If you are fighting a strong enemy directly from the front, they taught you how to fight while making you feel weak.
From the edge, it's a pretty backward way. But if it's a life-threatening battle, it's good again.
I understand your father's teachings, but it's hard to fight them in action.
It's the liver of this move that makes you "misidentify" your strength, but it's hard to understand how it drives your senses crazy.
"You taught me how to tail you before. Remember that."
"Eh, you make it less noticeable by turning off the signs first, or blending yourself in around. I thought if the target moved, I'd follow the trail so they wouldn't be distracted."
"What was your gait then?
"Oh, sometimes you're being watched from the outside, so you deflect your gait and your breathing,"
Be careful when erasing signs and tailing them to avoid being noticed by the person.
In addition, because people may be watching if the tail is not followed, measures will also be necessary.
Specifically, make the watchman think, "You don't have a tail, okay".
This is surprisingly difficult, and if you stare at the target audience, you'll soon find out.
Also, if you pay too much attention, you walk "at the same pace" as the subject. And unconsciously.
From the outside, I can't believe the target audience and tail followers are in a clean stride like an army march.
Now you will find out no matter how much you pretend not to.
Because this does not happen, it is necessary to deliberately deviate from the subject's breathing and gait.
If the stride is not changed at that time, it will be distant or overtaken, so when the target walks twenty steps, it feels like the tailer will be at the same distance in twenty one steps.
"Walkthrough and breathing go with nature. I should have taught you how to deflect from being distracted. Be aware of that."
"Yeah. I kind of figured it out."
When you come to a meeting with ten or twenty in a battle with the sword, the rhythm can come
When that rhythm fits, it can be efficiently defended.
Unless you have such a diverse array of moves, the timing of the attack can be predicted from experience to date.
When you take it, it suits you naturally. This also becomes an unconscious task.
"You're on offense next. There are a few moves to take down the opponent directly in front of you, but the best fit for this is...... you'd rather fight in action than explain. We'll have a little meeting."
Restart mock warfare with your father.
When it feels like a meeting, it still feels a little weak. If we keep pushing in like this, we can win, right? That's what I think.
Of course that's misidentified. It's weird because I feel like if I even put out a special attack here, I'm going to decide on clams.
What do you think, for a moment, my father made a gap. Strike in quickly.
My wooden knife hit my father's head in a good way...
"... that?
I thought, for some reason, I had a knife stuck in my throat.
What's this all about?
"How'd it go?
"I don't know why."
I just don't know what that is. I thought I hit... But I was losing.
"Ninety percent, nine minutes. You're sure you won."
"But you lost."
"Yeah. Why?
"This is one of the moves of a martial artist." Kasumi (Blur) "is a name, but it's finally that combination of dark vessels and that earlier misleading move. It's compatible with the first one I taught, so I'll teach you this as an offense."
"I don't know how I lost for now,"
"It's hard to explain, so I'll take my time to recreate the last one."
My father slashes me and I take it.
At that time, my father's wooden knife slipped to the side, so it felt like I didn't miss the gap.
I think Dad's wooden knife slipped to the side because it gave him too much momentum when attacking.
Naturally, my wooden knife arrives late and before my father puts the wooden knife over his head... I was sure of the victory here.
"From the cuffs?
I shook it down my father's head.
My father's wooden knife won't make it. I'm only back to my chest yet.
That's when he pulled the knife out of his left cuff and poked me in the throat in one motion.
That's the way it is.
"From previous experience, you felt like you wouldn't be able to take it with a wooden knife in time"
"I can't actually make it, but I can get it back to my chest. And the closest you can get from here to the other person's throat. Furthermore, the opponent's gaze is concentrated overhead. I don't care what you're doing on your chest."
"I just didn't see it."
I was paying attention to whether my wooden knife would arrive first, and I was sure of the victory when I found out it would arrive first.
"That's more or less what the thoughts of those who are convinced of a 90-90 minute victory are. It's" Kasumi "that pokes at it. That's a tough plan for a martial artist. When I get used to it, I take half a step and just give it back my wrist and stick it down my throat."
There are moves ahead, but they're like the best.
"You'll be halfway through teaching me a lot, and try to master these two completely"
"Okay. Thank you, sir."
"All right, repeat."
Then, after more than ten wars, my father's "Xia" was finally to be seen.
It's going to break my bones to master this.
During the break, I asked my father what had happened recently.
"The letter says the Moon Warcraft has come to town several times."
That's what the letter that arrived at the dorm said.
Many dragon jockeys reside in the town of Saul, so it was said that they never got into the whole town, but how was it actually?
"It's when the turning heavens are over. That was a lot of numbers, so I kept it down moderately. I never got into town, and as far as I know, there's no dead people out there."
"I've reduced it."
I knew Dad could defeat the Moon Warcraft alone.
"This was my first Moon Warcraft battle, but I also thought about the future and developed a new demon. It feels like you've actually used it."
"What kind?
My father is an awesome (shadow) man called "Reaper," but when he was in the Devil's Country, he was called "The Colorless Shield". Literally, put out a transparent shield.
I can tell when you do a mock fight, but your father's magic trick is nasty.
If you notice, they're holding you down by a shield, and when they put you under your feet or around your abdomen when you're fighting, you're in considerable trouble.
I thought it was mature enough magic, but I still developed a new one.
I don't think I've had enough.
"I built a shield that I could hold with one hand, but I tried to shape it like a leaf of a tree. pointing its edge."
That's what Dad demonstrated for me, but of course I can't see it because it's transparent.
I have it in both hands, so it is a two-shield flow that is not duplicitous.
Waving cut the nearby rock. That's how sharp the edges seem.
Or cut a rock with a shield?
"Maybe now you've slashed the Moon Warcraft?
"You're a bastard where you rolled over with your stoop"
Shake your hands once and for all. Then two nearby trees fell.
The incision is as smooth as it was cut with a sharp blade.
"Big species don't take long to drop their necks. Better not fight that one."
"By that I mean, did you knock him down?
"Just the hell. That's too big for people to defeat."
"But I knocked him out..."
I once thought that maybe my father would defeat a large species, but he really did...
In a way, the current story may be the most shocking.
"All right, break's over, let's call it magician control."
Finally, it's basilisk control.