"What do you think?

".................. I went. No sign of it."

"Yes, you're unhappy."


"Fine. Don't hesitate to say it."

When Queen Savannah urged, the oldest of the (left hand) opened his mouth.

His name is Hiff.

"I think amnesty is too much."

"From you guys, yeah. But if Leon's serious, it doesn't make sense."


Leon, whose pardon was granted by the Queen, is forgiven for possession of weapons, use of witchcraft aside, pulling out swords in front of the Queen and being slashed.

Without the Queen's restraint, the Left Hand cannot move.

Unless it actually hurts, all of the acts are considered unquestionable.

In other words, all acts are permitted and not held accountable, regardless of the reason, unless they cause actual harm.

"Hachina, please check the bills in this room immediately."

"Yes, sir."

One of the Shadows peeks behind the frame or carpet and looks under the vase.

"Confirmed. Nothing unusual."

"I wonder what this means, Hachina"

"I don't know. Throughout the room, we place multiple boundaries that inhibit the exercise of magic. You can't imagine they didn't work together."

"What about the effectiveness of the bills?

"Every day, we have confirmed that it works correctly. I checked this room just before I used it."

Hachina looks terribly puzzled.

"Hiff knows why, right?"

The first old man to open his mouth answers.

"If the magic is far beyond the magician who created the plaque, the power of the plaque cannot stop the exercise of the magic"

"That sort of thing. And by the way, so did his father."

In one word of the queen, the faces of the "left hand" make a uniformly surprising look.

"Is there that 'one drop'? I heard you were a magician, but not so..."

"That's right. But now it's called Reaper."


"Then you should call him that. Because I'm your senior."

"I will do that."

Leon's father, called 'Reaper', used to be Princess Savannah's (...) "left hand".

It is about the life of the earlier king Jahar.

King Jahar had one son and one daughter at a time.

It is Gilberto, who turns 18, and Savannah, who has just turned 14.

"A dragon print (Ryumon) appeared on my sister. Eliminate them immediately."

One day, his brother, Gilberto, endangered a girl who had just turned 14 and hired a group of assassins active in the Devil's Country.

A few days later, an assassin appeared before Savannah.

Coming to kill is Halui, 15, a weak crown.

Halui snuck into Savannah's bedroom and accidentally fell in love with the princess at first sight.

By the time he turned to the king's (left hand) that something was wrong with the princess's private room, Halui had already sworn allegiance.

"I'll sort things out."

Leaving Savannah's former place, Halui, ten days later, appeared sneaky.

"I wonder how it went?

"All done"


Halui was thus to live as a (shadow) pledge of allegiance to the Savannah individual.

Savannah's brother Gilberto has died in an accident while Halui disappeared.

He went on a long ride to the beautiful hills and fell.

Something surprised the horse ran, he was unluckily stripped of his forefoot on the ground, and Gilberto dressed to be thrown out of the horse.

Zilberto broke his cervical spine (tight) by falling in a weird position from his neck.

The death was confirmed on the spot.

There are no suspicions.

Still King Jahar did not forget to summon Savannah and stab him in the nail.

That night, when King Jahar woke up to the bitterness of his sleep, two swords were crossed around his neck and stabbed him in the bed.

If you move, you'll lose your neck. Two swords were stabbed in such an exquisite position.

I don't care what the purpose is. It is a warning.

King Jahar called [his left hand], sweating cold.

The (left hand) guarding the king's neighborhood, while greatly frightened, informed him that there had been no anomalies in his security.

"Then who the hell?

I know who ordered it.

I understand too much.

But how'd you sneak in?

Who executed it in the first place?

I can't find the killer.

There are those who can enter the king's bedroom without anyone noticing.

And the meaning of the warning.

If you make things rough, you will strangle yourself.

"He's not my man."

That's all the king's "left hand" said. No, that's all I could say.

"No other words."

"Ha ha!"

I cannot be hostile to anyone who leads out the King's Shadow.

As soon as it became apparent, the king was wise.

The following year, King Jahar is in hiding after seeing Savannah become a safe dragon jockey.

At the time, Hiff, who was the head of King Jahar's (left hand), is meeting Halui for the first time when he served Savannah, who became the new queen.

"I know Hiff is longer, but about under Halui. Halui, do you know about Hiff?"

I was surprised by the words, but Hiff was terribly surprised by Halui, who was standing beside the queen.

"I've always seen it, so no problem"

A presence that always sees Hiff who served as the king's "shadow" and never showed up in public.

With this encounter alone, Hiff understood everything.

Queen Savannah enjoys chatting with The Shadow.

It's not uncommon to make fun of Halui and play.

Even when Hiff saw it, he could see the unease in the relationship between the two.

Naturally, he made Halui dangerous and Hiff gathered as much information as he could.

In it, Halui went to assassinate the queen and was able to find out how she fell in love at first sight on the spot.

'One Fall', or an assassin who fell in love with one eye, that was Halui.

The son of Halui, at the age of 16, came to the king's capital with two names: "Dark Crossing".

It also carries a dragon print.

Leon, son of Harui, granted a pardon in the name of Her Majesty the Queen.

Hiff knew painfully what this meant.

"... My troops, in my power, don't you have the power to stop even that young man"

That depressed Hiff badly.