Royal Road

Chapter 59

The flowers in the lotus pond have long been exhausted, and Wang Wural looked at the full pool, and smoothed. Luoyang has been around for nearly two months, and the war is still there. Nowadays, Chengdu Wang is in the plain, the historic machine is the striker, and the leaders of the army approach Luoyang. I think that Lu Jingheng is behind the Nong Wu famous will, and there is still less unique, the article is gone. If it is defeated Luoyang, how is it?

There is such an anger, even if you are full of autumn, you can't let Wang Wen are inachunk. The hand is in the hands of the tail, and he is self-evident, and a waiter is careful to come: "The letter on the Lord, Liang Lang Junfu is seek."

"Oh?" Wang Wen was slightly oscillated with a slight spirit, opening a mouth, "recruit him coming in."

Liang Zixi can be different from others, even if it is worried, Wang Wen will not put Liangfu Xin to the door. Not much time, the messenger walked into the courtyard, kneeling: "Kingdom is Zhenggong, my family has maintained two new books, the extraordinary is coming to Zhongzheng."

What book is also appreciated? Wang Wen was curious, struck: "I will see it."

A wooden box has served, Wang Wens opened the box, frowned, why isn't it a scroll?

There are several square paper books in the box, and there is a stack of small pads. He picks up a book, only see the dark paper, which is covered with dark paper, hidden incense, the top is Liang Feng's wonderful book, the workmanship is a few words, the word "King Kong, the word", surrounded by the word There are boxes, and the grain is supposed to supplement. It's just a cover, and people are praise.

Open the cover, it is a picture, which is the scenery of the garden described in the year. This painting can be no preceded, but the composition is smart, the brush is delicate, especially the Buddha in the middle of the middle, and his wife behind him. Just watching the scene, you can think of the event of the event. Putting the painting on such a short book, you can not be unrest, and it is really amazed.

Turning next, it is the body of "Diamond". The decoration in the page is similar to the cover, but it is 2% off the paper. Whether it is a uniform ink line that is separated, or the branch of the side decorated, there is no way to think. Put the paper so folded, stick to a volume, which can save places than the usual scroll. If you want to study, just bring this book to you.

"So smart, it is a sister. I don't know how much time it takes this." Wang Wen couldn't help but repeatedly saw it, only to put down the book.

However, when you see a clear appearance, he is not shocked: "How is it a book?"

Indeed, the box is in the box, there is no difference between him just seeing. Whether it is the inscription of the cover, or the texture of the text, even the lines of the Buddha's painting are not bad, it is simply similar to the sky. Wang Wen was only surprised, suddenly understood, this is printed?

Prints are self-owned, such as today, there is also an elegant thing in the self-timing. Of course, it will be clear and printed, how to appear, but never thought, even the book can be printed so. This is really a sophisticated, God comes! Xing Zebei turned over the same scriptures in the three volumes, Wang Wen smiled and took out the book below. This is not as good as "Diamond", and it is not a collection of paper, but is very common hemp. It seems to stick several paper once, fold repeatedly, and a one. The title is "Tropy of the New Year".

Just turned a few pages, Wang Wen said: "Is this from Jiang Tan doctor?"

Jiang Tai doctor is dead, he also has ear to hear, plus Jiang Da is trapped Luoyang, Liang Feng also has a letter to inquire. For this grandpower, Wang Wen is also a little sorry. If Liang Feng actually uses this method, the medical book written by Jiang Tai doctor is also imprinted, and there are many scriptures, obviously do not want to leave the original text. .

The grass turned over, Wang Wen wanted a long sigh, and made a trust in the step: "This book is to do it. Your family is a heart. Bai Lu, lead him, to write a letter, I sent back to Liangfu. "

In addition to letters, I have to bring some good medicine to play, and my heart is so consumed, it is a thank you.

At the same time, get a new book, there is one person.

In the Zen, the old man slowly flipped two books, "Diamond", for a long time. On the side of the other, I have long seen the clue of this book, I can't help but say: "Master, this book seems to be printed with the method of the seal. Why don't Liang Zixi?"

"Time-fees?" The old man passed through the Buddha statue with his fingers, and asked, "Now write a scroll in the temple, how many cloth can you receive?"

"There is a" Diamond Sutra ", there is a five thousand yuan?" The copy is also a major income in the temple. Many devout women will seek the monks and have been in terms of internal. Such a scriptures are naturally not cheap.

"If the Buddha is printed, will you go to the temple in the temple?" The old man asked faint.

The reaction is extremely fast, thrown: "He wants to sell a Buddhist scripture ?!"

"Such a book, if it is only two, thirty stone rice, there is a man who will be willing."

Now that the autumn is harvested, the food is less than eight hundred, and the stone is not 20,000 yuan. This is more popular with the printed books of the monks, and the printed scriptures in the hands of the Buddha.

I'm looking away from: "How can this!"

However, if he exit, he closed his mouth. This is certain! "Diamond Sutra" is from Liang Feng's hand. If people are selling, they may not be able to cross the accusations. This is merit, and it is also a fruit report, can only be enjoyed by Liang Feng alone. But if he wants to print another Buddhist script? In the past, did you have a lot of losses in the temple? !

