I hear the merchant country is after me.
I don't know how you're aiming, but he said he'd have contact soon.
Her Majesty tells me to crush the plot after grasping the purpose.
I only told him that the merchant country would come into contact with me by laying low the contents of the directive.
"Merchant Country"
"I don't know what you're thinking, but I don't think we can make contact right now."
"Right. All right, I'll keep an eye out for even me."
"Please. and the demon kingdom."
"That was in the letter, too. He said the Demon King is moving."
"Yeah, I don't seem to know the details"
"If the King's trend, it would be top secret. It's more natural not to know. As easy as I can tell, I doubt the trap."
"I see, right"
"My country was surprised last time. I'm monitoring the border now. I don't think anything's gonna happen."
For each clan, surveillance of the border line appears to be considerably enhanced.
"Her Majesty the Queen is concerned to come to power."
We might get the big army together and cross the border with grandeur.
Or send in the best.
Now that the alliance has not been signed, we can minimise the interference of the Dragon Nation.
Electrically invading and ravaging the kingdom of moves. The declaration of territory and the rest must also be viewed as interfering in internal affairs.
"So you're the Lord."
The chief of the family seems to have guessed.
"Yes, my other role seems to be to use this position to confront the demonic kingdom"
Mr. Ann's son-in-law happened to come to the clan territory of the rabbit.
He personally joined the battle in the Athletic Country to protect his own fiancée, stepfather and stepmother.
Is that the kind of muscle writing?
"I know it's okay, but when something happens, please.... but will you be back in the year?
"Right. However, you may be fine until the New Year's critical. The Dragon Pickup Ceremony is on the seventh day of the year, however late I will be back by then."
"Okay. I intend to go back in the year and think about it. Ann's will be back in ten days. We have time."
This concludes the meeting with the chief of the family.
I went to the saluted room and finally took a breath. [M]
Problem is, you're in contact with a merchant country.
The meeting to celebrate the first place in the sequence can last for several days.
What's different from a regular celebration is that you haven't sent out an invitation?
Anne and the others are still in the family territory of the Great Bobcat.
It would be that we are holding a celebration over there, while doing different negotiating things.
It's a celebration here for those who couldn't make it to the Great Bobcat clan.
Naturally, in the inner circle meeting, the families of the rabbit will be at the centre.
Meanwhile, merchants entering and leaving and those of nearby clans also rush to celebrate.
Though it is far to the great Bobcat's clan territory, there will come out those who can come here.
The venue of the celebration should be filled with such guests.
If you were to come into contact with me, it would most likely be then.
Suddenly it's hard to think of it as an assassination.
Is it solicitation? Or......
In the days leading up to the celebration, I spent out of town or flying around in a shalazard.
I wanted to see the border guards with my own eyes, so I said I couldn't, and they followed me to the folks of the Ra's family.
Put him on Shalazad's back and tour the place where he's monitoring the border.
Oh, my God, Shalazad and I got a big welcome everywhere.
Some people said in tears that it was because of me that I now have a family of rabbits.
Given the dragon kingdom, which is all emphasised for ravaging soldiers, it is also possible that some malice is indeed working.
I can't help but think so.
Ann's brother Maurice and I had a mock fight.
Put your swords together. Okay. The arm of the sword was considerable.
If it takes you straight from the front, let's just say you weren't hostile.
Mr. Maurice praised me for my muscles, but my strength difference was historical.
Anyway, those who join the clan will show the skill of maturity even at a young age, in order to work out before they feel comfortable.
I don't have enough training. I'm no match for you.
Shalazad is not the only dragon in the family of the rabbit.
For liaison, two flying dragons are stationed.
Through the care of these flying dragons, many dragon clerk candidates learn every day to learn how to handle dragons.
Is it the trait of the people of the moving-country, once they begin to learn, they pioneer various routes.
Each one will independently study and compete in its arms, including routes that emphasize efficiency, routes of craftsmen who excel in their work, and craftsman routes that take the middle of them.
In other words, instead of stretching in one direction, the technology of the moving-country will stretch in many ways, and its aggregation will seem to look into the eyes of the day.
I didn't think I could imitate this. And I wondered if I could even use it for my baking.
I wish I could make good use of it by streamlining the way it is now, developing new breads, and creating mechanisms to incorporate the customer's opinions.
Such full days ensued, and as people and things rushed in and out, celebrations began to celebrate the victory of the competition.