My classmates keep coming back to the college.
They all did, they all looked sunny.
"Don't feel like you've grown big all the time."
Probably because we've accomplished a lot of things.
It's been a long time since I've seen them, somewhere different.
"Hey, Leon. Long time no see."
"Welcome home, Ark. And good luck."
Ark is back, too.
He was also growing up, as were other classmates.
"I haven't slept in a dorm bed in a long time today. It feels like nothing."
On his slightly skinny face, he grinned.
I guess I've been struggling, I'm not energized by the tired look on my face.
Bad skin, dark and dull hair.
Clothes are dusty, too, and it doesn't look like an arc that is usually familiar.
"You made it look different."
That's why I said so.
"Really? I'm glad you told me. Heroes."
"- Gu-ha!"
"What's wrong with you? You're the hero of the Redemption who saved Her Majesty's life, aren't you? It was a hell of a fuss to have such a brave man show up on our behalf."
Attch would mean fellow dragon jockeys.
When they become famous among themselves as well as the Wang capital, the rumors literally spread like feathers have grown.
"I'm the real hero. I'm in trouble when they say that."
I want you to guess the rest.
I can't go around correcting that that was a made story, and even if I said it wasn't a big deal, he'd only accept it with humility.
My hero, Tan, is a difficult man to deal with.
"Speaking of which, I saw you, too. Traces of that battle. That was amazing."
"By trail of battle... you mean where you fought the dominant species?
"Yes. I was just checking on the way out to see how much it was because everyone was making a scene. Indeed, that one is amazing. You fought hard enough to change the terrain. I can't imagine how intense it was."
It's bad for Ark, who's all excited, but half of the damage is Annella's offense.
The damage done in Charazard and Annella is probably greater than that.
"That's... well, never mind"
I just have to say that. Let the truth go into the darkness.
"That was a carcass the size of which was not comparable to the large species of the Moon Warcraft. I'm already excited about the rumored dominant species. The sharazards at your place are just like the rest of the world. A dragon worthy of the name of a hero. He's a hero again, too!
Bad for an arc who overacts with his hands spread... really bad, but Charazard is not such an admirer.
He's a quick fighter, "guffaw" from time to time, and a guy who laughs like he's masterful.
It's like the evil kid's grown up just like that...... so is Sharazard still young for Turveli to say?
At last, the spirit of Charazard is immature compared to the power it possesses.
There is talk with Ark like that, but the center of the story was after all about the big shift and our future, which has been changed by it.
"It's already been publicly said among dragon jockeys, but the statehood seems to last at least six months. Besides the military, there's been a convocation, right?
"Oh, it looks like the dragon jockey who hasn't fought the Moon Warcraft since day to day has also been called in on an exceptional basis. I've heard that a lot of them were sent to the movers in exchange for inter-state orders and driven infantry."
"That's right. The treatment is the same as that of the military, and the battle is without hope. The state will have the cost of food, but I wonder if it feels like only a fixed period of time will be served according to the state's orders."
I haven't heard about the revolt of the convoked dragon jockeys, but there are quite a few dragon jockeys themselves in the private sector in the first place.
Is it half private? Because many of them were incorporated into the defense of the town, such as within the Lords' clan.
Though they are not specialised in Moon Warcraft like a military serviceman, they have considerable combat experience.
"Problem is, the dragon jockeys were completely private."
It's like being hired by a merchant.
Still, a man dragon jockey sometimes participates in the Moon Warcraft hunt to avoid blunting his prospects, but it also exists that a woman dragon jockey has never really seen the Moon Warcraft in years or decades.
Those people should be going to the country of moves by now.
"Something wrong?
Ark must be hearing raw voices I don't know.
And unlike me, Ark is highly sociable.
No, it's not that I'm less sociable.
I'm good at living in the dark... and look, I'm a craftsman, so you just have to talk by hand, not by mouth... or something. Sociality should be crowded...... probably.
"It's a massive descent due to a major metastasis, and I knew there were quite a few war victims out there. I saw five of them leave before this, and only two of them came back."
Says it was just a patrol.
In the order, they say if extermination doesn't seem possible, turn back.
But he was unluckily in the middle of a massive descent, and was immediately besieged and disintegrated into battle, he said.
This is the most unfortunate example, but compared to before, he still has constant injuries.
Ark says there are dragon jockeys who are expressing their dissatisfaction with the fact that there are those who are not coming as their people die and are also summoned by the private sector.
"I know how you feel, but they work somewhere else, too."
"That's right. Thanks to their going to the moving-country, they're sending driven infantry over here, and I don't think it's going to change as a contribution, but it's a matter of feelings. I can't help all this."
I can't run out of troubles...... or the tare in question is endless.
By the way, if a hundred driven infantry get together, they'll make a lot of progress.
Is it because I'm good at mass combat? They say they work well together, even if they don't practice the Moon Warcraft opponent.
The movers seem to be moving aggressively because they can take combat data in the movers and train soldiers.
In particular, a mixed unit of driven infantry and dragons is recently being formed, which also means that dragons fish out the Moon Warcraft and driven infantry stands by to beat them.
It means that the voice in the field is good.
Oh, I want to see Mr. Ann soon.
"I guess I won't be out till graduation, will I?
"Right. They tell me to get tired and come to the ceremony. They're going to have a parade this year. Thanks to the hero, too?
"So tell me to stop that.... the parade has improved our warfare and dispelled the anxiety of the people. There have been rumors of parades in the King's City for some time now."
Momentum surpasses rumours inciting moon warcraft anxiety that information on the parade has been lifted little by little from the Royal Palace.
It's only because people ate up on the information that was taken out.
"It was usually a party at the Royal Palace at the end of the ceremony, but this year there will be a parade in between. Looking forward to it."
"I'm not much?
That made Ark look weird.
Thus we had a peaceful day and finally celebrated our graduation day.