The spellman has no difference in appearance traits from those in other countries.
However, only one thing is very different from the others.
When a spellman curses his opponent, he inks his own body.
The size of the ink to be put also varies depending on the object of curse and the magnitude of the effect.
The ink cannot be put in the same place, so the place to ink really widens as you repeat the curse.
Man's body is finite.
Let's start by putting it in a discreet place, such as the back and glutes.
It gradually increases, and it starts to put it in your legs, chest, and back into your arms and face.
It's an obsolete custom now.
Anyway, you curse people. It is not a recommended practice.
Still, when I was little, I saw ink all over the body of an old man sitting on the side of the road.
At the end of the day, they no longer have a place to put it, and they shave their hair up on their foreheads, tongues, and ink it all the way to their scalp.
The more good cursed (shu) the spellman, the more inky his whole body is.
The cursed man, whose ink can be easily discerned from the outside, is called the "Man".
(10) refers to the person who eventually inked his face.
Going that far, some of them should definitely be cursing to death.
"I'll sneak into that negotiator tonight."
Negotiators are taking the people.
When I heard that story, I couldn't just sit back.
There is also something in the curse that curses people and moves them as they please in the land of curses.
They're not very versatile, but there's a chance the lord will be manipulated.
"There are no boundaries in the mansion where the negotiators live. What do you think?"
My father said that in casual condition.
I almost missed it. [M]
There's such an important figure. There's no connection to the mansion? What's this all about?
"You're not defenseless..."
"First of all, it's impossible. I think I'm asking you out, but what kind of trap is there?"
Definitely a trap.
We have already designated Dragon Nation as a virtual enemy nation, which is why we are building a factory in this area.
I don't see how that negotiator would leave important documents in a place without boundaries.
And even with his father's eyes, he doesn't know the existence of the junction.
The merchant country is also seriously crushing the dragon country.
I didn't think so. [M]
From behind me swallowing gokuli and saliva, I heard Anne.
I'm going to go out to buy dinner with my mother, so it was about asking for the store number.
My mother and Ann went out, so the person in charge changed to the store number.
My father will do the rest.
"Plump Fenard" has a customer peak twice in the morning and evening.
When we talk about this, we know in the morning, but why in the evening? and is wondered.
The reason lies in the location of the store and the circumstances of the merchants.
To proceed from the town of Saul towards the king's capital, you must always pass through the town of Nate. It's a town where my brother-in-law runs a grocery store.
The distance is half a day by carriage. Not so far away.
That said, not everyone travels by carriage.
If we try to keep the cost down a little, we'll be walking from here to Nate's town.
In that case, if we leave in the evening and arrive tomorrow morning, we can reduce the cost of a day's accommodation.
I don't have a hand in not using it because it keeps the cost of accommodation down as well as carriage fares.
So many merchants buy food in the evening and leave town.
"At least have some delicious bread just for a night meal"
More customers are buying bread at our house, which is built near the town's exit.
In fact, some people get to Saul's town, do business, and return to Nate on a day trip.
"... you smell good"
Ann and her mother are cooking. I hear bickering.
Dad is in the middle of cleaning up and getting ready for tomorrow. Linda is not back yet.
"... I'm home. Is that you?
I thought so, Linda came home.
Besides, the tone is back to the old days. You lost your mind when you met an old friend.
"Anne and the others are cooking. Dad's clean."
"Oh well."
Linda sat beside me. It's time to get to the store.
"I've met a nostalgic face. Some were married, and some moved to another town. I'm also trying to be a craftsman in public..."
With a distant eye, Linda spoke.
"I honestly didn't want to leave this town. I knew my dad had dreams, but he didn't want me involved, and he didn't want to live in the King's Capital. That's why I cried in the carriage that day."
That day must mean the day Linda and I broke up.
The day Linda's family left, I went to see her off.
I couldn't imagine crying all the time in the carriage back then.
"Good to see you today."
Linda, who laughed so much, had a blown out face of something.
"How about now? Regret?
Linda looks like she chose the future for herself, and she doesn't.
Father's grief, sister's substitution, the emergence of a rival named Anne.
The reason why you think you haven't done what you want is indispensable.
"I have no regrets. I'm just wondering if this is going to be a turbulent life."
Linda's dream is to take over her father's business and develop it.
That's what I hear.
The connection with Ann also allowed the country to connect.
By Linda's arm, she would be willing to let the moving-country blow a new wind of commerce.
It's going to be a turbulent life indeed.
It may not be that far away that the name Linda, the trading merchant, becomes famous, not the patron of the dragon maniac Leon.
"Dinner's ready. Please close the store and come here."
Anne came to see me and Linda.
"Is that the time? I'll be right back when I close it."
It's been a while since I've had a meal with my family.
I got up.