When I arrived in Saul's town, I headed straight to my parents' house.
I sent a letter home in advance, so both my parents were waiting for me to come home.
"You wouldn't have come back today, would you?
I'll tell my mother that I bought a lot of ingredients for a fancy dinner.
"It's about you, so you'll be back soon."
Looks like they were reading the behavior.
Linda already has a base in the town of Saul.
Looks like he'll come to us after he's packed.
It's evening now, so it will be after tomorrow.
I gave my father and mother a souvenir and then put some aside to distribute to the neighbors.
"Well, let's put more effort on your arms today."
My mother wrapped her arms around me and headed to the kitchen.
While my mother was gone, I decided to discuss the special training phase with my father.
The rest period in Charazard is not that long.
I see it around seven days until the injury is fully healed.
It will leave here as early as five or ten days at the latest.
Then on the path of the Shade Moon for a while, you will fight the Moon Warcraft.
"What kind of special training do you want?
Here's my father's opinion.
Demons improve if they continue to be used. He told me to polish it in action.
The art of erasing signs, sneaking in, and knocking down opponents with one blow has already reached considerable skill.
I wonder what you want on top of that.
So I told him I wanted to have the power to cross directly from the front with the world's most powerful people, including Basilisk.
"That's the opposite of what I've taught you."
"Still, I want you to tell me."
My father was often silent.
Eventually he spoke out as if he had decided to.
"We are the best at getting the job done without being noticed. If the enemy notices you, you better run than fight. That way, I won't give you this information, and I'll bring back the information I got along the way. In other words, it's the fools who fight in enemy land."
"But even Dad, you have to fight."
"Right. Still the way we fight is together. End it before they know what it is. I taught you how to do that."
A blow from the blind spot is no different.
I learned the Dark Knife for that. [M]
When you have to fight, a blow is special.
It is desirable to turn off the witnesses as well, if possible.
If the ability is known, it will be dealt with, and it's definitely information to hide, such as its range of effects and the magnitude of its power.
I learned magic by consulting my father. [M]
But right now, what I asked my father for was a way to fight from the front and win.
I can't argue with being told the opposite of what I've done so far. [M]
"The best way to fight that is with the martial artists and the martial arts who once existed. He said he fought one-on-one by raising his name."
"It is the family of the kingdom that draws its currents."
Wu Guo perished, and some of the martial artists gained a place of peace in Tsukuba.
The clans, who craved strong blood, welcomed martial artists into their bodies, in their present form.
There are many people in the moving-country who have excelled in swords, spears, and martial arts for such reasons.
By the way, "Blood Smoke," "Blood Splash" brothers and sisters, etc. would be the most of them.
He is also excellent in such blood muscles, he has been in a sword gripping environment since childhood, and he thinks that he can fight and win directly from the front with those who have worked hard.
"On the other hand, what you've been aiming for is close to the way the Curse Nation does"
"I know that, but I really have to do it."
The spellman has excellent physical skills, and not only that, he also uses moves close to the magic by drawing curses on his body.
In one body, a fusion of physical surgery and witchcraft is made.
Therefore, as long as the environment is in place, the Spellman exerts close power to omnipotence, but is vulnerable to attacks directly from the front.
Same with me.
If you're in the dark, you won't be late, and if they don't notice, you can do anything.
However, there have been many struggles in the last two years.
All of them, when they're relative from the front.
I want to get rid of my bad at this special training, not grow my expertise.
"I hear it's a short time, but let's do what we can"
"Thank you, Dad."
That night.
After everyone had fallen asleep, my father and I left town and went into the woods nearby.
"When I was little, they made me do special training here"
It's a place I don't want to remember more than I miss.
"A move to fight and destroy a powerful enemy directly from the front is not something you will acquire overnight either. But I will help you. I'll teach you how to assume a martial artist, so sublime yourself."
"Okay. It's a mock fight."
My father and I fought each other on terms that did not use magic.
Only a wooden knife is available, but you can use whatever is around you.
If you weave your body surgery and overwhelm your opponent, you win. That's the rule.
Make it swordsmanship. Make it physical. I'm no match for my father.
Hence I really hung it. For two years, I have managed to take shape because of my many real-life battles.
He was extraordinarily strong compared to when I was thirteen or four years old, when I inherited Shadow from my father.
Almost enough to fight each other......
"Is that it?"
"What's up?
"Also, one more time"
"We'll do it as many times as we want."
But I can't win.
Almost there, but I can't fill that little bit.
My father made me feel stronger about losing, and while I was twisting my neck, my record of defeat crossed ten.
"Wait a minute, Dad. Something's wrong."
That's weird.
We can fight each other. That's for sure.
It also feels like we could win. But the result keeps losing.
It wasn't weird to win two or three in anticipation.
"You were confident you could take about one in three, weren't you?
Absolutely right.
"And you can't win even though you seem to win. You feel uncomfortable in the middle of a fight."
Wouldn't they be reading my mind?
"You're seeded here once. Think about it. No one fights without a chance, no matter what kind of opponent. If he was there, he'd be a big idiot."
"Its a win...... in this case its a prediction of the overall strength of the opponent, is that really correct?
"What do you mean?
"I thought this would win that prediction. Are you sure it's right, it's not a strict measurement?
"That's true... compared to the people I've fought with so far, or judging by my strength, you know more or less... that? Could it have been Dad out of hand?
"I'm not out of my hands. Instead, I devised ways to make them look weak."
He misled his strength by deliberately losing his gaze, wrist movements, how to take the center of gravity, if he waved a wooden knife, its speed, its orbit, and some of those qualities.
"I don't think I'm gonna get caught up in that."
Doesn't that mean you're finally hiding your strength?
"The more skilled one thinks so. 'I'm sure of my eyes'. That's why it only works for really strong opponents. We'll try some more."
Then again, the mock fight with my father continued, and the condition continued that he seemed to win, but not.
Again, based on the feeling of fighting, that is, the strength I felt, there must have been occasions when I could have won, but the result was total defeat.
Same as before. Is this what your father thinks of this discomfort as' my eyes are sure '?
"This seems to be a move used by an old martial artist, and things were just things, and never seemed to be publicly inherited. It's for the entertainment match."
Once present in the southeast of the dragon kingdom, Wu Guo was a powerful society with the king as its apex.
Still, there were houses called martial arts houses that produced many outstanding martial arts artists.
This seems to have started with the martial artists in the field 'making themselves look weak so they don't find out' in a game they shouldn't win.
The martial artists, who were making their strength look low with this move for the 'entertainment match', can't contain their desire to win and win.
Even if there are martial artists out there who have lost a 90-9 minute winnable game, I think that happens to be and it was just bad luck.
Those who win also just happen to have a win rolling in, and everyone believes if they say they can't win next time.
That's how the moves for the "entertainment match" were handed down to the martial artists in the field without being on the table.
"The only remaining descendants of Wu Guo are his martial family. There are many in the upper echelons of Dragon Country and Moving Country, and you won't know these moves. This is a move when entertaining someone who is weaker than you, but it also works for someone who is stronger. Make it look weak and reassuring, put in a blow with a flash of gaps. That's just the moves, but remember, there's no harm in it."
I thought it was a lot of backwards moves when I heard the story, but when I got hit, I could see the scare.
It's a game you can win, but you can't win. Once or so, even I happen to lose because of overlapping bad luck.
A move where the opponent thinks the odds of winning are no longer Ate.
I'd love to remember it while I'm here.