Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 510 National Patch

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Chapter 600: National Patch

Leo’s words were not accepted by everyone. At least the vast majority of people didn’t think it was a good thing.

After all, this declaration is too domineering, and ordinary people can't understand the behavior logic behind this dominance declaration.

"So, my suggestion is to enact legislation first, do not have to rush to enforce the law, first slowly let them accept this law, and when they begin to feel the terror of these big capital businessmen firsthand, when they come to us to call the shots You can come up with this law to help them."

As the so-called strict legislation, selective law enforcement, generally illegal, in fact this has great wisdom in it.

To put it bluntly, the high cost of law enforcement requires the whole people to pay the bill, like the lighthouse country. If you don’t cut the turf, you will be shot by the police. If you walk the dog without tying the leash, you will be shot by the police. If you catch a drunk driving, you will be shot by the police. Shooting, apart from helping to clean up bullet stocks and prospering the funeral business, is of no benefit to everyone.

This is the problem of excessively strict law enforcement. Of course, there are problems such as the proliferation of guns, which makes the police nervous, but in essence, it is the problem of excessively strict law enforcement.

But in fact, many people are exquisite egoists. They are criminals when they violate this law. For example, when walking the dog without leashing the dog, they are criminals. Those who don't hesitate will become a justice person.

Many people simply don't admit that they are dual-standard, and they believe that they are [the only one], which is an exception.

If the law is strictly enforced, it will become a state of the police, apart from the increase in the cost of law enforcement: police funding has risen sharply, a large number of recruits, and ordinary people are living in fear of hanging quilts in the yard. People who violate the law will be called to the police by their neighbors and arrested by the police.

This kind of political system is undoubtedly forcing others to be dogs cautiously, otherwise they will be rectified by the police and become law-abiding dogs, or criminals who break the cans. In short, there is no second way. can choose.

So in Leo’s view, selective law enforcement is an advantage. After all, no one wants to live in a city where 35% of the city’s municipal budget is allocated to the police. In addition to higher law enforcement costs, it also represents more expensive taxes. And worse security.

After hearing Leo's words, everyone in the revolutionary army finally nodded slightly, which was regarded as a unified opinion.

But even so, some people still abstained from voting and did not press the button in front of them. Obviously for them, this was the first step towards imperialist hegemony. Although they were willing to believe in Leo’s party spirit. Pure, but I do not believe that the future revolutionary army will maintain this purity. I am afraid that in less than 50 years, the descendants of the revolutionary army will use this legal provision to take advantage of it.

For example, someone found a gold mine in a certain place, and then began to recruit people to mine. At that time, if the revolutionary army rots, someone will take the other party's gold mine by relying on this law.

This is what will happen now.

Leo is indeed great, but can he manage the world decades after his death?

Trafalgaro, with a smile, are all people who have seen the terrible and deepest darkness of this world, so they did not press the button of approval. They believed in Leo, but did not believe in the future revolutionary army, so They abstained on this issue.


Leo could also live to be as old as Eim.

There was a thoughtful expression on Trafallo's face.

"The next topic is more important." Leo continued: "To be precise, this is actually the same thing as the previous topic, but it's not the same thing."

"That is the nationalization of strategic resource industries."

"The country builds factories, recruits people, places retired veterans, and then conducts national-level resource surveys, mining, and centralized planning."

"These strategic resources include coal, iron, oil, natural gas, gold, etc."

"Existing known mineral deposits are purchased from individuals at a premium of 30% of the market price in the name of the state."

"In short, we must firmly control these strategic materials in our own hands."

The Revolutionary Army’s approach seems domineering, but it’s not as outrageous as the navy. The navy of the world government has always confiscated key resources directly. If you don’t agree, you can go to death with your own money. You are not polite at all.

But at least the revolutionary army had to redeem it, which can be said to be very ethical.

In the next round of voting, because it was agreed that all land under heaven is the reason of the state, this rule was approved by all members.

This is undoubtedly the core area of ​​the entire country. Each of their buttons represents the future direction of this country. They finally understand what Leo said: We are the masters of this country, and the people of this country are The reason is the master of this country.

There are not one or two people here, who are from noble births. Almost all came from the identity of the people to this position. Ace is the people, smile is the people, Trafalgarro is also the people, and even Zhiping, the empress , Ivankov, Big Bear, they are all people.

When the direction of the entire country is held in their hands, it means that they are deciding the direction of this country, which the people have chosen.

They are really controlling the will of this country.

Leo explained to them just now, except for what he always insisted: there is nothing that cannot be said to the people. I am afraid that if they really have more than 60% of the people vote against, then Leo must not Will force a bill against everyone.

"The next one will be more important." Seeing that they have become accustomed to these things, Leo couldn't help laughing happily. That's right. Now they should get rid of the creative thinking of the revolutionary army in the past and start Gradually move towards the thinking of a big country, a giant leader.

Their every move is related to the survival and life of all people.

Their concentration began to gather.

"Regarding the issue of the army, soldiers, and their families are not allowed to do business." The current regime of the Revolutionary Army is generally regarded as a military government.

It's just that the creation is still very early, and there are no interest groups and old-school political groups within the entire army. The grass-platform team of the old revolutionary army is now unworthy of giving shoes to the new revolutionary army.

Leo wanted to make this law before any interest groups appeared in the entire army.