I hid in the shadows and waited for the night.
The soldiers worked until sundown and are now eating evenings in thoughtful places.
It doesn't look like he noticed me.
What bothered me was that the soldiers were moving independently.
There must have been someone who had instructed them, and I wanted to find him, but I couldn't find him.
"I think we should head for the palace."
The western capital has a palace.
There is no equivalent of a king in the merchant kingdom, but he is turning the country in a five-headed system of consultation.
Five to the west and ten to the east, respectively.
The building they use in government affairs is called the palace.
The palace is built pompously in the middle of a garden with nothing.
Whatever means are used, you have to go through the garden part to get to the palace, and you don't reach the palace without being found on surveillance.
However, that is limited to the ground.
Not if it melts into the darkness of the night.
It's impossible to see the darkness I've created, even if I've been watching the garden from inside and outside the palace.
It was worth the wait until it was dark enough that I could enter the palace without anyone finding me.
"I thought..."
Now he is hiding his admiration.
As I proceeded inside the palace, the soldiers somehow gathered around me.
"Hey, you there?
"No, I don't see it"
"Look closely. Must be around here."
As far as the soldiers' conversations are concerned, they seem to find out about my break-in.
But is there any certainty or not?
Though the soldiers were pointing out, they just looked around and never noticed me.
The soldier you're looking for also looks half-hearted.
"Well, I wonder what this means."
Think in the dark.
Or that's all I can do now.
Because the intrusion is being found out, it is believed to have caught on to some sensory juncture.
Common sensory junctions can be easily seen by a magician because they create something like a curtain with magic.
Some techniques make that membrane thinner and harder to find.
Alternatively, they may be reworked like nets or stretched through cluttered thin lines to keep intruders from noticing.
"If you use cover-up magic, I'll know... what do you mean?
There is also a way to wrap the sensory junction in a cover-up demon, but if the demon is to be covered-up in a demon, it is discovered that it is not there (...).
It just feels like it's falling out of the pocket.
I mean, there's nothing, so I can expect something.
In the end, the sensory kingdom has become less meaningful to the keen wizard of inquiry.
But not this time.
I didn't notice, but they do.
"That's the wizard of the demon kingdom."
Isn't it the super-class wizard of the demonic kingdom, the real place of the demons, who set up the sensory kingdom?
Sometimes I don't realize when the best bonds are tied up.
"If you can't break in from somewhere else again, let's give up today"
This is enemy territory, and I'm alone.
There's nothing I can do that I can't do.
I haven't gotten one piece of information that I can take home yet.
You should lay caution on top of caution.
I left the palace once and made a big detour through the large garden before breaking in again.
Now I don't go to the back of the palace, and if I'm going to get away soon, I'll wander around in the place.
Then, after a while, multiple footsteps came.
"Looks like it's around here."
"Okay, we'll split up and find it"
About twenty soldiers dispersed.
Keep in touch with each other and look for each passage and room.
"You can't do this."
There seems to be a magic trick to find my place.
I gently escaped the scene and returned to the warehouse district where I was based.
"Shit. You're gonna find out I'm infiltrated, and you're gonna be the same as whoever else comes in here."
I was wondering if my father would be able to find out where (if any) the sensory kingdom was that I didn't realize, but he's not here.
"What's wrong with breaking in again tomorrow?"
It was still a difficult directive.
"Speaking of which, your father said something weird."
It was when I heard the trick of finding a junction or jerking it off.
- You're caught in the juncture because you're in the same world.
That's what he said.
I wonder what the hell those words were.