Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 578 State Enterprise

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Chapter 578

"It's really good!" Leo he turned a few laps around the research institute of the four people, and smiled and said to Qobs.

This is indeed very good. He thought of several ways to use these devils. After all, as long as there is a devil fruit, what is easier.

After all, it is not what people can practice to the domineering level.

Some people can not be enough, and they can't settle the threshold of domineering, but their personal talent and faithful are unquestionable.

Such a person is impossible to develop in the previous navy's era.

But at this side of the revolutionary army, they can live in a high level, so some people are quite dissatisfied.

In fact, this is very dangerous, because the force is not as good as people, even in the revolutionary army, it is very dangerous, uncomfortable brothers come to make you a meal, you have no face, there is also the eligibility command Ship or fleet?

Therefore, even if the revolutionary army is deeply evil, when the army of the Navy is deep, it is still to adjust the powerful people from the power to the battlefield.

The Revolutionary Army has traded the promotion routes of these strong people through the exam, so that they can upgrade the reason for the martial arts and defeat the enemy. Otherwise, the revolutionary army is in a sense. It is said that the Navy is really a lot.

But there is no difference after these devils.

It is necessary to know that the armed colored domineering and seeing the color of the domineering, and it can even be said to be the only means that can attack the natural system.

But the fundamental words, that is, increase your strength and speed, and the three things that have the ability to respond.

But the people who have eaten animals can increase these three things.

That is to say, if it is not naturally devilous fruit, the strong people who have been armed, unless they are cultivated to Baret and Kapu, otherwise a animal demon The fruit is enough to make up for the gap between people who don't have armed colored domineering and armed tall domineering revolutionary army.

This is also a pair of political balance, and it is even more powerful.

First of all, the deterrence of the revolutionary army increased, and the previous revolutionary army and the ship's combatants were mostly training the Navy six, and the Navy's Marine Corps of the Revolutionary Army in the Weihai Airlines will have domineering practitioners.

However, after the artificial animal is demonic, the revolutionary army can give most of the team members of the Marine Corps, even if the output is not enough, it is also very good to give 12 elite form an animal battle squad.

I have to be able to resist them in the first half of the four seas, and the first half of the great route.

"Yield, if you want to mass production, what conditions need, how much can be produced every day?" Lei Ho directly asked the key.

"Yield is not too big, but we need a very low temperature environment, in addition to the creation of people in other places, there will be many cells to lose activities, if we make in other places, we There is also a huge large factory that can refrigeration, which is too big. "

"So in addition to manufacturing in this place, only the remaining winter island can make the artificial devil fruit."

Tellafal Ganone explained.

Lei Oi is aware of Caesar why Caesar is studying the demon fruits in the islands of ice and green.

There are still these considerations.

Unfortunately, Caesar is more than the sky, the life is thin, and the quadrant is dancing. The deceased in the left and right, the left is hooked, and the beast is trying to study the animal system. The giant, such a big two topic revolutionary army did not dare to study at the same time, Caesar is not forced to study, he certainly impossible.

"I set up a factory in Winter Island. In the middle of the three mountains, the factory drove the factory, drove the animals here, so that the ordinary people in Emotion Island also have a good job." Leio clap.

Everyone nodded, there is no objection, and now Winter Island has formed a huge industrial chain: education industry chain.

Winter Island's doctor's world famous, the medical school opened is also the holy place in all doctors. No matter where the doctor is going, as long as you are a doctor who is a magguristic country, it will give others awe-inspiring, at least a life guarantee There is no problem.

People who surrounded these for school, the people of Magin Island also developed a huge service industry, and the food and food and housing education of those who came to learn were all huge benefits and industries.

In addition, there are a lot of people come to work, their low-cost employment prices, people who earn money in the local area, they can't help but hire them, they don't say those ordinary people.

Soon the salary of the people on the canal is because the inner volume begins to fall: because you don't do it, some is people.

For the underlying people without competitiveness, whether it is, it can be easily replaced, and they don't have any ways to compete with foreign people.

And they naturally started an angry and boycott of foreign people.

But they are not the mainmen of Magin Island, even if the main party of Magua Island does not allow them to lose all of the interests, only fertilized their own behavior.

They have not been wrong from their own perspective, but they will kill the potential and vitality of Magua Island: only the people on this island, can serve a few people, can you meet how many people?

They meet the service of the people, and those who come to eat and eat, and will not be guaranteed, who will continue to stay on this island? When the group is dissipated, the compensation of these servers will become less. If you don't want to be less, you can only increase the price, from the server to the exploitation, and a very few people master the exploitation of the resources to foreign people. .

Will the Revolutionary Army becomes like this?

However, the revolutionary army does not support them to resist foreign workers, but they will not put them regardless of them, they can't compete with foreign workers. The most basic houses and residences don't need to worry about themselves. Older people have more advantages.

Now that the revolutionary army has built a demon fruit manufacturing plant, then they will abandon the service industry and choose to enter the factory in the revolutionary military welfare, become an employee of the revolutionary army.

At that time, the revolutionary army solved three problems at once: workers in the factory, the reliability of workers, and the security of migrant workers.

And if they dare to be lazy, the revolutionary army will naturally introduce foreign migrant workers as a squid to arouse their competitiveness and crisis.

It can be described as a stone three bird.