Revolution Bar Empress

August summary

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!130 thousand words

Rest for 2 days.

One day off.

The average day is 4,300, and updates are weak.

But this is no way, because my back pain is intolerable, and I changed directly from sitting to standing.

The standing code word did relieve my back pain greatly. People who have been chasing the watch can tell that I have hardly complained of back pain this month.qq novel

But another problem is the problem of concentration. Standing is actually quite tiring. I will stick to it for 50 minutes at most, and then I have to sit down and rest for 20 minutes.

Anyone who has written a book knows that it is interrupted just after 50 minutes of getting better, which is quite annoying.

But no way, coupled with messy things disturb me, the codeword speed is even slower.

In short, I am still adapting, but I will still work hard to add more after adapting.

The climax is about to come, I still have to make some preparations, and wait until the state and emotions are in place before breaking out. I owe you 1,000 monthly tickets. Last month, there were 800 unpaid tickets. This is Chapter 9. As for the recommended ticket increase , Let's increase it slowly.

To be honest, this book has been on the shelves for three or four months and there are more than 1,000 monthly tickets. I really appreciate your support. I can only bow here.