Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 465: Funeral

You can search for "Revolution Bar Female Emperor Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chapter 465

When Leo received the report from Saab, he was attending Zefa's funeral.

Zefa, the old man, really did his best to the entire navy, and after he died, even at the end of his life, he still wanted to save a few more powerful combat capabilities for the navy and let his students survive.

He knew that he was already terminally ill, so when facing the blue pheasant and the red dog, he didn't retreat at all. It was purely an attack by injury for injury.

The green pheasant can only retreat to him for three times, but the character of the red dog needless to say, it is directly attacked with the strongest attack.

Zefa has countless ways to solve the Red Dog Spitfire.

But in the end, he chose to take the blow with his body, and then exchanged for the neutral position of the red dog, and grabbed the red dog with the sea floor stone in his hand.

The red dog killed him.

But he saved Aka Inu's life.

Although he is in the ranks of the revolutionary army, his heart is always on the navy side.

Faced with such an old man, no one will not be moved, and no one will respect him.

So today's funeral was carried out with the treatment of the highest hero of the revolutionary army.

And the people at the funeral, of course, are not only Zefa.

There are also a large number of soldiers of the Revolutionary Army who have died in the past and present.

Although their military ranks were humble, they died for the people and for the revolutionary army.

The Revolutionary Army has gathered around the world for more than a month, brought back the names of these heroes, and placed them on the west side of the island. There is no cemetery here, only a huge obelisk stands.

This solid monument similar to the historical text made by the craftsmanship of Wano country, under this unknown monument is a box of the dead bodies of heroes who were burned to ashes. They will be buried under this monument. The names are only in English on the box, but their achievements will be immortal.

"Just now, we defeated the Aunt Pirates."

Leo nodded slightly to Sabo, turned his body, and said, facing most of the revolutionary army standing solemnly, "Just now, we got the news that the expeditionary army that we sent to assist the Whitebeard Pirates has gained huge Results."

"White Beard died in battle."

"The aunt was annihilated by the three lieutenants."

"Most of the Aunt Pirates surrendered."

"Most of the White Beard Pirates chose to join us."

"The Four Emperors have gone to the third. The era of the great pirates is coming to an end."

Leo's calm words echoed in this solemn clearing.

Standing upright, the revolutionary army, holding a box of ashes in their hands, had joy on their faces, and a torrent of water echoed in their chests. If it weren't for this solemn occasion, they could hardly help but start cheering loudly.Read the book

No way, sailors sailing on the sea all year round, more or less like to speak loudly, express their emotions and vent their emotions. On the contrary, those who don’t speak much on the boat are more terrible—they hold everything in their hearts. , I don’t know why it might explode suddenly and blow up the atmosphere of the entire ship.

Today's theme is the unsung heroes.

Everyone can understand what achievements these unsung heroes have done.

Destroying the four emperors is not made in one cluster. Of course, you can't kill the navy in one jump.

It must be the sacrifice and dedication of countless people, as a stepping stone to pave the steps, let them slowly advance step by step, steadily accumulate their own strength, and then smooth the navy and the four emperors.

This kind of solid footprint is visible to everyone.

Although the person with the greatest credit is standing on the podium, everyone knows that the credit of others is also indispensable.

After all, that guy is someone who can't beat a chicken, isn't he?(laugh)

Leo's news not only excited all the revolutionary soldiers who participated in the funeral, but also shocked the navy prisoners who attended the funeral next to them.

They were released on parole to attend Zefa's funeral on a special occasion, including the red dog, and their rules of observation were Tina and Smogg.

This group of middle and high-ranking generals of the Navy are neatly arranged, and they want to maintain their final decent and discipline in front of the victor. Their devil fruits have been taken out, but even so, they are all extremely A powerful physique master.

Therefore, their phalanx was wrapped in the middle of the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army was staring at the front and back. Of course, even so, they had no intention of violent and wounding.

Even if they lose the battle and become prisoners, they still have this kind of demeanor. Those who can't afford to lose are already dead on the battlefield.

Now they just treat themselves as ordinary people, come to attend the funeral of an old friend, and then go back and continue to go to jail and work hard to reform through labor.

But in just one month, the world seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, making them feel like a dream.

For a while, he even thought Leo was bluffing them.

But think about it carefully, what is the need to tell such a lie that can be exposed at once?

After figuring this out, the naval camp that was a little turbulent gradually calmed down.

Their eyes were dim, and they couldn't help but start to doubt their past.

"Aka Inu, do you think I really cared about the orders and commands of the Celestial Dragon before?" The beard and hair are completely gray, and even the warring States who has a few old spots are full of energy. As if it was drawn out.

He didn't become like this in an instant, but he became like this day by day in the month after the defeat.

He is no longer the admiral of the navy. After putting down the heavy load, his spine seemed to be removed instantly, and his hunched body seemed to be unable to straighten up anymore.

He didn't get a response to his words, he turned his head and looked, and found that both the red dog and the blue pheasant were looking deeply at the young man who was speaking passionately on the stage, as if looking for some clues.

"It can be said that our strategy has achieved phased results, and we can finally stand up our chests and proudly say to these martyrs who are about to be buried: You can look down!"

Leo raised his hand, clenched his fist, and said loudly, "Burial, start!"

The revolutionary army was neatly aligned as one person. Everyone instantly knelt down and put the ashes in their arms into the small pit in front of them respectfully. This is almost the same for their future. After they die, they will also be burned. It turned into dust, put it in a small box, and was buried here, standing on the highest point, watching your comrades continue to move forward for a great cause.