Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 529 Sea Fortress and Special Zone

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Chapter 529 Sea Fortress and Special Zone

After hearing the conditions and requirements of the two of them, Ivankov showed a complicated expression on his face.

"I can't promise you about this matter. I will report to the commander. You come back tomorrow." They were chatting at the gate of the Revolutionary Army of the Chambord Islands.

Gal Dino and Kalifa nodded on their faces, fully able to understand Ivankov's thoughts and risks. Although he is a general, the officers of the Revolutionary Army in some places are obviously very different from the previous navy.

The power of some naval base officers is almost like the local emperor, who can simply decide the life and death of everyone in the entire base.

Although the navy officers in some bases are quite loved, they cannot change the fact that they are like emperors and dictators.

But the Revolutionary Army is different. Even a general does not have any qualifications to determine these conditions.

Especially for technical matters, Ivankov dare not act rashly.

To be honest, the technology of the Revolutionary Army has been promoted in Leo's inspiration and Frank's implementation to a point where ordinary people can't understand it even if they can use it.

This is somewhat in line with Leo’s words: “A good technology should be able to make it easy for farmers who don’t know a single word to use it.”

From this point of view, the technology produced by the previous "gods" is completely awesome: no one understands the birth mechanism and principle of the devil fruit, but it is clear that even illiterate illiterate children, underage children , A woman or an old man can gain powerful power immediately after eating the devil fruit.

It can be said that it is a model of powerful technology.

On the current revolutionary warships, there are basically technologies that ordinary people don’t understand at all, but they can be easily used, such as electromagnetic guns. For example, why can human power transform electricity faster than human directly rowing a ship? Whether it is explosive power or endurance, this kind of power that has undergone the second conversion has to be stronger.

No one understands.

This is the current technological level of the revolutionary army.

No way, there are many people all over the world who can read, but not many people who understand physics, chemistry, and mechanics.

The Revolutionary Army is now training these scholars from scratch, but it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to understand what is called electric energy, what is called kinetic energy, and what is called propeller.

In short, Ivankov did not dare to boast that it would be difficult to lend them the technology of the Revolutionary Army in Haikou, or even directly give them the finished product, because this is likely to cause the leakage of the Revolutionary Army’s technology.

Although the Revolutionary Army is now ready to sell (license) part of the technology to merchants, so that they can also enjoy the joy of the era of electrical navigation and improve efficiency across the world.

However, they are two completely different things, one is controllable and the other is uncontrollable.

Now Ivankov understood why those navies hated uncontrollable pirates.

"We will be here at this time tomorrow and wait for your reply." Gal Dino and Karina nodded, respecting Ivankov's choice and decision.

Then Leo received a telegram from Ivankov.

Compared with the direct contact method such as the telephone worm, the revolutionary army prefers things like telegraph more and more.

Telegrams are indeed slower than telephone worms, but for the government, efficiency is not all, files are more important.

It does not matter whether it is a trace or evidence, or a historical record for future self or future generations to be consulted, or the future proof of one's innocence and innocence.

From the very beginning, the files brought by this kind of telegram were cumbersome and redundant procedures, and now they can be browsed and shared by many people, proving that they have cleared their relationships, and are gradually accepted by others, and even loved by people within the revolutionary army.

This thing has indeed been completely accepted by the revolutionary army and liked it wholeheartedly.

Ivankov is one of them.

Obviously, as a general, he did have Leo’s phone call, but he still took a telegram directly to him—his news was not considered urgent at all. In the military, some news were ranked lower than him. Before the telegram, even if he was a general at this time, he would be ranked behind according to the weight and importance of the news.

Of course, the position of the general will indeed add a lot of weight to his news.

As it is now, the news from Mingmingoya Kingdom is more important, but it still came to Leo with Ivankov's telegram.

Leo took a look at the situation in the Goa Kingdom and then stopped paying attention. Now that the revolutionary army is insufficient, some people will eventually learn to walk by themselves.

This is true whether it is the Kingdom of Alabastan or the Kingdom of Goya.

Oh, they will all be called provinces in the future.

The province of Alabastan and Goya Province.

Leo picked up the telegram taken by Ivankov, with a surprised expression on his face.

To be honest, the price paid is too small in terms of the gains gained by the revolutionary army. The foundations of the three huge three-mast sailing ships are islands.

It is a large piece of land that can be cultivated, sailed, resisted the wind and waves, even if it is dragged forward by sails, there is not much falling apart and scattered solid islands.

These three islands are really a secret cast for Moonlight Moriah.It fell into Moria's hands.

After they come into the hands of the revolutionary army, they will show 300% of their combat effectiveness.

Although Tezzoro’s Golden Tezzoro is now in the hands of the Revolutionary Army, it is impossible for the Revolutionary Army to spend so much money to create one or two such mobile cities for such a city with such a huge cost. .

And this city has been destined for its role from the time it was designed, and of course the revolutionary army could not go against its original design at a high price and transform it into strange things and looks.

It is destined to be used only as a maritime special economic zone.

The three islands of Moonlight Moria are more useful.

At a small level, their skeletons are enough to be transformed into an aircraft carrier that can move and never be sunk. These three aircraft carriers are like Leo’s fleet of aircraft carriers in the past world and can accommodate a large number of soldiers. Food, supplies, and warships, whether to go to a certain place for disaster relief, or as a mobile fortress to calm the turmoil and riots in the area, are excellent regional ballast stones.

These are three mobile sea bases, action fortresses!

And going bigger...