Every eight years, the Athletic Nation holds a technical competition.
It takes eight years to present research and development technologies and compete for their advantages and disadvantages.
So the home of the winning clan will be the capital.
So now the city of the Big Bobcat is the capital.
Inevitably, wealth concentrates on the Great Bobcat ruled by the Rigas family.
To the spill is the family of the Gralos family.
The two families have alliances, and the Great Bobcat family is also expected to achieve three consecutive victories in a technical competition to be held next year.
Followed by it is the Lagos family of the Lao family, which was last third in rank. It's Ann's family.
The Lagos family works with the family Baconi of the Peacock, which is fourth place, but is also said to have no eyes for reversal next time.
But what I held up here was the fringe between the Lagos and the Cazica families.
The Kazika family of the goats is fifth in sequence.
If this fringe comes together well, and if an alliance is formed, four major alliances will be signed: third, fourth, fifth and seventh.
As for the Great Bobcat and the Families of the Big Bobcat, it would be an uninteresting development.
Not only that, but the Gralos family of the Tsubaki had a profound connection with our dragon kingdom.
Causes, or they're just unilaterally hostile over there.
Dragon kingdoms and the family of dragons often come and go because they border with each other.
Because of this, there are also a considerable number of people who think, "Move to the Dragon Nation and get dragon prints".
Even as a dragon country, dragon jockeys are precious. I don't want to have to give it to another country.
To get a dragon print, you have to live within the dragon print limit for ten years from your youth.
I don't know why, but no one has seen dragon prints appear in less than a decade.
For this reason, the attempt to "migrate a bit" ends in empty air.
You have to live tight.
Money is the problem with staying.
If other nationals stay in Dragon Country for long periods of time, they will need a considerable amount of money in terms of tax.
I pay my monthly taxes in bulk at the end of the year, but there are those who spare it and return to their country only at the time of payment.
When the year breaks, it will come again.
In order not to let it do so, the sum is to be added up over the year and the cost of the stay is to be firmly levied on those who have stayed for more than a month.
Even a stay from February to May, for example, would pay taxes and return depending on the number of days.
It doesn't have to be the end of the year to pay.
All you have to do is pay during the year.
But there are fools who spared it and repeatedly came and went by different names every year.
The end of the family, and their men.
I won't make it public, but Dragon Nation has a magic device to discover such cheats.
Those who unduly evade taxes are immediately caught and released by paying a fairly high levy.
He changed his name and repeatedly entered and left the country. He/she understands what he/she is doing.
Punishment is natural.
And whosoever shall be with the family of the firstborn shall be ashamed.
So those who became murky decided to enter the country by more ingenious means.
He managed to get a dragon and intended to reveal the nose of Dragon Nation.
The result is captivity. It is the second arrest for the same crime.
In Dragon Nation, the crime of entry and exit violations is heavy.
It is a country that protects dragons. You can't leave a habitual offender alone in the wild.
To the north of the Dragon Nation, there is a North Ridge Zone.
It's a cold place not suitable for people to live in.
Due to the permafrost, farming is not possible.
It is not incorporated into any territory, so it is managed by the Dragon Nation. It's a land of no productivity.
It is not a very inhabitable place.
A habitual inmate who violates immigration and exit is sent there as a long-term prisoner.
During the day it is the cut out of the great tree.
Rise with the rising of the sun, and cut down the trees.
I'm cold enough to freeze to death if I'm not moving my body.
Logging trees can be a good exercise.
Aside from what they think.
The problem with this measure is the family of the pigeon.
Though terminal, a member of his family was detained on charges of dishonor and sent to the North Ridge area.
"Let me go because it's a misunderstanding," he replies, "there's no misunderstanding whatsoever."
If you wish to "pay the money so you can return it," then there is also no island to attach "no criminals can go outside until you have completed your prison sentence".
And his family was angry at this.
In retaliation, we caught several dragon country merchants.
The reasons for catching him vary, but he is finally showing off.
Dragon Country responded immediately.
And all the men of the family of the dragon kingdom were in captivity.
Too much, but it worked.
Originally, the moving-country fears a spill of technology. It doesn't really embrace people from other countries at home.
On the other hand, he was sending more and more people to incorporate good things from other countries.
And it was the family of the shepherds who were in trouble when they returned.
The size of the country is also different.
Because of the scale we can, we can't compete from the beginning.
Moreover, a group of technicians who sent out to spread the word of sight and hearing in the Dragon Nation, where they looked it up, were also somehow held captive.
In time, outrageous news jumped in.
That those who first tried to escape taxes caught were rearranged for heavy labor on the path of the Yin Moon.
It is treated in the same way as a vicious criminal.
The cold in the north can withstand. Hard, as long as it moves, there's nothing like dying.
But in the path of the shadow moon, if the moon warcraft appeared, it would be over.
Both the Devil and Dragon kingdoms, working on the path of the Yin Moon, it was common to lay down felons who could die.
They repositioned it there.
If the Moon Warcraft shows up, he dies.
That could be today, or maybe tomorrow. Maybe now.
Can you attack with a driven infantry?
I've got a plan like that, but there's no way a city can win a war against the Dragon Nation.
Even as we infiltrate the dragon kingdom to escape the body, the speed at which the dragon moves does not allow other followers. Escape is not the last thing we can do.
Sometimes you shouldn't be a habitual criminal in the first place.
And it came to pass, that the family raised their hands.
He opened up the merchant he had caught, apologized for his wrongful detention and paid compensation.
In time, he hoped for generous measures for those in his city, including restrained technicians.
He also paid some money to open up merchants and technicians captured by the Dragon Nation.
It is a total defeat.
It was worth it, and although the North Ridge Send remained the same within the family of the first catcher, only a direct risk of death could be avoided.
The technicians were also opened up.
However, because of this, the relationship between the family and Dragon Nation is very bad.
It was five years ago.
Those who have been sent to the North Ridge still work there.
The rest of the sentence is five more years.
"Hmm, that's Her Majesty the Queen"
That's unforgiving.
That's what I thought when I heard this story.