Lower Linda at the dragon's departure site and take Sharazard to the college dragon house.
"Thank you, Sharazard. Are you tired?
'I'm not tired at all. I can go hunting the Moon Warcraft like this. "
As always, Charazard's health is bottomless.
"I hope so. Let me know as soon as you're feeling sick."
Dragons rarely get sick.
Still, I've never been over to be careful.
Even if you suffer from an illness, you only have to heal it naturally, healing it by resting it.
"More than that, I'd like to try another bloody battle."
"My reputation has been further degraded since I made it last time. Give me a break."
Rumor has it that me and Shalazad have taken a ride with the Souran maniacs.
The events of that time began to be whispered among the people of the king's capital.
Rumors contain only shards of truth, but it is true that we fought.
It is regrettable that he put a flaw (a shadow) on the handsome face.
Will you be all right, Souran fucker?
"... I guess one of these days I'm going to get hit and get hurt or something"
Somehow, but I see such a future.
Souran operator Blue Dragon also said he is now concentrating on healing his injuries.
It would be eating molly somewhere and exercising moderately.
I waited for the night and went to Her Majesty the Queen.
"You really don't bore me, Leon."
I laughed and asked him why he wanted to take a ride with the Souranium Athlete.
"I didn't mean to, I just asked you to train Charazard..."
"Nothing, I don't care who or where you fight, but be careful with that one because it's got a lot of fans"
Souranium operators are also popular within the royal castle.
You think a young woman started to unite because of my hatred?
"... I'll be careful"
Though I tried to answer that, what should I be aware of?
"So, you went to Saul's town?
"Yes, at the request of the Dragon Nation Chamber of Commerce, we went to investigate the destruction of trade"
"Can you identify the cause?
"The hands of the Chamber of Commerce of the country were in the dark. It's been attacked in the streets, so you couldn't figure it out in the shadows all over town."
Even people come and go a lot these days.
There's no way I can keep an eye on you out of town.
"Let's hear about that trade sabotage. Tell me more."
"Yes, I'd like to speak in turn from where I got to Saul's town"
That a large number of people have come from the demonic kingdom despite the fact that the factory has not been completed.
He told them that there was also a mix of predatory slum dwellers and criminals who came out in amnesty.
"I didn't think they were going to be legitimate workers, so I went to the town of Hollis, closest to the demonic realm, to find out what caused it"
So I told my lord that I found and detained a merchant and a spellman who tried to hypnotize me and turn me into a puppet (tease).
He told them about the current situation, which had already unconditionally accepted those coming from the demonic kingdom, and the story that the Lord, who had returned to sanity in the future, had said that he would adopt a tightening policy and move gradually to relieve security and the anxiety of the townspeople.
"You're in a lot of trouble. I wonder who's involved."
"I don't know that far. There was the involvement of an old man named Dion. I didn't have time, so I told my father the situation and asked the local Shadow to look into it."
Both the merchant and the spellman smell like abandoned pawns.
No matter how much you squeeze, I don't think you'll get more information than that.
Isn't the mastermind even out of the merchant country?
"But... when Leon moves, I wonder why he's in such a conspiracy"
Are you a plague god? I was asked, so I said it was a coincidence.
Probably a coincidence.
Anyway, I am a good public who wants to live quietly. [M]
"Now that the problem of the displaced has been cleared up for a moment, we are finally on our way to find out what caused the destruction of trade"
That I left town and looked around the street, but could not discover anything suspicious.
While I was rolling through another town, I found a carriage leaving with only people on board without loads, and I was watching from the sky, and I told him that I had witnessed a scene where I would carry in the loads I had taken.
"So the robbers turned into merchants. But what about the load you took... right. There must be a Sabaku route at the Chamber of Commerce."
That's Her Majesty the Queen.
This much information has made me perceive an approximate situation.
"I think you're right. And it seems that it was the demon soldiers who actually attacked it."
"What makes you think that?
"The story of the merchants who were attacked said that the scum of the way they were set up resembled it. I may not be active, but I thought you might have had some training."
"It's possible that the merchant and demon kingdoms are working hand in hand."
Her Majesty laughed glossy (ah so) at what vengeance to do.
Her Majesty the Queen doesn't think about Locke at times like this.
Imagine what's best, what they don't like.
"I have one question,"
"Why the devil and the merchant nations have joined hands."
I don't get it at all. Merchant countries do not have military power, so they do not attack, they cannot attack.
But there is no excuse for borrowing soldiers from the demon kingdom to do things.
If the evidence hardens, I don't think I can complain about being attacked.
"Right. I wonder if that's because of the information in" Paradise. "
"Is it 'paradise'? of that eyebrow spit..."
"No matter how frowned upon, 'Paradise' is a vast land where there is no hunger. It's worth every country. I wonder if it's easier and easier to take another country in war or to get a vast lot of land that belongs to no one."
A land of abundance yet to be seen. Attractive.
I don't doubt it was frown spit, but it was left in the historical material.
Historical material should have descendants of the old royals living there. Although it is most likely doomed.
"So the purpose of the merchant country is' paradise 'land?
"That's a good chance. Even the demon kingdom is. You'll need a new barn to escape the great metastasis."
So you put your hands together?
I can't get it just in the merchant country. So we continue our search behind us, involving the demonic kingdom and being relative to the dragon kingdom. Is that the place?
Dragon Domestic is now full of business issues.
Her Majesty the Queen is forcing us to look into it secretly, but the demonic and merchant kingdoms may be ahead of them.
"But there's trouble with the body of the region. Maybe we should tighten it a little bit."
I said a hell of a thing.
"Wouldn't the local council revolt"
"But you can't trust me."
I can't help but think that there is a temperature difference between us and Wang Du than we don't know what other countries think.
Therefore, there is a current situation in which the provinces are made good for the merchant and demonic countries.
"If so, what are you going to do?"
I don't want to hear it because I'm scared, but I'm more scared if I don't know it.
"I wonder if you'd like to take some of the authorization rights."
"The rebellion is over."
Permission rights are the hotbed of rights.
If I take it away, the great rebellion keeps wondering if the Wang Du will take it only where it's delicious.
"It's easier to do later, and it's not just a bad thing."
Later, after the rebellion.
Her Majesty intends to blur out dissatisfied molecules before the Great Transition and, conversely, strengthen centralization.
I knew I shouldn't have asked.