Chief Dion says he knows the contents of the 'demon scout' code.
"What did it say?
"Many have views about 'paradise'. Anything else that indicates where the materials are."
"Materials? Is it 'paradise'?
"Bye. He said he was already looking for materials. He who infiltrated me has also seen it firmly with this eye. Though not all. You want to know?
I snorted heavily because the chief of the clan followed me.
"Of course it is. Don't let it get you this far."
"Right. There is a wide variety of material left behind by" Demon Explorer ". Plants that can only be seen in 'paradise', for example. Flowers, leaves, seeds, etc. were dried and preserved as materials. Plus there's a map."
If you had a map of 'Paradise', you'd already found it.
"When it comes to maps, it sounds like towns and fields, mountains, rivers and other big things. However, given its size, it is endlessly large"
"Endless...... big?
"One mountain is huge, isn't it? That's how many things were written in the map. Neither the lake nor the rivers flowing from it, that is not all. The location of the villages was also written down. There is also a vast barn area nearby. Yes, in addition to the map, there were quite a few pictures of the landscape, all of which represented a rich land there."
Two things came to pass from the words of the chief of the family.
First of all, "Demon Explorer" has been to "Paradise".
And "paradise" is inhabited by people... who probably don't interact with us at all.
"Awesome info"
"Right? Besides, there's more."
The clan chief laughed deeply.
"What do you have yet?
"It says why the Demon Scout hid it."
"That's what's coming to the core,"
"Mm-hmm. According to" Demon Explorer, "the land is too big for us to get, and it's also too attractive. That's not a good thing for the locals, so the road to here is off the record. That's what it said. But if you keep a record for when the country falls apart. We might have to move from country to country then. The land can still afford to take on a whole country. Therefore keep this record. Pray that you can keep this land 'paradise' permanently..."
It's a shocking fact.
First of all, the idea of a 'demon scout'.
If we find out about the land, the colonization will surely begin.
regardless of the will of the inhabitants who were there from the beginning. "Demon Scout" was afraid of it.
He tried to protect the people living in 'Paradise' by hiding the place.
However, it easily perishes, even if it is a country once there is a disaster, as is typical of the Great Transition.
It is the fall of the main line that keeps hiding the information on 'Paradise' and the country perishes.
To that end, even if we were halfway there, I guess we left some information on 'paradise'.
"They said there was a cipher in the material for the major metastasis. I thought with all our strength, we could get there without a hint. If I'm anywhere on earth, I'm gonna find it."
"Right. I can't believe we can still afford to accept a whole country... that's a great story."
"Now I can read the strategy of the merchant country. This much movement under the water is part of an operation that makes us clear and doesn't allow us to explore 'paradise'. We've come up with a strategy involving four countries so that we can find them alone."
Indeed, if 'paradise' were so much, it might not even quit the war.
In a way, isn't it the ultimate treasure?
"I've been checked so far, but I've been on a lot of alert since then. I didn't mean I had to withdraw. It would have been nice if they'd kept infiltrating us a little longer and taken us all the way to the merchant country operation."
"No, I think it's enough. Now we really wanted to find paradise, and we understood that the merchant countries wouldn't pull it off."
For example, do you think there is enough area to combine dragon and demon kingdoms or that there is as much land left to produce as the cereals produced by the four countries?
That can even happen. Fearless' paradise '.
Conversely, I think 'demon scouts' often hid it.
If I become the first discoverer and claim my rights...... no, do I have locals?
"You must be in contact with someone who's already settled, but how come there's no interaction"
"Hmm? Dad, what do you mean?
"Even over there, you'll want to know what's going on in this country. I was wondering who didn't leave Paradise."
"Is that because 'paradise' was too attractive?"
"If there are people, that's someone else's land. If that's all worth the land, we can sneak out the locals, destroy the buildings, and take them in after they were deserted. You should actually want to see and judge what kind of person you have in mind..."
Father is thinking.
As it stands, one of the 'demon scouts' went to 'Paradise'.
And no one has come this way from 'Paradise' yet.
No, like you've already been here?
To the merchant kingdom, the demon kingdom or the dragon kingdom... maybe I went to a village or town somewhere and thought I wouldn't trust you.
So I hid the place of "Paradise" along with "Demon Explorer".
I don't know the truth.
Either way, 'Demon Scout' made a choice to protect them by covering them up, not honor.
Annella's father.
You wanted to see me once while I was alive.
You're the one who makes me think so.
"Don't worry about me and the rest of you after you find Paradise."
When the chief said, his father succeeded him.
"If Dragon Nation finds it first, it will either negotiate with the local people to buy possession or have them admit proprietary on some exchange terms. And eliminate the merchant countries to secure commercial routes in front of themselves.... No, we might build a new order"
"A new order? What's that?"
What's Dad saying?
"You think you're going to put restrictions on colonization. You think you restrict your rights by ranking first, second and second with nobility, feeling like civilians? By doing so, we can eliminate immigrants like this one from the demonic kingdom. In a way, we can build a country from scratch, so it would be rewarding."
"On the contrary, if the merchant country gets it, don't let go of the wealth and take advantage of it. If we cut it off, when will we make money, but we should continue to generate wealth by lending it"
Don't be afraid of the chief of the family or your father.
"If it was a demonic country, all the people might emigrate."
The demon kingdom is the one that suffers the most from the great metastasis. I could do enough to abandon the country.
In the end, we found out a lot about our exchange of information.
When you return to the King's Capital, you must report to Her Majesty the Queen.
This is a bad story to put on the table, so it's sneaky.
So our conversation with the chief of the family ended, and we went back to our room.
Tomorrow, finally, it's the engagement announcement.