Does it involve the civil unrest that Her Royal Highness caused in the Dragon Nation, or is it?
I think Her Royal Highness can stay here, or head to the King's Capital.
If you're going back to the country as a royal duty, I'll go out with you, and if you want to think about it and leave royal blood, it's safer to stay here.
"I want to go to Saul's town."
It was a little different than I expected.
"I'm going back to King's Landing anyway. But I want to see the crime scene before I do."
"Isn't that dangerous?
"The messenger came from the town of Saul, didn't he? Then it should be safe. Besides, you're here no matter what. You're gonna protect me."
"Of course I'll protect you, though."
"Saul's town's failure to join the insurgency means safety. It would be safer if you were here... see, it's not okay"
"Er, you can't say that easily..."
"If the country seems to be in danger, I'll be back here. But as the princess of the dragon kingdom, I'd like to see the region with these eyes."
"... Really?"
If they say that much, I can't find a word against it.
"My liver's pretty tight."
"Maybe I'm just curious."
"Still. I'll be ready whenever you want."
According to the chief of the family, Charazard has already been fed and is now on break.
They say the newly hired dragon clerks dedicated to Sharazard are ready to fly at any time.
"Thank you"
The consideration of the chief of the family was appreciated.
He arranged it in advance so that I could come anytime.
"Then let's go now. Thank you for your help, Chief of the Family."
The town of Saul comes in with live information.
It seems that if you want to leave, you should hurry.
"What. Yes, my son-in-law."
"What is it"
"Thank you for preventing the city from falling. Let me give it back."
I hear that means don't die.
"Yes, you will never die until you have a ceremony with Ann"
"Oh, my God."
The chief of the family laughed.
Me and Her Royal Highness left aboard the charazard.
The guards who protected the princess to the end, but the fatigue and injuries are terrible, so I leave them here.
"Come on, go all at once!
"Okay....... Charazard. Full speed."
"I got it!
Fly and go north at full speed.
To enter the dragon kingdom and not be ambushed.
"Shalazad, go in high altitude flight"
"The one you tried before. Hmm, that's good. '
Flying dragons usually fly under clouds.
If you hang in there, you can get out to the top of the cloud, which is in a low position.
In the case of sharazards, it can rise to an altitude roughly double that of a flying dragon.
But I can't get there. [M]
The sharazard remembered the height of the limit I could bear as the height.
The reason is simple. Not to be discovered from the ground.
In this case, we're leaving the merchant country, so we don't want anyone to find us to complain about it later.
I don't think anyone has seen this move, as I continued to fly at high altitudes, choosing places off the capital and streets west of the merchant country as well.
I acted cautiously and finally got to Saul's town.
It is His Royal Highness the Princess who has come with us.
I would have gone to the Lords' Hall to greet him, but in the hope of Her Royal Highness, I decided not to come.
Sometimes there are rebellions in nearby towns, and the decision is that existence should be hidden.
"Put this on, please"
I disguised him with a hat and a muffler before boarding the carriage.
"... where are you going?
"It's my parents' house."
He said he wanted to take a look at the town, but we can't let him take a stroll like that.
"My mother trusts me at home."
"Well, you're not wrong"
I guess that means my father.
"Hey, look forward to it."
"It's not tourism, is it? And don't tell me anything about Shadow because I keep it to my family."
"The real Shadow is the king's capital, and that's how I know it."
Sometimes I do Shadows in my family, but that's a small number.
Usually one or two.
It is configured to be taken over from generation to generation by parents and children.
"You did...... we'll be there soon"
I stopped the carriage in front of the house, and me and Her Royal Highness got off.
There is one here, a man of noble stature, who is supposed to show his face through the back door.
"I'm home."
Returned from the front door, or bakery entrance.
"There you go... Oh, Leon, what's going on?
"Sister? Did you finally give love to your brother-in-law or something?
"I didn't say anything stupid! Help me. How did Leon end up here?
"I heard there was a revolt in a nearby town, so I stopped by to gather information... and Dad?
It would be nice for Sister Eina to have a store number, but is the grocery store good?
Uncle Drodoff used to forgive you.
"Dad, my best friend left because he was in trouble. So I'm here to help... Oh, you're here?
"Shit! Dad, are you away?"
You mean, like, "shadow" in the next town?
I wonder if it moved to control over there.
"When did Dad leave?
"I came to the house yesterday, maybe three days ago."
"I see."
Is it still a "shadow" tease? Maybe he contacted Uncle Drodoff when he told his sister.
When I look inside the store, I only sell bread that I can save. It's bread my mother baked.
My mother has also been baking since she was a little girl, and as a student she worked part-time in "Fluffy Blower," but her baking arm is no match for her father.
All my mother bakes is hard bread that doesn't require much skill.
If your father went to a rebel town, he might not return for days.
Is it no use staying here?
I wanted to get some info on the rebel town, but I barely know this town's 'shadow'.
Now what should I do... etc. I shouldn't have thought of it alone.
Anyway, while I was thinking about it, my sister was talking to me.
And I only told Her Royal Highness not to talk about the Shadow. I mean......
"My name is Sarane Luxtra. It's been a long time since I've been named."
With that said, Her Royal Highness glanced at her sister.