Not much of what I told Chief Dion. [M]
That there was a 'tidal people' on the island I stumbled upon.
However, that it was not a 'paradise' there.
I'm the only one who can get there right now.
"... does that mean there are other 'paradises'"
"If 'paradise' is really there, then so be it. There is also the" Fog People "who are said to have left the former King's Capital, so it is likely that there will be some of them."
"I see. By" Fog People, "are you talking about the Cancer Mountains? I doubt there's a land as big as' paradise 'over there."
The clan chief seems skeptical.
I also find it difficult in the Canopy Mountains.
High mountains stretch multiple times and even dragons are difficult to cross.
"I hear it's all about difficulty, and on foot, it's life-threatening to cross one mountain range. … but beyond the southern ocean."
As we prolong through the Canopy Mountains, we know that a flat earth exists.
That was investigated by Dragon Nation, so there is also a detailed record.
Beyond the Canopy Mountains, there are barely any plants growing, just unpopulated wasteland.
At the time, a dragon jockey searching across the Canopy Mountains didn't spit a lie, but it's not surprising that there's been some mistake, but I don't know.
I learned it in college class, by the way, but it's difficult even for dragons to cross the Sky Mountains.
Because of the high mountains in a row, they need to look for low ridges to cross.
Because of this, you cannot proceed in a linear fashion and have limited routes of progress on your own?
With more than 10,000 meters of mountains gobbled up, normal dragons catch the height limit.
Me and Shalazad can do it, but people can't cross mountains like that in the first place.
"The southern ocean... there are many difficulties in even moving the ship forward, and beyond..."
I also know what the chief of the family is trying to say.
Tsukikuni is actively exploring the southern seas in search of new heavens and earth.
It's the same as the dragon kingdom explores the eastern sea.
The further south you go, the higher the temperature.
Along with that, the water temperature also rises.
This rise in water temperature seems troublesome.
A number of ships have gone out to explore the southern seas.
They were rudded by herds of algae (also) that flocked near the water.
Since this algae is quite flaky, it is indistinguishable from the sea surface if it is assimilated to the water surface and farsighted.
In the night, it is an outrage.
For this reason, it is normal for a fleet to sail, but when the sun rises, one ship disappears.
"The Dragon Nation was an exploration from the sky, so we just know about the seaweed zone as knowledge, is that widespread?
The exact map of the seaweed zone should not have been given to other countries.
"Pretty wide. But the problem is that the position and range of the herd changes depending on the season or the temperature of the year. So nobody knows exactly what it is."
"That's tough. Does that mean that if you row out to the southern sea, you don't know how lucky you are to be able to go back and forth?"
"Mm-hmm. And the end through the seaweed zone is horrible"
The only story that is telling the dragon kingdom is about the algae tangled in the rudder.
Is there anything else?
"Seaweed zones can be managed by skilled sailors. Even if involved, a large number of sailors can plunge into the sea and eliminate algae over time. But how much did we get rid of it? If we move on, we'll get tangled up."
"After all, seaweed zones are pretty dangerous, aren't they?"
When I said that, the chief of the family shook his head to the side.
"No, what really scares me is the gas zone that lies ahead."
"Is it Gus?
Are you going to breathe gas and lose consciousness or something?
Such a dangerous place in the southern sea?
"Does that gas affect Fei Long as well?"
"No, no, you can say the gas itself is powerless. There's gas coming out of the mud on the bottom of the ocean, and from time to time it seems to rise, but it mists on the surface before people inhale it."
…… So what's at stake?
"When the gas comes up a lot from below, the ship caught in it sinks"
Speaking of the size of the sea, small grains such as the area of the bottom of the ship are also a good place.
When the gas comes up, they say the sea level bubbles. Everything you can see.
When a bubble made of gas hits the bottom of the ship, it seems that the ship gradually loses its buoyancy and sinks.
Full sinking, not landslide.
While sailing on more than one ship, if you think the gas has come up from the sea, one, two and the ship will sink.
"I don't know why, but a lot of bubbles take the buoyancy away from the ship. And this can't escape.... because there are several such difficulties in the southern seas. I don't think there's a paradise in the South."
"Right. That's a little scary."
With such a difficulty, sailors wouldn't be too scared to get close.
"If so, it means that 'paradise' does not exist"
That's where I got the information.
"Paradise" information that the upper management of the merchant country is holding?
"Um, where shall we talk from? … let's start with the purpose of infiltrating."
Has the chief of the family joined hands with the merchant and demonic kingdoms "why"?
They tried to find out how far the two countries intended to fight together.
"I was astonished when I heard the information that he who made me infiltrate brought back. Because the merchant countries are really looking for paradise. The amount invested is enormous, people and abilities spend plenty, looking for 'paradise'"
"I mean, you think 'paradise' exists?
"Rather than, why did you think it existed? I wanted to know that."
"I see. Right.... did you find that out?
"Okay. The beginning was the code left by the Demon Explorer."
"Yes, that's what I hear."
"The upper management of the merchant country has already cracked the code."
"Some of it seems to have been solved more than before, but I think I've cracked everything here lately."
"What the hell is in that cipher?
When I asked, Chief Dion laughed niggardly.