Revolution Bar Empress

Chapter 588 you are free

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Chapter 588 you are free

"You go," on the empty island.

The naval is assembled and neat array.

Even after the revolutionary military prisoner has worked for a whole year, although the Navy's three or two two two ends have not stopped, but still maintains its own organization's ability. So far, in addition to the red dog Saskaski and his faction , The remaining marshal, general, middle general, almost all of the surrender, most of the surrender, is the middle-level middle layer of the naval, from the grassroots, they do not count anything vessel, and there is not too firm belief And the idea, for them, the Navy is just a job, perhaps this job has glory blessings.

But this glory is actually the glory of the revolutionary army, and when they began to surrender to the revolutionary army, naturally, they also brought their own companions.

As for these dead hard molecules, Leo has no effort to take them.

There is also today, after assembling, Leo said to the Warring States, they said bluntly, give them free.

These generals will be the essence of the entire navy, but since the revolutionary army can't absorb them into their revolutionary army, then they can only give up them helpless.

To be honest, they can't use many people, but still need a certain person. This kind of man is placed here. It is wasteful. In the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army is now too lazy to waste their human resources to look at them.

"You are free." Lei Ou has opened his hand and said to the Warring States.

"One thief has disappeared, next, we will encircle the big waters of the great route, and then completely ending the big hundred thief era, if you want to participate, join us now, otherwise, you will I can only look at the newspaper in the corner, watching us. The whole world is full. "Lei Hou faces a lot more burly than him, a lot, strong and a lot of Warring States and Kapu said.

"Hey, the little guy is really blowing. I just want to set the hundred pirates in the world for a year." Kapu did not believe this, he used a small thumb to dig his nose, while the Nasal of Leo

The Warring States is deadly staring at Lei Ou opens: "Are you really true? Do you really have a pirates?"

A large group of naval generals around the front and rear of Lei Oh, it seems to be surrounded by Zeneuro, shredded him, and the side of Leo is just a Robin, but his expression is very easy, even The expression nearby Revolutionary Army is also relaxed.

At the past, when the revolutionary army and the navy were hostile, Leo repeatedly emphasized that the revolutionary army and the navy were not enemies, but there were not many people in the revolutionary army to believe this matter.

It is the so-called distance to produce a strangeness. When the Navy has become a prisoner of the Revolutionary Army, when serving near the revolutionary army, their one moved in the eyes of the revolutionary army, and they found that this group of Navy is outside the hostility. It's really not a bad person. They are really just a group of simple soldiers, who go to them, they will listen to the order.

These pure soldiers and most of the revolutionary soldiers are the same.

After the long-distance observation, all the revolutionary troops finally determined that Leo said it is true. Although these navys are engaged in their own, they are really not the enemy of the revolutionary army. They are just Can't help but others.

And the harsh excess pirates are completely different.

In the face of the fight against the Warring States, he nodded: "We don't have your historical burdens. Under our efforts, the governments around the world have been overturned, and the people don't need to come to the sea. If you live, you can happiness, if you don't have this, there is no reason. "

"Plus me before the investigation of the pension of the pirates, and the amnesty, there is no new pirates on the big sea."

Leo may not be too difficult for them. Whether it is a World Economic State or an outside news, he has not banned from this group of navy, even the pirates of heavy prisoners also have news, and can understand the world's latest trends.

Leo believes that these things are like cultivation, once you cultivate it, no matter what is not a big problem, just need a set of long-awaiting and pushing the past.

And the people's livelihood, let the people live in peace, rich and full, is cultivating internal strength.

New Oriental is trying to cultivate the internal strength, weigh the foundation, but the first big country in the world is the super-sucking Dafa, which is constantly absorbing the internal strength of others, but the internal force is not pure, and it is a little accidentally to go to the magic risks of.

Now that the world's largest country, the world's first big country, the world, is just proved that his breath Dafa is useless.

Once the hegemony, there is also a day of worshiping the art, burying the life, but unfortunately, the launching star is too convenient, it is very easy to use, too fast, bury his head hard for sixty years (a mane) internal force, It is even more than the internal force sucking in the day of the breath Dafa.

In this case, who is still going back to the end of the old man to practice his own basis?

Give up the foundation internal strength, it is natural that it is impossible to pay too much attention to your own.

But the revolutionary army has always been the real king route of Leo.

Especially in the public opinion, the hot pot is now in full swing, Leo only needs to ignite the fire, it will be able to instantly blame the fade in a foolish garbage.

At the same time, there is also the same side of Leo, but it is no wonder why Lei Oi is directly on the top of Taishan. It is ignited everywhere, but it is possible to put all the war within a year, remove the pirate from the root to remove them.

Without a large number of pirates, it was screened. Even if the old fighter in the great route didn't play, because they didn't have the supplement of the troops, they will be less than one person, as long as they continue to enclose And forced, then the revolutionary army can kill them.

The Navy is also a set of practices, but it has never been successful, because they don't intervene in internal affairs and circumstances, let the Tianlong people and local kings constantly exploit the locals, let the local people can't live, naturally Sailing out of the sea, go to the sea to find a living road, and the chamber is unable to provide so many jobs, so many people should do it?

Only the one of the pirates.