Residence for the purchasing department temporarily located in the accommodation.
"I'm home, brother-in-law"
…… As always, it's bad for your heart. "
My brother-in-law is surprised.
Is it because I erased the signs and appeared directly behind my brother-in-law?
"You don't want to be seen much of an emergence. Should we show up a little further from next time?
"No, as long as you're ready for your heart.... So, how'd it go?
A meal is placed next to your brother-in-law.
You must have put my share away. But let's start with the report.
"There were two watchmen in the woods up ahead, watching them go in and out. The tent was in place as reported. There are also two people watching the area, six in the tent. I think that's it all."
"Hmm... ten assassins in total? You got licked."
"No, what do you think? If we didn't have the information, we'd be easily broken in, and there could have been considerable damage. No one was caught off guard in the tent."
The opponent was used to the place. I think it's a strong enemy.
"There are no organizations like [Shadow] in the Devil Nation, but there are several illegal groups that take on requests. I guess I hired that."
"I wonder if that's possible because they were all united in gray robes. But I guess I'll take it."
"Why not?
"There will always be dragon jockeys near the path of the Yin Moon. If you miss the dragon jockey alone, they'll call for reinforcements."
"Where we have retreated, don't go far and wipe it all out"
No one can escape the chasing dragon jockey.
"I know that, and I was wondering if there was an organization that would take on the request"
"In other countries. Besides, is it a highly challenging request to target dragon jockeys? And if we don't succeed completely, the raiders will be wiped out... and it's really hard to take on the case."
"That heck, if we get caught, why don't we ask?
"Right. Watching the woods is troublesome. Can you handle it?
"One can. I guess the other half."
As your brother-in-law was surprised just now, if you erase the signs and appear behind your enemies, you can defeat them unnoticed.
"All you have to do is stop after you take one down. We're on our way."
"Copy that. Then I can."
"All right, let's set up a raid here before the enemy moves."
"Yeah, but we'll eat first."
I reached for a cold dinner. [M]
As I was having a late dinner, fewer people were walking outside and it was getting quiet.
It was free time after meals, but I guess it's time we all started getting tired.
"I asked the rate, but they say most of the first life goes straight to the bed in the room."
Some have only a little strength left.
They rarely look around the grounds, but they turn into trouncy eyes and still seem to fall into bed.
When everyone was asleep, Guini Saline and Zazanda Lowen, patrol duty for active dragon jockeys, were walking around the dragon house and accommodation, plus the surroundings.
"Hey, a lot of people hired in from outside this year."
"Sounds like quite a few soldiers from town are here, too."
"Sounds like my first attempt, okay? Bring in a large number of ordinary workers."
"I even brought soldiers to protect them, you must have some idea."
"I'm surprised you didn't let me know."
"Me, too. I didn't expect this facility to host so many people."
I'm looking around, but I'm not forbidden to speak private language.
Both Guini and Zanda are chatting, while their eyes are firmly directed around them.
"What's up?
"Did anything move there?
"No, I didn't see it"
"Really? Then I guess it's my fault."
"It's your fault. Or maybe a ghost."
"Ghost? Hey, don't joke about it"
"Hahaha... there's no such thing as ghosts"
We have both used this accommodation many times.
I had a compatriot who was brought in here injured in the past and took his breath away as it was.
That's why if they say ghosts, they think of dragon jockeys then.
"Isn't it time to take turns?
"Well, not when you're joking."
"We'll be back when we get around."
Move your legs again, and Guini and Zanda continue their patrol.
The men in black moved softly behind them.
It was those who earlier told us that they had been hired from outside - the Shadows.
To the west of the demonic kingdom is a series of mountains which no man can cross.
It is called the Tendon Mountains, and many mountains stand flat.
Crossing one mountain also kills me.
Even beyond that, further mountains are holding back their hands.
"No matter what kind of magic you use, it won't come true to cross that line of mountains that stretch far beyond you"
As the saying goes, there were not a few who tried beyond the mountains, and none who had accomplished it and returned.
For a long time, the tip of the Canopy Mountains has been considered untouched.
At one point, a bunch of dragon jockeys from the dragon kingdom accomplished it through many difficulties.
"Beyond the mountains, there is nothing. The dead earth was just spreading. It was a poor plant phase, so I can assume that the earth has little nutrition"
I don't know if that word is true, but from that time on, the Devil Nation began to see Dragon Nation as a virtual enemy nation, a being that one day threatens itself.
Lightly do what we can't.
That's the dragon country, and it's the 'dragon' that makes it possible.
It was a case that impressed the hearts of the demonic people so deeply.
Time goes back, Evereal, the capital of the demonic kingdom.
Under the direction of the Demon King, the Dragon Nation Raiders were about to leave exactly now.
"I know I can't. Be brave and profane. But for the next generation, please."
"What are you talking about, Your Majesty? We, the Thirteenth Staircase of the Devil Nation, with this body, sincerely and sincerely, do all we can for the Devil Nation."
"It's a bad word, sir."
"Before the great metastasis, we have to accomplish whatever it takes. The dragon kingdom may accomplish what we cannot. For my people, for our children, I take their lives."
"I asked for it."
"Not necessarily"
On that day, a group that secretly left the demonic kingdom multiplied by the shade of the night to enter the dragon kingdom.
"It splits second-hand from here. Dispose of all those you meet until you reach your destination. Never leave a witness behind."
"Yes, sir."
"Then go!
"Yes. Good luck."
"You too."
Night without the moon.
A group broke into two pieces that pushed the path of the yin moon.
One proceeded as it were and the other took the path south.
The destination of those heading south is the king's capital of the dragon kingdom.
There were those who came into contact with a group that went down the path of the yin moon.
He that entered the land of dragons first, and was gathering information.
"I know where the supplies are to be loaded. The dragon college students are in this place. Definitely."
"All right, good luck. We go on like this. You go back to town and get out of here."
"I'll be waiting for you as a returning caravan."
"It's useless. If you can't destroy all of them, you can't shake off the pursuit of dragon jockeys. Don't worry about this one, go back. Decline your duty."
"... ok"
Proceeding through the dark night, the group found the building of purpose the next day.
"Check the perimeter."
Someone who is good at covert behavior has spent the night looking into how things are going.
"We do have tons of supplies brought in. There are no dragon jockeys yet. We are currently recruiting people in nearby towns."
"Right. Have the college students not shown up yet?"
"Yes, I was prepared to accept the dragon jockey."
"Okay. Anything else to report?
"I didn't know the placement inside. And we have confirmed the presence of a shadow that alerts the perimeter and inside the fence."
"The" Shadow "of Dragon Country? Did you leak this information?
"I don't know. However, vigilance did not seem so severe. We can sneak in without a problem."
"All right, we'll decide on the operation the day the dragon college students come in. Until then, keep it close to being monitored from afar."
"Okay. I will do that."
"We are the selection of places to hide for a long time. The path of the yin moon is close. As soon as the dragon jockey finds a place where he won't come, he travels in the night."
"We will begin our search for the camp immediately!