Life is what you get and what you don't want.
Even in my short experience, it seems so.
This time, the Great Bobcat family on the attacked side will also have the same thoughts.
Let's look back at this offense.
Both enemy allies have both succeeded and failed.
Still, from the results, the invasion of the Great Bobcat family ended in failure. It's a big mistake.
It is the triumph of the family of the rabbit.
Surprisingly, the Great Bobcat family has put all the driven infantry into this battle.
Is it good to defend your own territory?
A soldier who was in the woods that the dragon jockey had seen.
That one still seemed to be looking for a way through the woods.
They gave up early because passage is impossible no matter how.
The next thing I saw was the merchant country.
The only way to move the driven infantry so that it is unknown to the family of the rabbit is to pass through the merchant country.
Of course the merchant countries will not allow that. There is no way we are going to let military action take place within our own country.
That's where the negotiations are. Make it convenient instead of allowing traffic. Offer money as well.
I will also give you information and, to a lesser extent, disclose the confidentiality of the country of play.
It seems to have managed to obtain clearance for passage in a motion that is no longer confusing.
In other words, the Driven Infantry Corps, which attacked its home base, has greatly bypassed the territory of the Ra's clan from the merchant side.
So you don't notice.
Then why was the Great Bobcat's family so desperate until then?
It seems that debt due to credit had swelled during the recoil, which had reigned for many years as the capital of the moving-country.
According to other families, they owe more than they can possibly.
One day the day will come when we will fall from the capital. I wish I could stop because that is already self-evident, but they think they are "still okay" and "still able to go".
As a result, the debt so far became unpayable, and if you fell from the capital, you just couldn't crawl up again, or you were going to be able to hang it from the people in a clan outing.
To make matters worse, when he came here, his family began to distance themselves, and even came out to the marriage of his family and that of his goat.
This means that there will be no more, so they decided to attack the next capital, which is likely to be the family of the rabbit.
You can still win now. No, we can only win now. This is our last chance.
Even from the difference in power, the victory should have been obvious if we preempted it.
I really don't know how I would have fallen if my father and I hadn't joined forces.
I don't think there was a life for Mr. Ann and his brother, and it's likely that his home base was falling.
If the family of the rabbit is crushed, the family of the peacock with whom the alliance is made will naturally decline.
The only rivals are the families of goats and doves with alliances, but if they were fifth and seventh in sequence, the odds were ample.
In that case, the families of the distant ones will also return. That seems to have been the kind of reading.
This neighborhood is a story I heard from a captive general.
The driven infantry that attacked their home base, but there seemed to be a lot of miscalculations.
The operation anticipated that there would be a movement of the Rabbit family before attacking the fort.
If a large number of driven infantry troops head for the fort from the home of the Ra's family, they can storm the less protected home.
Seems like a few of them were going to attack from behind and sandwich the fort after destroying it.
Depending on the number of reinforcements, it is right to decide whether to attack the march or directly target the home base.
However, there has always been no sign of the family moving.
As it stands, toward the fort, the total attack begins.
Since we have been through the merchant countries, we cannot make concerted moves.
Separate teams have dropped the town of Alfi and are now preparing for a total attack.
That was the last contact that came in.
Waiting until critical did not move the family of the rabbit, so it appears to have launched a simultaneous attack on the fort and its home base.
Indeed, few forces assembled in the fort. The Driven Infantry Corps was the three units that put Mr. Anne and the others in.
Chief Dion must have thought that was enough.
Among the infantry and driven infantry we sent out to intercept, there was a group of infantry that did and strong.
It's a group led by Ann's brother, Maurice.
While we were still fighting at the expense, we found out that that was part of the enemy's family and decided to quickly concentrate and attack.
The priority of attacking the clan seemed to be set quite high.
Those who leave behind some and follow Mr. Maurice encounter enemy reinforcements coming from the fort. It's Anne and the others.
But you can't cower here.
By winning by number, he succeeded in the siege. All I had to do was crush it. [M]
In the end, the fort had no father, and it was all destroyed.
Most of those who followed Mr. Anne and the others have not returned either.
With many driven infantry remaining at the base, he decided the operation had failed.
The problem is surviving soldiers and generals.
They attacked the home of the family of the rabbit.
There's no way you can go home from here to your own territory.
The merchant nation cannot pass, and must travel all the way within the enemy's sphere of power.
A group of enemies who were attacking their home base surrendered in the belief that they would rest in full.
That is the outline of this battle.
By the way, it was Chief Dion who told me the story.
He left it up to the family, and he explained it to us with joy when he appeared.
Then we'll go home.
"What? Isn't it good yet? Even if we're going to talk..."
My father and I disappeared before we could do anything troublesome.
We go to the Dragon House and ride the dragon back to the country.