Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 508 Nationalization

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Chapter 508 The Second Issue

Leo is not actually talking about issues.

It is plugging loopholes.

Sometimes plugging loopholes is a very important thing. For example, a certain big brother in the past did not plug loopholes, or with the hegemony of the tsar, which is more beautiful than beautiful, although under the red flag, revolutionary In name, it is the fact that we are doing all kinds of imperialist things, forcing various countries in the vicinity of the geography, forcing other socialist countries to join the alliance of allies, and the fact that we are the emperor hegemony in the name of the Communist International.

How can such a country have what people want, and how can it not fall apart?

The grouping Leo is doing now is to let the people who really need it receive the rain of the revolutionary army, and let the countries and people who don't need them breathe a sigh of relief temporarily.

Revolution is not about forcibly sending warmth, it is not about everyone’s long-winded force [for your good], nor wishful thinking [don’t think you think, I want me to think], and it’s not about knocking bones on you under the banner of your own good. You can't pick up the hypocrisy of making mistakes, but the national power is getting weaker.

What they bring is revolution, innovation, and the purest purpose is to make these ordinary people live better.

If what they bring to these ordinary people is disaster and a more miserable life, then they will not be able to go to the masses and say with confidence: We are here to liberate you.

After losing justice, the Revolutionary Army and the Navy are no different.

In order to prevent this from happening, Leo certainly did enough work and homework.

"The content of the second issue is about the slaves who were enslaved by the Celestials in the Holy Land Mary Joa."

"My suggestion is to send a squad of people with special abilities to sneak in and try to find out what's inside without getting close to the core. After finding out what's inside, people can be rescued quietly. "

"On the official surface, we have to ignore these slaves and express an attitude that is totally uninterested in them. As far as saving others, they should not have thought of this."

This is to determine the essence of this regime: that is not to give up a person.

Sometimes collectivism and individualism are not opposites, just like what some people like to say: Don't want the rise of a big country, but only need the dignity of a small country.

In peacetime, it’s better to say that when the Middle East, Caucasus and other regions become chaotic, everyone will take a closer look. What is the dignity of a small country?Not only is a small country lacking dignity, but even a small man is inferior to a dog. There are many scandals that send his wives and daughters out in exchange for a bite, and even scandals personally reported by official UN agencies.

Isn't a small country a dog of a big country?Don't you think you really have dignity?No way?No way?

And since Leo has established an organization like the Communist International in the world of One Piece, country, skin color, and race are no longer reasons to restrict them. Before the gap between the rich and the poor is established, Leo must go through many years, ten The fact that all beings are equal has been instilled into their minds for more than 20 years.

The first thing to do is to have no slaves.

Therefore, whether it is before or after liberation, the liberation of serfs is the most important task, because this is the foundation of the country, and it is something that cannot be shaken.

"Next, let's vote." The first thing is to confirm that oneself will not follow the imperialist road and line in the future. Now this thing is to confirm the fundamental purpose of the revolutionary army organization and it is a matter of correcting one's position.

Although for many people, this goal cannot be compared with the previous goal, but it is clear that they still pressed the vote button for approval.

Like this kind of conference, in fact, every statement is a direction table, representing the will of all the founders of the original revolutionary army, and laying the foundation for the future regime of the revolutionary army.

Leo waited for a while, and after this vote, did he come up with the third topic.

Don't look at them like a grass-roots team, but they are actually very complete. In terms of military affairs: the army, the staff, and the intelligence agencies are three-legged. They look similar to the navy, but they are completely different.In terms of internal affairs, each department performs its own duties, which are the six departments in the true sense: the propaganda department, the foreign ministry, the intelligence department, the trade department, the industry department, and the medical department.

It seems that the whole workload seems to be reduced, but the revolutionary army has entered the electrification era. Their information processing speed is not known how much faster than the world government, and things have not been reduced. , It has increased substantially.

For example, the Ministry of Commerce needs to sort out the business people. It has thousands of tax officials composed of veterans. This requires not only communication and cooperation with the military, but also education, redistribution, and even The occurrence of anti-corruption and anti-corruption issues.

If you don’t educate about some things, they will take it for granted that they are fighting the world and gaining some benefits. They will destroy the corners of socialism and bark socialist hair. In order to prevent everyone from being ugly, this matter It is necessary to make it clear from the beginning, and ideological education needs people from the Ministry of Education.

State governance in modern society is no longer the crude way of governance in the past: a city only needs officials to bring a few Shaoxing masters, and then hook up with local powers to manage it easily.

In modern society, not to mention the problems of the government agencies in the electrified era of the revolutionary army. Just look at the suspension of work and pay for the staff of the lighthouse country for three days and two burning palaces, but the operation of the whole country has not been delayed at all. Going up to the Fire Palace with unlimited rights is just a platform for publishing news. The deep government and the people who really run the lighthouse nation are not in that house at all!

They are not a single person. They are a group of people, a group of powerful elites. They support a large number of lobbyists, data institutions, think tanks, and university professors. Then they form a huge interest neural network by collecting information from all parties. Controlling this huge country, and the burning palace, it is just their mouths. Of course, sometimes some of the things that this mouth says, these bodies can only be swallowed by the teeth, and they can’t say it. : No way, no way, do you use extra force while rushing?

The entire revolutionary army has now established a huge brain system here on Gaya Island. The next step is to build neural units controlled by the brain.

And this series of issues is the extension of brain nerve units.

"Regarding the Code of Conduct for the Nationalization of Resources Around the World."