At a time when "Dark Hook Claw" doesn't work, there is no victory for me.
He thinks he's right about blowing the whistle.
Somewhat distracted me.
I seem to have noticed the anomaly, and a flock of dragons came from active dragon jockeys.
It will get rid of you soon.
I still don't see any movement in the camp of the college students.
I guess this is the difference in crisis awareness around here.
"Coming... with two runners and three flying dragons"
Before the dragon jockey arrived, he took a great distance not to be disturbed.
"Leon, are you okay?
Only senior Iris came from the college student side. Acting fast.
Even at the sentry, I remembered not moving from by the runaway dragon.
"I'm fine. No injuries."
"Hurry up and get in! I'm leaving."
"Come on!"
Come to think of it, I'm just a grad student who hasn't gotten a dragon yet.
It's not like you can fight the Moon Warcraft.
In fact, it's not like I couldn't take it down, and I'm not wrong.
I can see Senior Iris trying to get me away.
"... I'm fine with that."
It would be useless to say so.
I honestly jumped on Senior Iris' dragon. [M]
"Leon, you're so light."
"Really? Mr. Iris, if you keep going like this, you'll run into the Moon Warcraft."
"Geez, that's tough! We're gonna flip and leave. Hold on tight!
Return your heels immediately, and Senior Iris will increase your speed.
Senior Iris got a dragon for six months. The skill of the dragon is not beaten by active duty.
A runaway dragon loses to a flying dragon on a long journey, but doesn't allow other followers if it's a short journey.
Immediately at top speed, he left the battlefield.
When I thought, the Moon Warcraft suddenly appeared in the front. The second one.
They still had the one that stayed on the ground with the steel shell (Kokaku).
A lot of moon warcraft fell around and some didn't seem to appear right away.
A lot of Hidden Moon Warcraft is bad.
I can't slow down.
I tried to get past the side of the Moon Warcraft, but I was lucky enough to get my tail grabbed.
The dragon turns forward.
"Oh, no, oh,"
Whatever the screaming senior Iris, I looked behind my back.
Grabbing the tail is a crab-like scissor.
It would be bad if they attacked me with the other scissors.
He threw a knife with his joints around him, but he sounded stiff and was bounced.
"Come on! You wanna play there too?"
I have no hitter. [M]
Then the line began between the runaway dragon and the moon warcraft that held him down.
Can you escape, I thought so, but the armies went up to the Moon Warcraft.
The dragon's leg was completely stopped, and me and Senior Iris were thrown to the ground.
"You're not twisted, this is"
I controlled my posture in the air and took a passive, but Senior Iris fell off my back and rolled.
I'm groaning pretty far ahead.
But I don't have time for this right now. I took my eyes off the Moon Warcraft and it was over.
"Crab shaped...... but you have a big mouth"
It has a long mouth like a crocodile.
Besides, there are many sharp fangs lined up.
The Moon Warcraft, who lifted the runaway dragon, tries to devour it with his big mouth open.
Dragons are strong and tough.
It also plays well, so even some injuries are perfectly fine.
But what if that big mouth bit me through the throat?
I feel like I'm going to die.
I want to avoid that.
"Kura eh!
The biggest attack I can do right now, unleash the Dark Hook Claw.
- Zuhhhhhhhhh!
I can scratch the body of the Moon Warcraft.
Unlike earlier, it works a little.
But it doesn't lead to fatal injuries.
The Moon Warcraft stared at me only once, but quickly turned his gaze back on the runaway dragon.
"Are you gonna eat that one first?"
I don't actually eat it.
I'm just going to bite him in the throat and not let him go until the fire of life goes out.
To the Moon Warcraft, you know which is the threat.
But here we are.
If Senior Iris loses his dragon trying to help me, he doesn't sleep well.
"How about this way?"
Attacking the Moon Warcraft body does not work, so I set my aim on the tail of the runaway dragon.
Released "Dark Hook Claw" again. Now aim for the tail of the dragon.
Not to aim, cut off the tail of a runaway dragon.
The dragon screamed and glanced, but the restraint was lifted.
A walking dragon calls this way.
Are you mad at me? You're not mad at me. Tell me you're not mad.
Senior, this way.
He held a senior who was half-hearted and walked alongside a runaway dragon, jumping on board.
Senior Iris woke up with a vibration.
"We are now fleeing the Moon Warcraft. About earlier, remember?
"The Moon Warcraft? It just came out of nowhere!? Yes. What happened?
"It's okay. I escaped safely. And then we'll ask the real people."
You won't leave the crusade to dragon jockeys who have only gotten dragons for a few months.
Me and Senior Iris drove back to the camp through a runaway dragon that lost its tail.
I learned from the dragon jockey who came back later that the two bodies that emerged had been processed.
There were injuries in today's encounter, but no deaths.
If I hadn't left, I wouldn't have run into you.
No. I think it had appeared by the next morning.
With that in mind, I might say I could have helped people.
"I'm pretty sure the tail that was falling near the second moon warcraft was an Iris II dragon."
The young dragon jockeys, who have not even graduated from college yet, answer the dragon jockeys in the face of tension.
"The cutting surface is too sharp. Have you heard anything?
"Iris II Regeneration seemed to have lost his mind when he was thrown out of the dragon. When we realized it, we heard it was just before we escaped."
"You're resting under the paramedics now."
"Yes.... anything wrong?
"We confirmed the carcass of the Moon Warcraft, but the scissors on both arms, even if they could pinch, were not ready to cut off. I mean, there would have been someone else on that spot who could cut off the tail of a dragon."
No one has any idea what a dragon's tail can be cut off.
"Speaking of which, you had a lifetime of sentry with the Illis II."
"Yes, the man has discovered the Moon Warcraft while alerting his surroundings."
"Have you heard anything?
"He said he didn't remember it very well because he was self-absorbed. He said it was the first time he'd seen the Moon Warcraft."
"Right. Just in case, do another interview. It's a college exercise, so it's not a good idea for us to go out too far."
The young dragon jockeys leave the scene with an unscrupulous salute.
"But you don't know. There was little time difference until we rushed. There's no chance anyone else could have... but either Iris and the rest of his life did it or something? No, that's just it."
Neither did the magnificent dragon jockey notice the cuts he made to his abdomen when the Moon Warcraft fell into depression.
The case of the tail amputation was to be handled as a consequence of coincidence.