"There were times when the dragon kingdom was poorer than it is now, when it was at war with the demon kingdom besides fighting the moon warcraft..."
He spoke as if Ark remembered the time.
"When was that?
"It's been hundreds of years."
Ark was not born. I hope you don't have confusing eyes.
"War costs money. Dragon Nation's military spending has become enormous, and the treasury is on the verge of collapse. The royal palace, which was luxuriously obscure, just felt bad, too. I started expropriating dragon jockeys."
Anything, they used to manage dragons and dragon jockeys better than they do now, and the Dragon College didn't even exist.
Dragon jockeys also said they were pretty wild letting go of things like half of them becoming military.
"Expropriation... could it have made all the dragon jockeys military?
"Yes, I was very brave."
"Dragon jockeys are just people who have been chosen by dragons. Some girls are sweethearted and can't even kill bugs..."
"I naturally set aside the rebellion. At the time, there were quite a few cases where dragon jockeys were protected throughout villages and towns. It's a convenient messenger to use."
Dragons are many times faster and tireless than horses. That kind of use really makes sense.
Some dragon jockeys would not put them on the battlefield and prefer peaceful use.
"So what happened to the dragon jockey who was forced to expropriate?
"I escaped... that's already natural, isn't it? They're not trained, but they're going to go to war with people. It's just that the dragons have power, come on. I think it's a harsh order to come kill each other."
"I agree. Just so we're clear, I'd like to see someone give that order."
"That's how Dragon Nation was caught up. The treasury is Kara, not enough soldiers. We have no money or people to continue the war against the demonic kingdom, we have to lose. Oh, you have the power to sleep in just the right place. I don't have a hand in not using this. You must have thought so."
Apparently many of the dragon jockeys who were supposed to be put on the battlefield escaped.
Only the same dragon jockey can follow it.
But if you let the dragon jockey off the front line, you'll be attacked in no time.
I'm still stepping on it now, but if the equilibrium breaks down, they'll sneak me in all at once.
"You survived that crisis, didn't you?
Dragon kingdom exists, because we are here.
"Right. But that was only the beginning of the Dark Ages. That's how it starts...
Ark crushes to the depth of meaning. It seems awful, but Ark wasn't born at that time.
The dragon jockeys who fled the expropriation turned to the kingdoms of moves and spells.
Some said they were headed for the demonic kingdom of the warring countries. At this time, the merchant countries are not yet good.
The holding balance of dragon jockeys will be greatly disrupted here.
The dragon jockeys, who were reluctant to go out on the battlefield, just fled, so the power of the dragon kingdom never diminished, nor did it increase that of other countries.
However, the impact of dragons and dragon jockeys across other countries was greater than expected.
The speed of transmission and transport will increase significantly, and the ecology of dragons will be further known to other countries.
Information that Dragon Nation had kept secret, such as the travel distance of the limit and how much food it needed, was revealed.
The battlefield gradually leans in the favorable direction of the demonic kingdom.
As it is, the military and the civilian population have no choice but to unite.
Let's all dragon citizens be soldiers and fight.
He said he even talked about that.
"There are still many poems left to mourn that time. I think it was a tough time. … and just before the announcement of all the soldiers of the people was made, a coup was held in the Dragon King's Palace."
It's my first ear. What the hell is that?
"At the time, Belzun Luxtra, who was only General Ichi, killed the king. seized power."
"... no way luxtra"
"It's the royal family now. I think it draws the blood of the founding king for once, but I'm talking about just a general who won't even hook up to the royal lineage. They were so good at the fight, though. Is the seizure of the throne one of the battles?"
I thought of Her Majesty's face. [M]
That man's ancestors seized the throne? I can't believe there was such a history.
"Well, I don't think that kind of regime change was uncommon at the time. So King Belzun quickly rebuilt his country. The Moon Warcraft and the War on the Devil's Country said domestic demand was rattling, food was bottoming up, and if the war continued for another six months, there would be starvation and death."
"So that king named Belzun led the war against the demonic kingdom to victory?
"No, the demon kingdom was in a state where it wasn't the other way around either. As with Dragon Country, the Moon Warcraft and War make the country worn out. But there was only one difference with Dragon Nation. The path (Michi) of the Yin Moon passed through the southern side of the demonic kingdom at the time, and the dragon kingdom crossed near the center of the country. It makes sense that the dragon kingdom has more damage than the demon kingdom, doesn't it?
"Right, before the major metastasis"
Unlike now, it seems that the path of the Yin Moon was more south.
"It was originally the dragon kingdom that would disintegrate first, no matter how much we rebuilt the country. But a minority living in the Tendon Mountains, commonly known as the" Fog People, "started a revolt. What surprised me was the demon kingdom. I wouldn't have thought a minority of children would flip anti-flags."
"What's that 'Fog People'?
"There's a pill for being a magician, isn't there? It is the Fog People who collect it. Now that we have assimilated to the demonic kingdom, we are not left as a nation."
"I see... the demon kingdom panicked in that revolt, didn't it? Maybe a truce?"
"You will. It is impossible to operate on both sides with the threat of the Moon Warcraft. Luckily, the dragon kingdom has changed, and we tried to hit it by hand here. And the thoughts of both countries coincided, and a truce was reached, and that's when the demon kingdom stuck one condition to the dragon kingdom."
"Conditions? What did you demand?
"Independence of dragon jockeys. The dragon jockey who has fled to his country is pathetic. They have a proper will on them, too, so it's odd not to admit it to them. Don't force them to subordinate and respect their will."
"That happened.... Is that it? So you're saying that the Devil Nation issued a truce for dragon maniacs?
"No, I'm not. Only for the benefit of my own country. I just sent out dragon jockeys who fled to the Devil's Land, and when all the dragon jockeys actually became soldiers, they were scared and couldn't help it."
"I see. You know what?"
If you think about it, it's obvious. Sometimes I can tell because dragon jockeys have fled my country.
If that all belongs to the army, even the capital will be easily dropped.
"Is that the Dark Age of Dragon Crackers?"
"There are countless dragon jockeys who have driven their lives crazy in that battle. Some dragon jockeys were forced to join the army, unfamiliar to dragon jockeys who had fled to other countries and teared up thinking about the family they had left behind in Dragon Country, and scattered in the first war. In those days, most dragon jockeys drove their lives crazy. That's the Dark Age of Dragon Crackers."
"... one of them?
"Oh, I had to go through the Dark Ages one more time to be the current system"
"No way."
"No way. Dragon College, Patron... Do you think a system like this can come from nothing?
"No... I thought it was a system that would rather think about dragon jockeys"
"I'll talk to you sometime when I get a chance. About the Second Dark Age. What was built by the corpses of many dragon jockeys?"
That's what Ark winked at.
It was late at night when I realized it.
Seniors Sein and Marty were already freshly asleep.
I thought it was quiet. Or arc talking too much.