The journey from the town of Saul to the path of the Shady Moon is long.
Meanwhile, fly slowly.
Why are you in such a hurry?
I heard suspicious voices. I guess I'm dissatisfied.
"I haven't flown around here in a while. I just want to make sure it's all right."
What I heard when I was in Wang Du.
The Moon Warcraft appeared all over the place during the roundabout, and the dragon jockey's response was delayed, apparently.
A story Linda was saying recently.
With all his hands full of damage to the town, he didn't realize the Moon Warcraft had descended, and some of the villages seemed to have been attacked.
The dragon jockeys continued their patrol by cutting off their sleep every day.
Still, there were not enough dragon jockeys to cover all of the dragon kingdom.
We can only deal with it as far as we can.
I couldn't get zero damage. I know that, too.
Then at least I wanted to see with this eye what the damage was like.
In fact, fly along the streets and you'll know better.
Some of the towns and villages had traces of raids that apparently seemed to be due to the Moon Warcraft.
I also feel like I will be treated like a hero in Wang Du.
If you know that you can defeat any moon warcraft just by having one sharazard in your daily frightened life when you might be attacked, then you also want to admire it.
"How many heroes do I have to say?"
I guess that's why I needed to exist as a symbol.
I found another destroyed village.
I'm really biased in defense.
Especially in a sparsely populated area, the patrol of dragon jockeys is reduced and notices are delayed.
"That's terrible."
Charazard seemed concerned, too.
"You're half-baked. I wonder if the village... has given up."
I didn't see people.
Moon Warcraft has the habit of heading where people are.
There is no such thing as a villager. I guess I gave up early.
Considering that there are a number of these places in Dragon Domestic, it makes me feel heavier.
"Shalazad, we're based in the town of Crousert, so we're headed straight north. However, I think there will be a battle along the way as we cross the path of the Shadow Moon"
"I got it!
The deviation of the path of the yin moon to the north led to a massive repositioning of dragon jockeys.
We are now going to concentrate dragon jockeys in the towns of Urs and Hewler, as well as in the town of Crousert, and operate them for a while.
"... I'm hungry"
"You just ate it!
What are you talking about?
With massive amounts of food fed all the way to heal his injuries, Sharazard seems to have gotten used to the environment of "eating as much as he wants when he wants to".
When I tried to get into the sharazard, I discovered that there was extra meat around my neck.
That's extra meat, no matter what you think. I used to be a little bit sharper around my neck, but now I'm tapped.
"But to give my strength, do I have to eat it?
What is that weak statement?
"You know, if you eat too much, your body gets heavy and you can't move, right? Then you won't be able to hunt the Moon Warcraft."
"Mm. It's Trouble"
"Then we'll put up with the prescribed number of days. I'm just not exercising enough to heal my injuries right now, so no additions!
I don't seem convinced, but I just need you to protect me there.
Incidentally, a number of dragons, including myself, who are not members of the military, participate in the Moon Warcraft hunt.
The cost of food for the dragons, the so-called Shana cow, is borne by the patrons.
However, in the event of injury caused by combat or excessive movement and extra food, it is to be borne by the State at its actual cost.
In the case of Shalazad, I eat ten Shana cows a month because I usually travel long distances and fight quite a bit.
If you eat thirteen Shana cattle this month for hunting triplets from today, the additional triplets will be borne by the state.
Fine, but I think it's important around here.
And the rotation of battle.
I will operate around the town of Crousert, but will be placed in a number of locations around it.
They fight for a while and move to the next location.
This is with us in other towns, and we will all be treated the same except for dragon jockeys who are getting special assignments.
Now, a damage investigation is being carried out by dragon jockeys, and dragons from the investigation are being dispatched to the Tengu Mountains, the Devil Country, and the North Ridge Zone.
It has nothing to do with me, but the dragon jockeys in the military will be able to emerge soon, depending on how they work during a major transition.
They're going to motivate you, but how are we going to get you to accumulate results?
Or is a situation more eye-catching than other dragon jockeys, one step ahead of death?
I was born because I wasn't lucky enough to die, I fear it will be like that.
"... I think it's time"
The streets disappeared and we saw natural barriers due to plantations.
The plantation zone was deliberately created by Dragon Nation.
Dragon kingdom has spent decades or hundreds of years taking such measures to stop Moon Warcraft legs and keep them away from their inhabited areas.
"I saw that one, which means the path of the yin moon is close."
"All right, my arm's gonna beep."
"We're not fighting today. 'Cause I'm just going to a nearby lodging."
I flew slowly, so it's already dark. That's it for today.
I found accommodation for dragon jockeys and went down there. [M]
Thank you for your hard work.
As soon as I got off, I was labored.
I entrust Shalazad to the dragon attendant, and I write and submit the records upon arrival.
Those who were on patrol in the meantime were continuously returning.
It's a good opportunity, so I decided to gather some information.
"Is this Ursus town jurisdiction?"
"Yes, I was supposed to focus around here, but lately there are many Moon Warcraft flowing from the Devil's Kingdom border, and I'm breaking most of my power there."
Looks like things are getting thinner around here.
"What's going on across the border?
"It's just so devastating that we're heading across the border to investigate. According to those who have gone quite far, the place where they used to live doesn't look like a person right now."
They say the village and others are mushroomed.
If you were attacked by the Moon Warcraft, you can tell right from the outside, but because of its absence, it is believed that you voluntarily abandoned the village before the Moon Warcraft raid?
"Did you voluntarily abandon the village where you lived…? That's a little strange."
"Yes, my boss seems to be having trouble not being able to read the Devil Nation's movements"
"Thanks for the info. I'm heading north, so I'll keep my mouth shut."
The northern town I'm headed to is also bordered by the demon kingdom.
If it's like the town of Urs, you have a lot to think about.
The town of Hewler, by the way, has a barn zone in the dragon country in the southeast.
A significant number of dragon jockeys have also been dispatched here, as expectations have arisen that the northern part of the town of Hewler will be available as the path of the Yin Moon travels north.
Conversely, the town of Crousert is less important in defense because it will be swallowed up by the path of the Yin Moon in a year or two as it is.
"... for that matter, every day I chase, the battle will be harsh"
The Moon Warcraft will descend just outside the town.
For Shalazad that would be a wish or a fulfillment, but there is going to be a constant battle until we abandon the town.