Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 539 Miracle of the Kingdom of Alabastan

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Chapter 539 Miracle of the Kingdom of Alabastan

Although the Alabastan kingdom is just a briefing in the Lei Oh, it is only brought.

However, in fact, Leo will send Nameden's top weather and navigator to the navigator. The secret of the revolutionary army of Aii is put out, and the Score will send the first person to send the first person. In the past, it was enough to see him to pay attention to the Kingdom of Arabastan.

The strategic status of the Kingdom of Alabastton is superior, the land is poor, but the population is numerous, and the good fight is only the source of high-quality soldiers in the empty island.

Don't mention that they have tough over the generation of the generation of the king of the generation, but never live a good day.

They can be said to be the most determined revolutionary soldiers.

But even in this, they also have the limit of endurance for the revolutionary army.

They are not unlimited to tolerate the revolutionary army, especially the revolutionary army can't give them the benefits.

Human is such a realistic creature, in the new Oriental ordinary people are willing to hungry soldiers with the front line of the belly belt, it is because they have just experienced a massacre in the country, in this case, slow Slowly hungry is better than being killed by men and women.

And the Kingdom of Alabastan does not owe any revolutionary army, and they certainly don't do the extent of the people of the new Orient.

But it is like Leo, it is their important responsibility and burden for the people who govern them.

If you can't provide them with a good life than before, the revolutionary army's regime is no legality without justice.

This is also completely established in the ordinary people in the Kingdom of Alabastan.

So Leio is extremely valued in the Kingdom of Arabastan to send several important characters to change the environmental issues of the Kingdom of Arabastan.

Among them, Nami is an extremely important key.

At the beginning, I saw that they saw that they were completely untrustworthy, because these people were really strong in the sea, but they really changed the climate in the Kingdom of Alabastan? Can it really let the rain fall in the country of Araba?

In his opinion, only the revolutionary army sent a Snow Fruit, and the power of the frozen fruit was sincerely changed to the climate of the Kingdom of Arabastan. After all, it was able to directly change the water molecules in the air. Two devils in Blizzard or Ice.

But he doesn't understand that it can only solve the pain, and the weather in the Kingdom of Arabastan needs to be like Nazi's climate fruit capabilities to solve.

Only after the root solves this problem, the ordinary talents in Alabasan will benefit from the changes in the climate.

It is indeed that the revolutionary army can now inherit the power of the devil's fruit, but the ability of the Revolutionary Army does not continue because he completely rely on such capacity to reform.

Although the Devil Research Department of the Revolutionary Army has begun to study the research plans for the demon fruits of the artificial animal, it is clear that the research of the natural system and superman's demon fruit capacity is still far.

In this premise, all the programs of the revolutionary army, electrical tool transformation, artificial power generation plan, etc., etc., are in the development of the natural devil, the real-in-law, the Aii Road, which is a R & D tool. Use his very convenient thunderstorm capability to perform circuit integration treatment.

With the help of Ai Ni, the revolutionary army's electric energy industry quickly exceeded the average of this world, and entered the first electrical revolution.

In the research and development of various weapons, it has also exceeded the electric energy weapon in the era of Leio. After all, if the research progress of the electric energy weapon for gunpowder weapons and electricity weapons, the research progress of electric energy weapons is really unbeatable than the gunpowder weapon.

Everything in the Revolutionary Army is preparing for the loss of the thunder fruit in Ai Ni, I know this, this is what Leio has been disclosed, that is, if it is in the revolutionary army After all of the generations have died, the revolutionary army has completely lost the devil fruit, and how they should deal with the challenge of the new one.

Lei Oi directly put forward the development concept of science and technology, with Trafalo and Fragic as the core, two people responsible for physical weapons schedule, a weapon schedule responsible for biological weapons, this The focus of research and development is that sustainability and renewable ability, that is, they can be copied.

In the later generation, it is the sustainable development of sustainable energy, but only the sustainable energy is replaced with sustainable weapons.

Na Beauty is also inheriting this concept in the Kingdom of Alabastan, so I didn't send personally or emperor Hancu, but sent Namei who came over to carry out an environment. After investigation, I have to form a plan completely. The Environment of the Renovation of the Kingdom of Alabastan helps them carry out regular rainfall and other activities.

This is a hundred years of Leo, which is planned by Leo, which is completed by the people of the Kingdom of Arabastan. The Revolutionary Army will support the revolutionary people of Allabast's revolutionary people to support and help, but Alabastton It must be exaunted, and the continuous coherence of this policy is to be promoted for a hundred years.

Namei came over to surveillance Alabasan's environment and hydrology, just the first step of this program.

And Nan Mei, they seemed to be magic, after landing on the shore in front of the sand, first, Nami's expression began to become happy, only seeing him turned to the Scoge opening: "It's better to come. If we have come, we have just ran down this place. Although I have to wait a week, but since this place has been raining, it means that he is can't wait, we will push him directly. "

Sigra is completely not understate what Namei is saying. He is carrying ten hands in setting with the stone stone, holding a cigar in his mouth, looking at the whole person, and the left and right of Ai Ni will be The guard in Nami's left and right. After listening to Namei, I took a nodded, and I asked: "What do you say, I do."

Nami smiled and pointed out a beautiful arc to the sky: "So, please push the cloud to the left. This cloud is coming, they are very common. Yo."