"Ten years after the creation of the Historical Materials Codification Office here, the decipherment of the book has not progressed"
Hihihi. Mr. Kaylee raised his voice and took a book in his hand.
"This is a book on farming techniques at the time, but I put it behind me when I read up to two-thirds of the total"
"Behind you?
"It seems so. We're working on rewriting books in ancient languages into the current official languages, but that has a priority."
They give priority to translating the history of the ancient dragon kingdom and what information they think is beneficial, the Great Transition, what is written about the Moon Warcraft, etc.
"It's not like I should just translate it. We verify the contents and translate them accurately, and we are careful where we say so."
Once they mistranslate it, they spend months in multiple people translating a single book because they'll be in trouble until later.
Of course it's going on at the same time, but this doesn't make the translation go any further after ten years.
"You're reading the book first and deciding if it's important"
"Exactly. In the book we read, there was a statement about" paradise, "so I can tell you, it's not translated because of the priority of hatred."
Why was I called in? [M]
I see you asked me to go out to the Old King's Capital and listen to you.
It wasn't a book.
Besides, you can't bring Mr. Kayleigh. Convinced.
"Okay. Best regards,"
"Please hang up.... okay, let's talk about it then. As for paradise, some description remains in the history of the diaspora. Let's talk loose from there."
Mr. Kayleigh spoke.
They didn't have that much population in this country at the time, and few towns developed.
He also said that the dragon print limit was not well understood, that the path of the yin moon was just passing around where the dragon's holy gate was located, and that he did not know for what reason the dragon was coming.
Since it was in that state, it seems that the existence of a dragon jockey was not under the control of the state.
"I learned that in college, but you really had those times"
"I guess I was in a state of hand exploration back then. Some have rubbed their hearts off by dragons without any preliminary knowledge, and others have drowned in power and died."
When I wake up in the morning, I'm suddenly surprised if there's a dragon in front of me.
The guy ran away from the dragon... but he couldn't get away, and maybe he broke his heart at the end.
"There was a lot of damage to the Moon Warcraft one year. I don't usually get this far, but it just didn't seem that year."
By the Moon Warcraft who came to the Old King's Capital, he said, he caused a lot of damage.
"This was the capital, wasn't it? Didn't you consolidate your defenses?
"It's in the description that there were a lot of them. I guess it was out of hand. Even if there are no major metastases, the description of massive Moon Warcraft descending will come out a little if history is broken."
That happened, Ms. Kayleigh said.
It's been tough since the threat left.
Like rebuilding, people, things, everything is missing.
Many may have deserted the capital and fled.
"Royal trust must have rocked. There may have been those who fanned it, and it may have happened naturally from among the people. Either way, the royal people were kicked out of town."
Whether there was a guide or lucky enough to escape, the royal family and those who follow it seem to have left this town.
"The country collapsed in no time. Ten years later, I couldn't seem to get the body shape I could call a country anymore. In another decade, the state has completely lost its shape."
That seems to be the history surrounding the fall of the Old King's capital.
'Paradise' does not appear in the story so far.
You read my complexion, Mr. Kaylee took a seat and brought tea.
"Well, have a drink."
"Yes, I'll take it"
Drink tea silently from each other.
Ms. Kayleigh said she was the director of the Historical Materials Codification Office.
I'm here, so I'm sure I'm part of a loyal legion (Royal Legion).
"... Um"
"Hmm? What's up?
"May I ask you something?
"Absolutely. What is it?
"Why is Mr. Kayleigh here? Sounds like a very good scholar, though."
It's not strange to be active on the front lines of the castle.
"How could... Hmm. I guess that's not what you want to hear."
"Right. If I thought it was for the Dragon Nation, it seemed like there were other places to play."
I have roughly heard about the members of the loyal legions (Royal Legion).
Help Her Majesty on the surface stage, the so-called 'people of status'.
A military force that should never be known to another country.
Like Kayleigh, on the back.
But to my mind, Mr. Kaylee is too capable to be spoiled on the back.
I think it would be beneficial to assist with a solid bureau on the table.
"There are many things in the world of scholars that seem to have nothing to do with secularism."
Mr. Kayleigh's eyes when he answered that were staring somewhere, not here.