A spellman who arrives quickly.
Meanwhile, Lithwarn just stares at the impending men.
The blade reaches Lithwarn... before, the man's neck fell off.
The light flashed.
One of the spellmen feels dangerous and jumps out loud.
But I couldn't land.
Roll one knee and one hand about the floor.
I didn't have the legs to land.
A spellman exhales roughly. You don't have to look. I lost both legs.
A little late, one of the lost legs came down.
The rest of my legs are rolling far away.
"Because it's not beautiful, I just didn't want to use the sword."
He has a bloody sword, and Lithwarn lies.
"Be careful! This guy, let's do it!
A man who lost both legs in an instant issues a warning, but in the meantime one neck flies.
Only one remaining spellman flashes.
The assassination, which I tried with absolute confidence, failed in just a few moments.
"Surprised? But I want you to think about it. How my clan once stole power."
Looking into Lithwarn's eyes, the spellman felt like he had been stuck ice in his back.
Instinct felt that the man in front of me was unusual.
"Don't you see? The throne of kingdoms challenged and stolen by a few. How much blood did you shed to protect it?... The royal family of the Dragon Nation is always the usurper. The strongest thief of his time is royalty."
"There is no way that the offspring will be vulnerable. Don't you think?
Use yourself as bait to invite assassins.
There is no way that those who think and implement such a proposal are weak.
"That's why you let me hold your sword. I'll take responsibility for that."
Lithwarn let him wave his sword and snap his neck.
"... ugh"
Paying for the blood on the sword, Lithwarn clears his ears.
The downstairs sound was increasing in intensity.
"Just a few moments before reinforcements arrive... I'll be on my way too"
With the sword of the stripper lowered, Lithwarn went down the stairs.
The town of Acri. Lords' Hall.
I was lost. [M]
My fiancée's death has rendered the Souranium maniac useless.
I had no choice but to disable my lord's private soldiers instead.
Whoever comes towards the blade shall be treated. Those who did not stayed to crush both knees.
I would have finished a little sooner if the Souran operator had helped me, but he doesn't feel that way.
I looked around at everything in the hall and persuaded him to announce the death of the lord if any man was present and to stop any further resistance.
I've had quite a bit of time to confirm almost everyone's will.
When I came back after everything, the Souranian manipulators were in the same place the whole time.
"I'm going to stay here and do some post-processing. I can't keep her like this."
Looks like he's finally back, but he's saying something backwards.
Because of the power of the Blue Dragon, I wondered if I could kick a lot of insurgents by myself, but I do need someone to handle it afterwards here.
I kept the complaint only in my mind.
"Okay. The departed soldiers will be back tomorrow. I don't know if there's any war left, but the dragon troops are pulling, so please disarm them."
"Really? Soldiers, let's talk on my side."
Can't I lick you in a discussion position from the start? I don't think you should have any trouble disarming me by doing it with Gatsun in a dragon.
Well, if there's a blue dragon, is it okay?
The lord is dead, and if we make any more noise, we will be the subject of solemnity.
Now I can still handle it if I say, "I obeyed because I was ordered to be a soldier".
It won't erupt in rare things.
"I report to Her Majesty the Queen. The dragons in this town are waiting on the streets, so I think I'll take them to the king's capital."
"Okay. I'm sorry for everything."
"No. So, what about the lord's body?
"I think it will be delivered to Her Majesty the Queen. I'll do that."
"Okay.... Then I'll do it."
There's nothing more to do here.
I dived into the darkness after I left the hall.
Return straight to Sharazard.
'Is it over?
"Yeah. Souranium manipulators... they seem to be getting old all at once"
The last one, I felt like an old man tired of life.
I guess I lost my fiancée and my heart was exhausted.
I know how that feels.
Even if I lose Mr. Ann... I might not stop until I've handled all the people involved.
Souranic athletes may be keeping their minds normal by working and not thinking by working busily.
"Shalazad, let's go. The place just now, remember?
"Where were the trinkets? Whatever."
"Go there, retrieve the dragon and return to the king's capital."
"I got it."
On the move, I discovered a group of people camping near the streets.
The soldiers seem to have kept their word and turned back properly.
Picking up the dragons who had been standing in line all along the way, I returned to the king's capital.