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Chapter 516

Unlike the revolutionary army of the Kingdom of Alabastan, the revolutionary army of the Goa Kingdom overthrew the king’s head and naturally began to receive the king’s wealth. Relying on these wealth, they had it from the beginning. A very good basic disk.

Only soon, the problem began to burst out continuously.

The Kingdom of Goya is in a very good position-you say it is remote, it is at the last stop of the Kingdom of Bridges, and even the point where Tianlong people are required to visit.

To put it bluntly, except for the Kingdom of Goya, which other country can let the Denonians leave the great route, leave the safe Chambord Islands, and then come to inspect their country?

not a single one!

But you say that the Goa Kingdom is prosperous.

It is actually the corner of the world. Dorag chose to fire the first shot of the revolution here. His father Karp chose to throw One Piece's child Ace here for stocking. It was not without reason.

In such a place, if there is not a naval hero Karp, if there is not a revolutionary army first-generation commander Dorag, and there is even a possibility that the future One Piece King Luffy will appear, many people will not see much at all. Take a look at it.

In such a place, it seems that no matter what happens, it won't provoke other people's care and attention.

For example, the navy only set up an ordinary colonel base here in the past. Although there are reasons why Karp would come back to patrol from time to time, it is enough to see how remote the Goa Kingdom is.

Such a remote country should not be so rich in theory.

But until the Revolutionary Army of the Goa Kingdom rushed into the palace and confiscated the property of the princes and nobles, they were immediately shocked by the property of these nobles.

It is clear that the Kingdom of Goa is not a slavery country, but these princes and nobles have accumulated wealth that is hundreds of times richer than that of a slavery country.

This is really amazing.

This has been mentioned in the previous article: The Pirate World is a world deliberately transformed by people. It is a world where honey and milk are kept in the true sense. The ability to survive in this world is greater than the ability to survive in other worlds. Many times simpler.

Everyone in Orange Town, who has been exploited by the evil dragon with harsh taxes for more than ten years, can still wait until Nami grows up and waits until Luffy and the others defeat the evil dragon. It wasn't because she was going to starve to death and couldn't live anymore and she resisted, but because she resisted Nami's experience, favor, and self-esteem.

This shows that they are far from reaching the point where they cannot survive.

Even the people in Orange Town endured it for so long without any problem. For example, when the nobles of the Goya Kingdom or other countries carried out more cruel exploitation, many people still just endured it.

It is precisely because of the patience and exploitation from generation to generation that the wealth of the nobles began to swell dramatically.

Regarding how to arrange these wealth, there are huge differences within the revolutionary army of the Goa Kingdom.

The wealth is touching, not to mention that many of the revolutionary army of the Goa Kingdom were born out of trash mountain. They have never seen so much money, such a luxurious life, and such a privileged environment in their entire life. I plunged in, and didn't want to come out all of a sudden.

The only two leaders who insisted on their party spirit and purity also had huge differences, which caused the inner voice of this revolutionary army to become louder and more torn.

"I don't agree with this. We must leave sufficient funds to carry out domestic construction, and we must leave most of the money to do things." The person who said this was a young man with glasses, he was slender. , His skin is slightly darker, but he looks gentle, shaved the short-inch hair that is unique to the Revolutionary Army, blushes on one side, and fights for reason.

He now understands a little bit about what it means when a talented person meets a soldier, so he can't explain it.

As an instructor sent from the headquarters of the revolutionary army, his task is very heavy. In addition to helping the local revolutionary army establish the most basic organizational structure, whether it is to ask for money and weapons for the headquarters, or to train the local revolutionary army, or It was his job to organize classes to preach the revolutionary army's ideas to them.

At the age of 20, he came from the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army to this country in the most remote sea area to fulfill the responsibilities of revolutionaries. Three years ago, before the overthrow of the Kingdom of Goa, he and this group of garbage mountains The residents ate and slept and lived together, no distinction between you and me.

But only now did he realize that there is a huge gap and disagreement between them. This disagreement comes from their different education, different living environment, growth resources, and current attitude towards wealth.

He dared to guarantee that his proposal was not selfish, but the person in front of him maintained a more radical attitude: "In addition to ensuring our basic operations, other wealth must be distributed to the poor."

"Then establish a new tax system and re-establish a government system. Only in this way can we separate ourselves from the Goya kingdom in the past and walk into the new era with our heads upright." His opposite. , The leader of the local revolutionary army in the Goa Kingdom, a young man with a big beard said loudly without letting go.

He was almost the same age as the other, but not only was his skin rough, he was tall and burly, with a big beard on his face, but his head was already bald.

From the face, he is at least twenty years older than the opponent.

This is the impact of unhealthy diet and living environment on people. Even a strong young man has to lower his proud head to admit his fate when facing this cruel environment.

His concept is very firm, even radical, so that the face of the instructor of the revolutionary army headquarters who wears glasses and named Barbarion shows a puzzled expression: "This will seriously hinder our construction progress. Let this country’s infrastructure and people’s well-being be delayed for more than ten years."

"We must do this." The beard grabbed Barbarion's clothes and lifted him up, staring at him seriously, and whispered: "You don't know what kind of temperament the group of subordinates from the trash mountain are. And character, don’t I know! These wealth, these treasures, staying here will only destroy our revolutionary purity and friendship. The entire revolutionary army will be turbulent because of these wealth. We can’t keep them here, understand. , Scholar!"


PS: I'm sorry, I overestimated my speed and level. Chapter 514 has been written and changed. Chapter 515 has not yet been written. The next chapter may be a little later. Apologies.I'm so tired and sleepy lately. It seems that I have a cold. I can't sleep well and feel bad.