In the kingdom of the devil are those called the thirteenth staircase.
They are each a first-class wizard, going anywhere under the orders of the Demon King, and exercising their full power.
The XIII staircase is a symbol of the power of the demonic kingdom and can be considered the strongest sword and shield.
They are not secret beings, like the "shadow" of the dragon kingdom.
The Sixth Staircase Lucnos plucked the sweat flowing out with the back of his hand.
This is the royal palace of dragon kingdom. It is an enemy land.
At his feet were piles of corpses of soldiers guarding the royal palace.
"The enemy in the rear has been swept away"
The Ninth Staircase Immelda came.
"Will this stop you from being raided from behind?"
"It's okay."
"All right, let's move on"
Lucnos and Imelda on the thirteenth staircase of the Devil's Country were not invited to the Dragon Nation.
He broke in with a large number of his men.
Immediately discovered by the Royal Palace guards, he's had two major fights by the time he gets here.
"Looks like there's a bunch of waiting soldiers ahead of us."
"Do you want to detour?
"Maybe that's what we're after. I am also concerned about the trends of others. Gather the soldiers here, and the others will be saved. I'll keep going."
"I don't think we need to."
"We can handle it. Then you can do it. You got plenty of room?
Beyond his mid-thirties, Lucnos dusts almost invincibly in interpersonal matches.
Besides, the more enemies you have, the more powerful they become.
"Don't think you can avoid my Thunderchain."
In Lucnos' hand, there is a single long stick.
Every time I wave it, a few lightning strips are disturbed.
It strikes directly at the pushy soldier and propagates from there to yet another.
As if connected by several chains, the soldiers fall under one thunderbolt after another.
From the gap in the soldiers' armor, the white hot air rose.
"Let's keep moving."
The soldiers still have breath.
But sparing time stabbing the stop, Lucnos proceeds.
"You put all the sensory junctions on the queen's exit. Any sign of activation?
"Not yet. It's a troublesome type, so I thought I'd stick it out without disarming it."
"Then we're still in the royal palace. Is the queen of this country bold or stupid?"
"Maybe I'm confident. We are a minority. I'll take care of it... I'll take care of this."
One soldier after another comes from the end of the aisle.
When Imelda took the big cloth out of her back, she threw it at the soldiers.
The cloth is as stupid as a creature, wrapping the soldiers.
Then the cloth that was so soft becomes hard on the kachikachi this time.
"Eliminated, done"
"A narrow passage makes' Big Cross' user-friendly"
Imelda is a woman in her late twenties.
Among the thirteenth staircase of the Devil's Country are the younger ones, who have never infiltrated enemy lands before.
I don't have that much experience in action. But the magic of Imelda was judged valid for this raid, and he was chosen as Lucnos' partner.
To meet that expectation, Imelda is willing to do anything to succeed in her clandestine destiny.
A large bathroom tucked away like a dough by the magic of Imelda rolls down the aisle.
A giant object blocks the passage. Stopped by it and stop the subsequent soldier's legs.
It weighs as much as ten soldiers. It's hard to get him out of here right away.
Lucnos and Imelda move forward slowly while the soldiers of the Royal Palace struggle for evil.
"Rumor has not appeared."
"In the middle of calling or trapping in the back"
"Or are you leaving King's Capital to protect young dragon jockeys?
"Right. Even by now, when the raid began."
For its part, the Devil Nation hid information about the raid.
Still, if people move, so does information.
For this reason, if information were to be leaked, it was corrupt so that only plans to attack dragon college students would be discovered.
The raid on the Royal Palace in Dragon Country was not known until recently except by Lucnos and Imelda.
He acted with those who raid college students until just before, breaking up in the wilderness where no one had seen him.
The Demon King has not insulted Dragon Nation's ability to gather information.
I'm sure this motion will be detected.
Therefore, only three people knew this royal palace raid beforehand: the Demon King, Lucnos, and Imelda.
Unless one of these three people talks, the plan won't leak.
"Well, we'll see. If you're not there, why don't we go to the back private room?"
"If we go that far, there's someone who knows who it is."
There seems to be confusion in the royal palace, where you can hear battle noises, something cracking, and screaming everywhere.
The purpose of this time is to take the Queen's neck. That is all.
The elites who put it in have also only been ordered to cut off the Queen's exit.
In this raid, I used all the information I had gained through years of infiltration.
In order to do it, we must achieve it.
"... here"
Lucnos opened the door to the sight.
When Lucnos and Imelda entered, the man in black entered the few.
I'm distracted by the rumor that's the shadow.
"The enemy seemed to be waiting here, and would you ask them?
"It's the" Shadow "of Dragon Country. Torture won't answer. So eliminate it and move on."
"Yes, I did. Now, if I..."
Imelda leaves a step forward.