When I went to the terrace, tea was ready.
The loose ends are rising from the cup. I drowned it.
A performance? That sounds a little trivial.
I know I was doing people first and getting them ready. I wonder what that intent is.
I wonder if I would be grateful if one of the five heads of the meeting had deliberately taken this into account.
I don't know.
Lord Leon, this way.
"Thank you"
He gave me the back. That's a hassle, this one.
I observed Harim. [M]
As always, there is no gap in the operation.
This man is one of the top western capitals.
If someone like that tells me I have business, the purpose is set.
- I'm talking about Sharazard.
After seeing me sit down, Mr. Halim also sits down.
He also looks like he's sitting down.
It feels like the nerves are through to one fingertip.
I feel like I practiced until I could be unconscious.
You still look like an actor.
Me and Mr. Halim will sit across the street, and our escorts will surround us.
Several people with a gripping face stood facing the outside of the terrace.
Mr. Harrim's will be accompanied by a fine man.
Looks like a secretary. Hold the larger bag with both hands around your knees and gently nestle.
"Lord Leon is from the town of Saul."
"Yeah, my father's a baker in that town"
"Really? Bread is essential to people. I think your father chose a good job."
"Thank you. He's a respectable father."
"There are not many young people who can say that. I hope so."
Mr. Harim raised his voice and laughed. The figure is also beautiful.
"No, I'm not that big of a person."
"I don't think so. Speaking of which, do you think the young lady who became a patron is a childhood friend?"
"Linda, right? Yeah, we broke up when we were little, but we met again unexpectedly."
I was prompted to meet with Linda.
I told him that I had overlapped my monthly meeting.
I don't talk about Anne or Rosana.
Now I thought I'd ask you a few questions from this side, so I'll ask you a question.
"Mr. Halim thought he was representing the country of business, but what is the business doing?
"Is that me? It's a small business. We wholesale honey." Honey "is my trade name."
"Trade name? I haven't heard that for a second, what is that?
"I only use my business name as a fellow merchant. Shall I call it a call that accurately represents the person doing business? If it's a name or family name, you'll have problems too directly. It's hard to say who I am."
I see. 'Hua Honey' may represent Halim's meeting, but also the content of the business, or the people who work there, go in.
"Somehow, but I get it. That's a convenient name for a merchant."
"Oh, I understand fast. Exactly."
Convinced. I think this guy wants to know about me.
What topics do you react to and what do you like?
Besides, I'm looking into me.
At least I think I made an investigation.
"What vision does Lord Leon have for the future?"
After the chatter continued, Mr. Halim cut in.
Pretending to ask about my future, but not really.
No, it's not, but the purpose is the opposite.
Talk about dreams that are likely to come true and I will crush them. Because it's easier to do it.
Conversely, if it doesn't seem feasible to raise it, they offer to cooperate. Let them illusion that their dreams will come true.
I've talked this far, and I know what I'm doing.
Definitely in Charazard.
It's actually the first attribute dragon to show up in six years.
Besides, if you were at the Dragon Pickup Ritual, you would have seen Shalazard make other dragons, even medium-sized dragons, obey.
Shalazad wants his hands out of his throat.
That's why I've been in direct contact with him from the beginning of the meeting.
I know you're looking into me and Linda from the conversation.
Well, more than that, how far is it known?
"Are you looking ahead? Actually, I've had dreams since I was a little girl that I really wanted to make happen."
"Well, what is it?
Yeah, I'm eating up.
"It's fine in some neighborhood town, but it's about running the same bakery as my father"
Harim, the body of the meeting head leaned cuckoo. Apparently it was a surprise.
"Well, that's another novel dream."
I fixed it up hahahaha but found myself busy working my head off.
Are you kidding me, or are you in tow?
You wondered if I was wearing a camouflage. [M]
"Baking bread calms you down, doesn't it? I dream about how happy I'd be if I could live like this all my life."
Then I'll tell you why.
"... Lord Leon is a good joke"
Looks like I took it as a joke, a story that I'm trying to calculate some possibilities.
In common sense, there's no way an answer can come back to asking a dragon jockey who got an attribute dragon and "wants to be a bakery".
"No, I'm not kidding. I had a long holiday from college in the summer, and I went to Atsukuni from Wangdu to get my license."
I took the baker's third degree license out of my nostalgia.
This time, I thought maybe I could get you to work at the town bakery for just a little while, so I brought it.
The certificate states the date of issue. Definitely what I took last August.
The Harim meeting looked seriously at my immunity and seemed to understand the defect.
That perfect mask seemed to have collapsed for the first time.