West capital at dawn overnight. The warehouse district from the royal palace was a terrible disaster.
Before the sun rose, under Chester, the first damage report arrived.
The number of warehouses that collapsed is actually twenty-three. It is more than I imagined.
The soldiers who were inside the collapsed building would not have accumulated.
"I can't seem to calculate the damage yet."
Lara from "Transient Shift" seemed sorry and reported to Chester.
"What do you mean you can't calculate?
"Because we were gathering all our supplies and equipment over there to eliminate the Moon Warcraft..."
He said that all his stuff had been collected in that warehouse because he was planning to march in one or two days as well.
We have to dig them out of the wreckage that's about to collapse.
It is unknown how much remains to be used under the rubble, and because priority is now being given to the treatment of wounded soldiers, those tasks have not been carried out at all.
"Was it the people who were gathering in one place so that they could move quickly?"
No one thinks the warehouse itself can be targeted.
"Some soldiers are dead, and it seems like a lot of soldiers can't move because of injuries."
Instead, they say that soldiers who are not injured are more rare.
"How long is it going to take to dig up supplies?
Without it, it wouldn't start. It's important.
"It's going to take a few days, no matter how fast. It seems a little harsh to see if the original operation could be used because the force was halved in the first place"
To put it mildly, Lara, but Chester understood almost exactly what was in that chest.
Moon Warcraft Battle with gear to match the war. Even the odds were a soldier's favor on the Devil's side.
If this reduces the number of soldiers on this side to half, the odds of winning will drop at once.
There's no way I can decide, such as the original operation.
"I'll have to ask His Majesty... ugh. How could you do this!"
It is an unfortunate continuation. He was impatient Chester, but the next came the difficult question, so much so that he wanted to cry.
I want to throw everything away straight away!
Right out of his mouth, Chester freaked out.
"And since the warehouse district is no longer available, they have nowhere to stay. I have to move. I don't know where to look."
"The only way to do this is to disperse it in the open space and put up a tent. Tell him again to keep his hands off the warehouse where the mechanical tricks are running. I have trouble with more damage."
"Right, okay. I'll tell him."
Soon Lara returned.
Chester felt tired behind it as she dropped it off.
And when he was alone, Chester turned his head on where no one could see him.
"Awkward...... awkward, this is. The operation to return to the Land of the Devil will no doubt fail."
Not only was the power halved, but supplies were also hit. Morale will be at the bottom of this.
Or even food bottoms up.
"Goddamn it, you black dragon dragon maniac! Rumor has it, what a guy!
The enemy in black that has infiltrated would be Dragon Nation's Shadow. I must have been there waiting to be recovered. Yes, Chester thought.
Chester thinks it's unusual to have used dragons to send in [shadows]. What is the point of having hinted at the involvement of the Dragon Nation?
"Shadow" is to explore this information. Is the dragon to sharpen this battle force?
"... a threat to attack at any time? You dragon country fox. He punched me in the wrong hand."
They targeted where the Devil's Army was isolated in the western capital.
If this were daylight, the basilisk would have been able to petrify even part of the dragon, but it came for the dark night.
The measures to combat petrification look solid, only as one on a moonless night without sending a large army.
"First of all, report the damage to Your Majesty."
The majority of the soldiers are large and small and injured.
What will the Demon King judge by it?
Chester dragged a heavy foothold to the palace where the Demon King was located.
"You think the scouts are back in the report? It should have been too early to take turns, but what happened?
Before entering the palace, Chester received such reports from his guardians.
The scourge is numerous on each side, and multiple releases.
Once every few days, a replacement personnel is dispatched and the predecessor returns to report.
However, it was arranged to return as soon as there was any problem.
It was the first time that scouts had returned outside of the alternation.
Visit the soldier for details, but just shake his head to the side.
"No, you're right. I'll ask His Majesty directly."
Apparently, Chester reconsidered that he lacked room.
There's no way I know what's going on here.
Chester goes for the room where the Demon King is.
"Oh, Chester? I've come to the right place."
The demon king makes the call. I'm in a good mood for some reason.
"I've come to a report about last night's raid."
"Uhm. Now, someone who was watching our country's borders came to report"
"Is this the border of the demonic kingdom"
If there's nothing, it's where we get our soldiers out right away and set up a Moon Warcraft battle.
The scouts should have been watching from afar in preparation for the Moon Warcraft Battle.
"They've hunted the Moon Warcraft the last few days when the Black Dragon came from the sky. Not including the big ones."
"Incredibly, they say it's true. With the Moon Warcraft gone, it looks like we're back on the report. As a result, there is no longer an enemy between the capital of the west and our realm. I think we can go back now."
"Well, congratulations on that"
I think that's a congratulatory thing. On the other hand, Chester put his head to work wondering what it meant.
The Black Dragon who showed up last night to collect the Shadow will naturally have brought the Shadow from Dragon Country.
In this report, we found out what Black Dragon and its dragon operators were doing while Shadow was active.
"What was the reason I was hunting there"
"Well, I don't know what your intentions are, but you must be a survivor."
They don't even know the Demon King. Chester couldn't find a reason either.
"Did you want to get us out of here fast?"
I don't know what's in it for Dragon Nation.
"I don't know. However, much of the material gathered by the merchant countries, including materials for the major metastases that were here, was available. Coupled with the materials in the capital, you can see quite a bit."
"Right. I especially appreciate the information on 'paradise'"
"I thought the merchant country was hiding it, but I also found the material. All you have to do is decipher it. With some confusion, the future of the demonic kingdom doesn't seem to be closed yet."
Chester also agreed. Some of the reasons for the invasion of the merchant country failed, were lost or destroyed, but only information on 'paradise' could be obtained.
One of the civil servants rushed in when the clear air flowed between the Demon King and Chester.
"It's tough. Materials written about 'paradise' were taken last night"
"" Hey, what the heck!?