Dragon Nation. Royal Castle.
The royal castle is large. The smaller the town, the softer it enters.
All those who work in the royal castle are set with compartments to enter, and only the queen can step into all compartments.
Whether you're a prince or a princess, a no-entry compartment exists in the Royal Castle.
Queen Savannah took a long passage and went out into an unpopular corner.
From here on out will be the most important compartment.
It is those who guard this compartment who open and close the passage.
Leon has gone up from the passage dedicated to the Shadow to the castle before, but it is built the same way.
After a distractingly long review, the Queen finally stepped into the deepest compartment.
There are Moon Wings (Tsukuba Mitsukasa) and others in here who recorded the trajectory of the Moon and predicted the occurrence of a major metastasis.
Those who work here will never go outside again.
Only those who understand it and agree work here.
The queen goes straight through the compartment and stands in front of a building.
I didn't hesitate to open the door and kept going.
I wonder if he's here.
One magnificent man turned to the Queen's voice.
The man stood on the stepladder and had materials in both hands.
"Isn't it weirder that I'm not here?
Speaking of which, yes.
It was a huge circular room.
What is different is that there is a document shelf on one side of the wall, all of which is buried?
"I can't talk to you. Will you come down?
"... ok"
The man steps on his feet and comes down one step, one step at a time.
The man's name is Alvata Luxtra.
He is Savannah's husband and the Lord of this' Confidential Documents Vault '.
A large number of materials, diplomatic documents, etc. that cannot be tabulated are stored here.
Of course, Alvata knows all about its contents.
Therefore he will never leave this vault.
Despite being a king's mate, here was the reason not to get involved in politics.
"That means you're here."
"It's over. I wonder if rebellion is a failure."
After all, Alvata shut up.
"I sent Leon to Acri town."
"Charazard? Then the rebels have no chance of winning."
This vault also contains materials that Sharazard spoke of and described by Leon.
"It's a good decision to make Acri a rebel stronghold. We can supply from the sea, and it's easy to gather soldiers."
Originally, the East could afford troops compared to the North, which had fewer soldiers, or the West, which, even if there were, could not be moved.
"That's not enough to drop the king's capital."
"Right. That's why Philos put in the assassin."
"But I failed."
"Rural life suited me sexually, too. I did something pathetic."
"But I need you to take responsibility."
"My sister was heartbroken. You're pushing me too far."
Isabel, Alvata's sister. Now he is the wife of Philos.
"But I still can't believe it was you..."
The queen snuck out her breath.
"You knew?
"Half. Something about Yue Wing Shi's information leaked to the demon kingdom. We have limited means."
You're a lunar reader, or there's only Alvata.
The culprit is therefore limited.
Even Alvata can't get out of this compartment.
But Alvata had a knockout move that allowed him to make contact with outside humans.
It is contact with my sister.
Alvata fell ill and my sister had come to visit.
Lately, too.
"That was heartbreaking"
That must mean Isabelle.
She leaked the information to Philos, and Philos informed the demon country, as well as the merchant country.
"You can't save everything."
"So you think you're going to kill the demon kingdom and eliminate the influence of the merchant country?
"Yeah, that's right. We have to choose those who save us."
To avoid falling together. Yes, the queen told him.
"It's an arrogant idea. What if only Dragon Nation survives? Is the world healthy after that?"
"I don't know. There may or may not be a difference between rich and poor within the dragon kingdom"
"Will the provinces remain poorer and the centre richer?
"I think it's the king's job to adjust so it doesn't happen."
In this country, where there is the threat of the Moon Warcraft, the provinces are not equal.
Many burdens are imposed in towns near the path of the Yin Moon.
In other regions, wealth is once collected in the king's capital and shared where necessary.
Why? Because the Dragon Nation Management Council so decides.
Local politics led by Wang Du.
Moreover, measures against the Moon Warcraft were overlapping, and invisible distortions were everywhere.
"My suggestion, remember?
Alvata had submitted a proposal to stop the grazing of Shana cattle, which feeds on dragons, and make it a barn ground for humans.
Simple calculations can cover millions of people's food.
Based on that estimate, an efficient transport of surplus food in each country would save at least three million people.
If we strive, five million people can live without starvation.
But the queen dismissed the dragon without putting it on the agenda.
"... in the end, it's a parallel line"
"Right. Too bad."
If you don't understand, the queen shook her head sadly.
"What happens to that one?
"I don't know what will happen... but I'm sure it won't change"
"... right"
Okay, let's go.
The queen left the vault behind without ever looking back.
The sound of the door behind me closing sounded slightly louder.