with the help of the revolutionary army lurking in the Palace Guard, they have a high probability of victory this time.

Besides, even if all preparations fail.

Wouldn't they attack, revolution, or struggle?

The teenagers showed firm consciousness on their faces, tightened their headscarves, took up their guns without saying a word, and went to the battlefield.