No way, I didn't think the last one in the room was a bad cleric then.
"Have you ever met Chris?
Ark asked, so I told him how I met him in town the other day.
"Right. I see. His name is Chris Fundalda. Undisputed junior of ours with dragon prints."
It is surprising that that quarrelsome cleric was a freshman in the College.
To me with a complicated face, Chris at the time said, "Ahem?" He intimidates me.
Yeah, definitely the same person.
"Chris. I was wondering if you could respond a little more decently to the seniors who would be in the same room."
"I'll do what I want."
"Oh boy," Ark said to Chris, peeking his teeth out, slapping me on the shoulder and inviting me to go downstairs.
Sitting in the lobby's chair on the first floor of the dorm, Ark said something unexpected about Chris' attitude earlier.
"He's in normal condition with that one. I think I offended you, but I want you to forgive me."
"That's surprising. It sounds like you know Chris very well."
Does Ark and Chris have contacts?
With that in mind, Ark looked out the window and said, "It's peaceful here, isn't it?"
"You know what? The priests of the Dragon Guided Church have two kinds of people"
Ark, you know what?
I've been dating for a year and I know what Ark wants to do.
I shook my head to the side honestly.
"There are people who jump into the Church themselves in agreement with the doctrine of the Dragon Guided Church and act as clerics. I guess most of the clerics in your town don't."
"Right. Some clerics come from outside, but I think most of them were from the local area"
"Yeah. Actually, there's more to it than that, they're called" The Moon's Orphan "or" Yin Moon's Survival Orphan "or something. Have you ever heard of him?
It was my first ear.
But I knew immediately what it represented.
"Maybe the Moon Warcraft killed my parents?
Ark nodded heavily.
"The moon's orphans are truly unaccompanied children with no parents or relatives to stop by. The Church provides protection because it cannot be independent. You can become a cleric in the future or you can get to a position of your choice. However, there are a number of decisions to be made for this purpose. He said he'd refund the costs he'd incurred."
"I didn't know. I can't believe there's such a system."
"I can't believe that the emergence of the Moon Warcraft leaves only children and all the involved people dead, unless it's a town so close to the path of the Shady Moon. I don't think there was one in Saul town where you lived."
"So what makes Chris an orphan of the moon?
"He said he was from the town of Porkni. It's a harbour town by the sea. Muscular body on shallow black, tanned skin. I'm guessing he worked mixed up with the men of the sea."
There are no parents to educate, and the towns along the coast among the dragon kingdoms are from towns with bad galas.
That kind of overlaps. Oh, that kind of personality, Ark said.
Even when protected in the Dragon Guided Church, the orphans of the moon, who decided to go outside early on, said they tend to earn money by daily hiring without studying clerics.
"I guess I've been working mixed up with sea men since I was a kid. I guess I used to get tricked or wind up in the alley with the money I earned because of it. If you keep it adult, you can lick it. Or so they laugh when it's just the tip of their mouth. I thought Chris had something to do with the environment."
They also have moon orphans in the town of Hewler, where Ark comes from, people with bad habits, people fighting fast, etc.
They are all equally eager to go outside the church and work from a young age, powdering themselves to deliver their identity (Shinda) to the church.
"It is."
"So here's a suggestion, we decide one junior at a time, right?
"Sounds like I worked with Senior Marty."
"Yes. We have to teach them about dragons for the next year. You have that role, don't you? You look like you're compatible with Legon, and you should put it together. I'll work with Chris."
So, Ark took me out to talk about it?
"I don't mind that. But are you sure?
"I've seen the moon's orphans since I was a little girl, so I kind of get it."
There's something to chat about, Ark, but that might suit Chris better.
If you work with me, you're going to have to work your way up and down.
"Okay. So let's do it."
"It's settled.... So, one thing bothered me. This is what Chris said. There was an unscrupulous man in Wang Du. He said he was like a legendary assassin. Could that be you?
Chris' legendary assassin...... that would be about Her Majesty the Queen's "Shadow".
Even if you don't know the name of the group that leaps behind the dragon kingdom, its existence is somewhat felt by the dragon people.
"You happen to be lucky enough to have a good one in Chris' jaw. Barely, but I guess so."
"Right. It's not a good fight. Especially when you're in the same room."
"I know. I don't care if you stick around, I think I can handle it."
"I'll tell you what I know."
Thus came a new life in our room.
Legon and Chris.
They're two completely different personalities, but I'd like you to get closer if possible.
Like me and Ark.
I couldn't help but think so.
And a new year is about to begin.