"The temple must also make some craftsman, engraved the book!" Method immediately.

If you can defeat the explicit speed, you only reprint itself. As long as there is a trainer in the temple, carefully make engraved, why didn't Yiang Zi Xi's mind? !

The old monk shook his head: "He is, you can't."

The idea is not a stupid person, and it is instant to understand the meaning of Master. Liang Feng has a lone ring of the Buddha, no matter what it is printed, it will not feel unwear. On the contrary, buying something on his house will only let those devout letters have been worthy of Buddha. Don't see Jinyang Tibetan Paper, is it hard to find it?

The temple is different. The people want is the version of the monks, and only handwritten, and can contain the willingness. If it is engraved ... Is it difficult to brag I have opened the book?

This is simply a congenital soft rib, no matter how it is around.

"Just let him get the benefits of the copy," I can't help but ask. This can be related to the revenue in the temple, and it is negligent.

The old man is silent for a moment, said: "You go to Liangfu to take it. Bring" forty-two chapters "and" Buddha said, ", please ask Liang Shi to print. Shi rice grains, change these two books of the book. "

These two scriptures are the most popular transcription names today, and the total number of words is not as good as "Diamond". However, one hundred and fifty stone rice is still slightly.

I will hesitate to read: "Liang Zi Xi will be willing?"

Old laughs: "Liang Shi's self-won."

I didn't expect to send two books, I will encounter a monk. When I heard the other party, I would like to be engraved with him here, and one hundred and fifty stone food printed two books, and after paying fifty stones, Liang Feng almost didn't laugh.

This is to talk about wholesale business!

Piled up the compromise smile, Liang Feng said: "Hosting a heart to promote the Dharma, how to push it. However, after the engraving, it is not only able to print 50 volumes. If it is the book?"

The Method is laughing and answering: "This temple is willing to send a lot of money."

This is the fifty volume, will multi-print part will increase appropriate price? This price is much cheaper than the preset retail price, and in this way, Wai En Temple can become a spending point of Liangfu's scriptures, effectively avoiding his engraving impact copying market. This group is still very busy.

However, this cooperative project is not good for Liang Feng. Previously, "Diamond Sutra" took more than 20 days to complete the plate, and rushed to these trains. One month, it took more than ten stone rice. These two scriptures add up, the number of words is not as good as "Diamond", and the stellate must be less. Plus paper ink loss, one hundred and fifty stone is definitely pure earning, let alone subsequent print value added. If you can continue the custom business for a long time, the income of this piece is enough to support the tramptom in the bookmark.

And the monk spent so much money, and will not sell the scriptures cheap. From the other hand, he can keep his main product "Diamond" to keep your worth. At this time, when the food prices are the cheapest, how to miss this life, the happiness of the resale product.

"The mage is generous, and I have a little bit." Liang Feng smiled, "It's better to give it a few more people" Treaty to the Temple, "by the Master, and it is also the lives of Waihne Temple. People's work. "

I didn't expect Liang Feng so generous, and the minds of the law could not help but flicker. It seems that he is a small man's heart. He also piled up a smile: "Liang Shi is a cuddle, Xiaoyu is worthy of "

I laughed on the two men, I'm doing my heart, and I finalized this sale. With a new partner, the news of the engraved version "Diamond" immediately quickly passed out. There is Wang Wen's enthusiastic back book, and there is also a great recommendation of Wai En Temple. Those who can't get the team to buy Tibetan paper, and immediately produce interest. Finally, the price of the script is set at twenty stone rice grains, and it also contains a wooden box and a "typhoid new theory".

Such a cheap price is just an imagination. The high door is not used, and the stone is not worth mentioning. And for those local heroes and Taibui, this rice grain is nothing. So just ten days, "King Kong Jing" is in the moment of selling five or six volumes. Even Guo suburbs, also purchased more than ten scripts in the "Low Lian" prices of Ten Stones in Liang Feng. I have already ran a few times of Jinyang business road, got a lot of rewards, and the county is naturally happy, so that the belongs will take the Tongji along the Taihang, which is sold to Shuzhou County.

Sizhou has always been gathered in the high door, even if the war is also difficult to affect these valves. And compared to the Wars in front of you, or the elegant scriptures are more sought after. Therefore, Liang Feng Liangzi Xi, the name, also promoted out with the novel heroism.

The author has something to say: cough, "forty-two chapters" is really existence, Eastern Han Dynasty translated, the verse is quite short, the full text is only more than two thousand words. Everyone wants to play, XDDD, also seeing a lot of readers mentioned the letterprint printing, hey, there may be a mistake to have misleaded everyone. Livel printing is not suitable in this era, the cost is too high, the technical difficulty is too large, and it is not as good as the carving. In fact, the ancient active word printing has never been truly popular. After all, the Chinese characters are not twenty-six letters. Traditional characters do not have commonly used words. The character and typographic pressures are too big, or save money with humanity. Liang Shao is so poor, of course, how cheerful, how can I come. XD