Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 485 Surrender or die

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Chapter 485: Surrender or Die

At the same time, an offer letter and news were delivered to an eagle-eyed man on an island on the great sea route.

If you want to talk about intelligence work, then there is no force in the world that can match the revolutionary army, not even anyone who sees the heel of the revolutionary army.

The reason is the channel integration problem.

The Revolutionary Army’s sources of intelligence are quite complicated, and generally fall into three categories.

The first is the original branch of the revolutionary army scattered around the world. The revolutionary army has established a very complete intelligence channel from all over the world.

The second is the revolutionary army’s own espionage organization. This organization focuses on collecting intelligence and does not deal with the previous revolutionary army. The intelligence between them is intertwined, but at this time the espionage organization is better at The middle and upper levels collect intelligence, and what they collect is often upper-level intelligence that cannot be reached in the villages and the people.

This information first enters the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, is then classified according to the region, and is finally sent to the hands of the leaders of the local Revolutionary Army.

Through the interaction of these two systems, the local revolutionary army is always ahead of the local army in the report, and has very strong mobility and intelligence capabilities. Of course, this is also due to the processing speed of the revolutionary army's head center.

And the last one is the gathering of intelligence information from news newspapers, such as Morgan Guns, he has the ability to talk to messenger birds, and these messenger birds can easily cross the ocean and intersperse all over the world, and these The messenger bird is also wise and wise.

They may not know the others, but where are those oppressive bigwigs, they are clear, like Eagle Eye, where there is a special messenger bird coming to deliver the newspaper.

One is that the whereabouts of these big guys are valuable things. For example, Admiral Crick of the East China Sea, because he does not buy the whereabouts of the Qiwu Haimen from the black market, so the fleeting years are disadvantageous, and he meets Hawkeye Mihawk when he goes out. Everything that Mihawk had easily smashed to pieces, and even chased it beyond the great route.

Therefore, in the Qiwu Sea, whether it was the Golden Emperor Tezzoro or anyone else, their whereabouts were clearly remembered by the news bird of the World News, and then they reported to the General Staff of the Revolutionary Army, the eagle-eyed man. Of course, his whereabouts are under the surveillance of the Revolutionary Army.

He silently looked at the letter in his hand, and the threat in it became clear without even writing it.

Humans are social animals. As long as they control society, they can control humans. No matter how powerful Hawkeye is, he cannot escape the need to deal with people.

Why would he allow Perona to live on his island, is it really because Perona is beautiful?

It was not because before Sauron came, there were only a group of monkeys who could not speak on his island. He was a person, not a monkey. He needed to communicate.

Even if these monkeys can cultivate for him and practice swords with him, he still needs human communication.

The revolutionary army is using this method to tell him that no matter where you hide, we can find you, and we can all destroy your normal social relations and normal social activities.

And a person without normal social activities will sooner or later become a lunatic, or a fool.

There is no doubt that the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army can certainly do this, but whether they are willing to do this for the Hawkeye is doubtful.

But their threat was definitely sent to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye opened the letter silently. This is an invitation to the Revolutionary Army Swordsman Chief Instructor. Inside is a personal letter from the Revolutionary Army Commander Leo, who warmly invited Hawkeye to serve as the Revolutionary Army's Swordsman Chief Instructor— -This is equivalent to conscription.

This kind of recruitment of special talents is carried out through special channels, whether in ancient times or in modern times or in modern times. For example, because of the lack of talents in modern China, many talented teenagers were called up and went to university directly in advance. This is the special phenomenon of [Juvenile Class], and it was even more so in ancient times. The emperor and monarch of wise people are often directly recruited.

In Pirate World, this kind of enlistment is not uncommon. For example, in the [World Conscription] campaign conducted by the navy two years later, it directly enlisted the two big cows, Green Bull and Fujitora, but the revolutionary army’s current combat effectiveness is already Enough, it’s not so urgent for top-level combat power, but after all, Hawkeye is the world’s number one swordsman. Is he at the level of the three generals or is already the bottom of the four emperors? No one knows. If he recruits, how much sacrifices and casualties it will take for the revolutionary army to kill him-of course, it is also possible to directly use several main battleships to surround the island with over-range artillery scrubbing, completely turning this island into So far there are no living creatures.

Although I am a little bit sorry for the creatures on the island, it is clear that this is the real tactic for facing these strong men.

The Revolutionary Army has even been prepared, will not send out strong men above major generals, only relying on the command and combat power of the main battleship to obliterate Qiwuhai. Leo and Sabo are determined to pull out a few who are not strong, but their minds Very good, a smart man who knows how to command fleet operations comes out to become a lieutenant general, and even plans to broadcast live on the entire network.

Of course, this may also lead to the collapse of direct performance: no one knows exactly how powerful a person like Eagle Eye is. In case he makes a "sword", the sword will smash tens of thousands of meters, and I have realized that the flying sword is not enough for him to kill.

At that time, I can only "go and please laugh at Lieutenant General Ace".

However, if you want to get back to playing, you still have to recruit in advance.

Hawkeye was silent for a long time, thinking for a while, after all, it was still a flat boat, going straight up against the current, towards Gaya Island.

Not only Hawkeye, the other four Qiwuhai also received Leo’s invitation letter and surrender letter. For those who performed well, Leo didn’t use a harsh tone, but instead gave the other party a step down, such as Said Hawkeye.

But for those who do not perform well, his letter is not so polite.

Tezzoro dropped the letter on the ground, stomping crazily, and even stomped two feet with his feet, his face was green and his twisted face was blooming with hideous veins.

His subordinate Bacara walked over curiously, picked up the letter full of footprints from the ground, and looked through it.

There are only a few words on it: surrender or die?

The signature is-Chief of the Revolutionary Army, Leo.