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Chapter 493

The arrival of the red hair is definitely an earth-shattering event.

The reason is that red hair is the last obstacle in the way of the revolutionary army.

No, to be precise, there is also a fellow named Yim in the place where the Tianlong people live. No matter how the captured five old stars are tortured, it is difficult for them to get any useful information.

They just looked at the revolutionary army provocatively and invited them to visit the Holy Land Mariagioa.

In general, Yim’s ability should be very powerful, but it is clear that Yim also has his own unspeakable concealment, or there is no suitable ship, or because of some reasons he can’t leave the Holy Land Mariagioa, his mobility is almost About equal to collar.

If this is the case, then the revolutionary army will be happy and relaxed-won't it be okay to kill you after I slowly take control of the world and gain the advantage?

At this time, many people discovered how wise Leo had given him: to stop the war directly and accept the order that the captives would no longer pursue them.

At the meeting, Leo put forward the strategic policy of not paying attention to the holy place of Mariejoa, blocking the seas around Mariejoa, and developing self-improvement in depth. The revolutionary army has always followed Leo’s strategy in its grand strategy. After Mariahia, the dragon people in Mariahia began to complain.

The people of Tianlong are extremely extravagant. Although they have a lot of inventory, they can't bear their expenses. It's just a few months of work, they began to complain, and their inventory will soon be exhausted. There are still so many slaves who need to eat and drink. It is absolutely impossible for them to liberate the slaves. After all, they have to rely on the slaves to provide food, shelter and transportation, but it is impossible to feed these slaves. There are so many mouths up and down. , Their food can support for half a year is considered to be great.

This is just a matter of food, as well as material issues, such as clothes. They must buy the best, eat the freshest food, and watch the latest weird animals.

But this is all gone. After the maritime trade is cut off, the so-called red soil continent is nothing more than a larger island.

The Tianlong people built the bridge country that wanted to rule the world for more than 800 years. They didn’t connect the planet until the Revolutionary Army took it. The Tianlong people didn’t even want to run from land to other places. Up.

But just this, there are still businessmen who are not afraid of death who want to take advantage of the opportunity to consolidate, and take advantage of the dilemma of the Tianlong people to make money from the "waste paper" Bailey in the hands of the Tianlong people.

At this time, it's not a question of whether you can buy it or not, it's a question of how much I open you have to buy.

For this kind of merchant revolutionary army, it is also very simple. You have to try the revolutionary army's knife and disadvantage, if the rope is not strong, then the revolutionary army will be as you wish.

Anyway, all the people caught were directly hanged. Although the revolutionary army treated the merchants well, it was not bottomless. If the merchants thought it was a bottomless spoiling and could do whatever they wanted, then they had miscalculated their calculations.

The mastermind beheaded!Confiscate all property!

The retort hanged!Being hung at the entrance of the Great Airway warns everyone.

The informer is exonerated!You can also get one percent of the goods as a reward!

After these three sets of punches were beaten and two to three hundred people (in fact, people in a few boats) were hanged, no one dared to ignore the threat of the revolutionary army’s iron fist and start business honestly.

Now that the number of pirates has gradually decreased and the business environment has gradually improved, why bother with the government that controls the grassroots well and confiscated all the assets?

Businessmen do like speculation and take risks, but they will measure risks and benefits. Once the risk is too high, they will forget to look out for the wind and flee.

Regardless of whether it is supervision or punishment, it is a means to increase their risks and make them daunting.

In the past, everyone would think that the free market is good and the free market is wonderful. When you turn your head and look at the Blue Star's strongest empire, even masks cannot be produced. They can only hope that the people: masks are useless, and when they are not needed.

Everyone’s superstitions and illusions about the free market are almost extinguished.

So Leo did give merchants a lot of freedom at the beginning, but it is absolutely impossible for some people to step on the bottom line.

If you step on it, you will die.

After the Tianlongren were trapped and killed on the hills of the Red Earth Continent, the only four emperors, the red-haired Shanks, were the next to block the road of the Revolutionary Army.

In fact, the red-haired Shanks also has a very huge territory in the new world, but as the other four emperors fell one after another, his territory expanded accordingly.

If it weren’t for Shanks’ pirate group that is somewhat similar to Luffy’s pirate group, and only recruits the backbone, I am afraid that a new behemoth is slowly rising. By then, Shanks, who is supported as the co-lord of the pirates It should be called [One Piece Emperor] instead of One Piece!

After all, is the one piece in Luffy's mouth more important than the throne, or is the treasure represented by the one piece more important, or is the free will represented by the one piece more important?

For Luffy, I am afraid the latter two are more important. Among them, the treasure represented by One Piece is more important on the journey to find the treasure. This is why Luffy can always be happy and optimistic. .

And that's why the comic about Pirate became more and more boring in the later period, and Luffy stopped laughing.

We can no longer see Luffy’s smile and feel Luffy’s happiness. He started to change from the latter two to the former. He just wanted to hunt for treasure, but he had to be trapped by Oda to go with the aunt. Fighting the Four Emperors, he began to turn towards a predatory pirate: He had to grab back two pieces of historical text from Aunt Kaido before he could be qualified to move on.

The first attraction of Luffy is that he is fundamentally different from a predatory pirates-generally we call this kind of person: adventurer!


Now Shanks has come to Gaya Island with a fleet (that is, three ships including a supply ship). What is it for?

This time, the merchants ran faster-anyway, the shops and properties had been taken back by the revolutionary army, and the contents of the warehouse were all goods prepared for the risk of loss.

Now it is better to flee the island and let the battlefield out to the Revolutionary Army and the red-haired Shanks!

There was a turmoil on the entire terminal. Everyone was applying to leave the port, but this required the consent of the Revolutionary Army, because there were too many people. If everyone enters the port without authorization, they may cause congestion if they leave the port. Now they are instead. A reminder of merchants...